Rethink your Gambit nerf.

whitecat31 Posts: 579 Critical Contributor

I understand that Gambit needs to be nerfed, because he is the best. At the same time, do some metrics and listen to your player base. 

The player base just wanted you to get rid of the AP destruction. By the way, this was something you guys added after the first nerf of Gambit.

What you did was took out the AP destruction. Check. This was one of his most powerful abilities.

Ruined part of his utility with the purple tiles. Ok we understand, but brutal. Check. He is no longer top tier. 

Reduced his AP creation by at least 33%. Ugh.. But ok. Middle tier but good synergy with Black Bolt still.

Destroyed his overall damage per turn ability with red damage reduction and cost raising.  OMG.  He is now garbage.

I am guessing your team should at least rethink the damage per turn, in fact you guys should never have touched his red at all.

Because, I don't think you guys understand what is DPS and how it translates to the game into damage per turn.

Basically, Gambits damage output that he would get you has been more than halved per turn. 

So how about instead of turning him to useless garbage, perhaps do your removal of the AP destruction, keep the change to his purple. You can even do that **** repeater tile stuff, but don't touch his red, and how about give a little caveat to players and make red and purple abilities of other characters useful with gambit so he retains a little utility.  

Otherwise Gambit will just be another useless character. Also don't expect your usage metrics to be accurate, because you guys are begging players to keep gambit, by promising us a legendary token if we play him after the nerf.


  • axmoss
    axmoss Posts: 230 Tile Toppler
    edited June 2018
    When they first "nerfed" him, d3 stated that gambit was one of the most requested characters. After the update, he'll be the 2nd least used 5star, after banner.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not sure we needed another thread about this. I don't think anyone at Demi or D3 thinks its all fist pumps and high fives over here.
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,292 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2018
    My feedback for them is that they just lost a player who spent money on the game.  I am not uninstalling the game but I won't support it with cash anymore.  As with any company, the only way you can actually influence them is with your wallet. 
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2018

    36 pages of discussion on Gambit... I see lots of suggestion on how to nerf gambits. The yeah and nay for nerfing Gambit. The devs actually did what some players suggested. 

    They released counters to Gambit: AA, Cap(IW)). It doesn't work because the vets are usually interested in only:

    1) high damage ability
    2) ap/damage
    3) support ability that boost damage or ap
    4) doesn't require setup time to down opponent or in another words, direct damage.

    Both of them doesn't fit into the "mold" of what the vets wanted. 

    I won't be surprised if the devs took all those arguments and separate it into two columns:

    1) why should x power be nerfed? 
    2) why shouldn't x power be nerfed?

    Lastly, if x power should be nerfed, what are some ways it could be nerfed?

    It's players against players now. Balancing any part of the game will never satisfy all players. Some win and some lose.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2018

    They released counters to Gambit: AA, Cap(IW)). It doesn't work because the vets are usually interested in only:

    1) high damage ability
    2) ap/damage
    3) support ability that boost damage or ap
    4) doesn't require setup time to down opponent or in another words, direct damage.

    It didn't work because to fire those abilities you needed AP - which Gambit drained from turn 1.

    Also they were CD tiles - which Gambit overwrites.

    So please, don't speak for vets.

  • greenglove
    greenglove Posts: 111 Tile Toppler
    No doubt the devs felt that only a drastic nerfbat would fix the problem of his being on every team. If you only take away his AP steal, then everyone would still use him. With this nerf, I agree that it is too much, and they haven’t even decided to get rid of the purple/red power block for teammates. At least they could do that! I also firmly agree that the red did not need to be touched at all. His damage on red will be worse than some 4*’s, which doesn’t seem right at all. I agree that more than AP steal needed to be nerfed. But not this much. 
  • AlexR
    AlexR Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    I like how "one of the most requested characters" now has both his versions gutted and nerfed into the ground,

    (*Disclaimer-- I'm not in 5* land and therefore have no opinion on the predominance of 5* Gambit, nor his effectiveness. But it was sad to see 3* Gambit gutted to the point where he's one of the worst 3stars, and it's almost amusing to see 5* Gambit join him now in Severe-Nerf-land.)

  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,292 Chairperson of the Boards
    It really is just poor judgement.  Very few people are actually saying he didn't need a nerf.  The uproar is that he has been nerfed towards the bottom of the 5* tier now.  He could have still been nerfed and left as one of the better 5* but as usual when it comes to nerfs, the devs nerf was poorly done.
  • abmoraz
    abmoraz Posts: 712 Critical Contributor
    Alternative nerfings (pick as many as you like):

    - Red: same cost and damage, but does not generate AP
    - Purple: Randomly places the countdown tiles, rather than prioritizing enemy special tiles.
    - Purple: Max of 2 countdowns, but the player can choose the placement.  More power levels = more types of tiles that can be over-written (level 1 = basic colored; 2 = team-up; 3 = protect; 4 = strike; 5 = any
    - Black: remove the AP destruction
    - Black: remove the AP generation, instead create charged tiles (number created and max charged increases based on power level)
    - Black: Enemies that match charged tiles take damage (i.e.: he charge the tile as a bomb)
  • JSP869
    JSP869 Posts: 820 Critical Contributor
    To me this nerf feels like the development team went to Management with a list of proposed changes, and the Big Boss looked them over and said, "Sounds good. Do it."

    The development team looked at each other then one soul, a little braver than the rest, spoke up. " Um...which...which one?"

    And the Big Boss said, "Which one? All of them, of course! Now get back to work!"

    In my opinion any 2 of the proposed changes would have been accepted by the player base as fair, or 3 changes but with the removal of his red/purple blocking passive. Changes like that would have reigned him in while still leaving him usable. But it doesn't appear there was any attempt to actually finetune him, just total annihilation. 
  • whitecat31
    whitecat31 Posts: 579 Critical Contributor
    Update although your changes to Gambit were not as drastic as a complete beat down, he is no longer first or second tier,  he is only needed for PVE when he is essential, which means I have sold him.  On that note, thank you for not making the sell a horrible bitter pill of low value.  
  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,369 Chairperson of the Boards
    I really think his 'block team red/purple powers' restriction should be lifted. As a proud owner of a 4/2/2 Gambit, his passive is so uselessly slow now, that it's practically a handicap. Even at 5 covers it's questionable at best (3 red+3purple if the tile doesn't get matched in 2 turns), but with 2 black covers that is lowered to '2 purple, 1 red'.

    I usually run (ran?) my Gambit with Black Bolt for the DDQ 3* required match and sometimes for TBE. But I've seen that his repeater tile is matched frequently, making it even more useless. Fortification would help some, too.

    Or how about change it to spread to 2 independent tiles: "(Passive) If any of these tiles don't exist, create a 2-turn countdown tile generating X red AP and a 2-turn countdown tile generating Y purple AP.". You could even make it conditional like Wasp's passive 'if you have at least 6 black AP...' and lower the countdown to 1. Or fortify the tile if you have at least 10 black AP.