Ultron and his thugs: what's your strategy?



  • Bubba3210
    Bubba3210 Posts: 248 Tile Toppler
    Vulture, gsbw and im40 are an awesome group. Vulture and im40 give gsbw red and green. Im40 gives purple and blue for the others. Total board control especially when she is at 4/4/5 as listed above by @sambrookjm.
  • Polly_P1
    Polly_P1 Posts: 99 Match Maker
    4 deadpool is fun. His purple countdown for what is cheap and ultron destroys the countdown when he clears a row. 
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dormammu said:
    America Chavez is the best anti-Ultron boss ever.  He doesn't get AP when his rows blow up, so you'll be generating critical tiles almost immediately.
    Yeah, I've been running Chavez with Jessica Jones, throwing in MEHulk just to add to the chaos. If Chavez' criticals don't do the trick, Jessica just takes his picture.
    I would have thought that MEHulk would be more trouble than he's worth, with moving bomb tiles closer to the bottom.  True, he *could* move them higher up, but Murphy's Law says he's way more likely to bring them down.
    It's mostly for his grand entrance and getting the jump on AP totals for Chavez. Once she's making crits, JJ's match damage does most of the work. MEH can make things interesting though with his tile swapping, which can move bomb tiles. Mostly he just adds to the board chaos along with crits appearing and popping off. With JJ's Damning Evidence hitting every other turn, Ultron has yet to live long enough to see a bomb hit the floor.

    It's a really fast team.
  • Jarvis_Jackrabbit
    Jarvis_Jackrabbit Posts: 78 Match Maker
    Side nodes:
    Hawkguy all the live long day with either Medusa, MEHulk, or Bulls3ye.

    C4rol, De4dpool, and C&D have won every match for me well into round 8. At this point the most reliable course of action is to try to get Carol's black fired at least once, then let her eat a bomb so XFDP can swoop in and finish off Ultron.
    Best case scenario with Clagger feeding black to Carol is that you can fire off her black twice and have enough yellow to pop both countdowns, downing Ultron without losing any members of the team. The fact that there's a reliable fall-back plan, however, is what I like about these three.
    In addition, arrange these three so XFDP will be the last character on your team if two consecutive bombs drop. He will certainly end the fight if he can get off his black passive for both downed teammates if you were able to get some strikes on the board.
  • heybub
    heybub Posts: 293 Mover and Shaker
    I started using HB, C4clops, and Big Pun.  Cyclops blue generates HB Red, which has been knocking Ultron out.  Big Pun is just there for ins: Since HB and Cyclops cover black & Blue, he should survive and be the last man standing, then hit Ultron up with green and black.
  • DanielleL
    DanielleL Posts: 119 Tile Toppler
    IM40, GSBW and SW are still a really good combo. Lots of AP generation between IM40's Recharge, SW's Arcane Incantation and GSBW's Deceptive Tactics.
    Also lots of board control with GSBW's Sniper Rifle and Pistol, as well as SW's Arcane Incantation in a lesser degree (more of a shake-up than real board control, but still).
    I needed to use a new team for Ultron because he became too powerful for the ones I was using. Was hoping I'd find a team on the forum I could copy. Most of you mention teams with characters I don't have or I do have but are still weak. This was one I could actually try since they have a decent amount of covers each (9, 12, and 7 respectively) and are boosted. It worked well. Hopefully it'll continue to do so for the rest of the event.
  • Steel_Colt
    Steel_Colt Posts: 277 Mover and Shaker
    DanielleL said:
    IM40, GSBW and SW are still a really good combo. Lots of AP generation between IM40's Recharge, SW's Arcane Incantation and GSBW's Deceptive Tactics.
    Also lots of board control with GSBW's Sniper Rifle and Pistol, as well as SW's Arcane Incantation in a lesser degree (more of a shake-up than real board control, but still).
    I needed to use a new team for Ultron because he became too powerful for the ones I was using. Was hoping I'd find a team on the forum I could copy. Most of you mention teams with characters I don't have or I do have but are still weak. This was one I could actually try since they have a decent amount of covers each (9, 12, and 7 respectively) and are boosted. It worked well. Hopefully it'll continue to do so for the rest of the event.

    Nice to hear this team works for you! Good luck beating Ultron!
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I used another team: Patch, SW and Kamala. Surprisingly, it works pretty well. Use Patch's Green, then Kamala's Purple to create Green, then Patch's Green again. The cascade would create a couple cascades in the earlier round.
  • AlexNapalm
    AlexNapalm Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
    Been using Jessica Jones, lvl 70 Valkyrie with 5 black covers and 3* Black Widow. Widow's just there in case the bombs get too low but with all the red you get from Bounty Hunter, JJ usually ends the fight super quick. Easy peasy.
  • Heartbreaksoup
    Heartbreaksoup Posts: 356 Mover and Shaker
    I had previously been using Scarlet Witch, 3* Iron Fist, and 4* Ghost Rider, hoping to make enough black and letting one of them - sometimes both by round 7 - get sacrificed for Ghost Rider to do his Penance Stare and finish him.

    But thanks to this thread, wow.  America, IM40, and GSBW, now that's the team.  My America is still comparatively very weak - level 90 - against the other two, who are champed, but I was finishing Ultron in round 8 after suffering just a couple of hundred points, tops, in total damage.  I wasn't finishing *quickly*, I'll grant you, but having the option of either using BW's pistols to shoot out three bombs or using IM's Unibeam to dole out almost 10k damage if there weren't any bombs on the board is a great option to have.
  • gmtosca
    gmtosca Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    C4rol, Coulson & America worked for me vs Ultron most of the time.  America's crits pack a punch, Coulson would match away some of the bomb tiles and his countdowns buff up my tiles via Carol.  With enough buffed-up tiles, one or two Barrages can put down Ultron.
  • DanielleL
    DanielleL Posts: 119 Tile Toppler
    DanielleL said:
    IM40, GSBW and SW are still a really good combo. Lots of AP generation between IM40's Recharge, SW's Arcane Incantation and GSBW's Deceptive Tactics.
    Also lots of board control with GSBW's Sniper Rifle and Pistol, as well as SW's Arcane Incantation in a lesser degree (more of a shake-up than real board control, but still).
    I needed to use a new team for Ultron because he became too powerful for the ones I was using. Was hoping I'd find a team on the forum I could copy. Most of you mention teams with characters I don't have or I do have but are still weak. This was one I could actually try since they have a decent amount of covers each (9, 12, and 7 respectively) and are boosted. It worked well. Hopefully it'll continue to do so for the rest of the event.

    Nice to hear this team works for you! Good luck beating Ultron!
    There were a few times where I had no matches to get rid of the bombs and/or gain AP where I lost or at least had one person knocked out (their health was low enough where they were out with one bomb hit). However, those were bad board luck that likely would've had the same result no matter who I was using so I wouldn't blame them on the team. For the most part this team worked great and I was able to get all the individual progression rewards. :D
  • Sim Mayor
    Sim Mayor Posts: 309 Mover and Shaker
    As for good teams, 5* Thanos can be pretty useful.  His purple won't stop Ultron from creating bomb tiles, but it will stop him from destroying rows.  This can give you time to deal with the board or prepare an attack that will finish him off.
    Really? I feel like that's not correct, considering that's the strategy I was using late in the game: I fired off Thanos' purple, and not only were no rows destroyed, but no more bombs were made. Then I had a few turns to pick off bombs and generate more purple to do it again.

    I felt pretty spiffy for figuring that one out, so I'm gonna be upset if I find out it wasn't working and I actually lost all those matches! ;)