Teferi, Hero of Dominaria 
(At Level 60)

| +4

| -2

| +1

| +2
102 HP
Creatures: 6 | Supports: 6 | Spells: 7
Ability 1: Spiraling Time - Cost 9
Level 1 - Return target creature that costs 8 or less to your opponent's hand.
Level 2 - Return target creature that costs
12 or less to your opponent's hand.
Level 3 - Return target creature that costs 12 or less to your opponent's hand,
and increase its cost by 3.Level 4 - Return target creature that costs 12 or less to your opponent's hand, and increase its cost by
5.Ability 2: Sight of the Future - Cost 15
Level 1 - Draw 2 cards.
Level 2 - Draw 2 cards
and gain 1 extra swaps.Level 3 - Draw
3 cards and gain 1 extra swaps.
Level 4 - Draw
4 cards and gain 1 extra swaps
Ability 3: Plane in Chaos - Cost 21
Level 1 - Create a Minor Zhalfir's Fate Token.
Level 2 - Create a
Zhalfir's Fate Token.
Level 3 - Create a
Improved Zhalfir's Fate Token.
Level 4 - Create a
Major Zhalfir's Fate Token.
Zhalfir's Fate TokenLevel 1 - [2 Shield] Whenever you draw a card, your opponent loses a reinforcement. If they can't, they exile a creature.
Level 2 - [
3 Shield] Whenever you...
Level 3 - ...exile a creature.
If they can't, exile a Support.Level 4 - ...exile a Support.
If they can't, increase the cost of cards in their hand by 1.