4* DDQ: Ghost Rider vs. Galactus

DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
This was a breeze for my 3/5/5 Level 278 Johnny Blaze. A lot of my alliance members are saying this just might be the easiest Crash, so long as you can manage the Galactus CDs. I do remember being a little surprised I beat it last run with a level 115 GR, with very few Penance Stare covers. 

It helps that Galactus doesn't move tiles. If you can get your red fired and generating attack tiles every turn, you'll cheapen your green and chip away at his health each turn. That's basically what I did, then fired a Penance Stare to finish him off. 

I finished first try, no boosts, with 14053 health left. Token to the hoard for right before Archangel leaves. 

If you're undercovered or underleveled, it might help to start with a +2 to your red and a +2 All AP to get that repeater up so attack tiles can start chipping away at Galactus' health. And like I said earlier, that will also have the benefit of making your green attack cheaper. Try to get enough black to have a Penance Stare ready to finish him off, or fire as a last ditch measure if you're about to go down. 


  • thechairman
    thechairman Posts: 123 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2018
    I remember buying the black HfH last time around to push me over the edge on this one. This time with a lvl 152 2/5/5 GR it was a breeze. I'm guessing the level of success here will be very dependent on one's ratio of health to penance stare damage percentage.

    Blue Kraven to 3/4/3
  • AlexNapalm
    AlexNapalm Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
    Easy time with lvl 200 3/4/4 GR. Token to the hoard. 
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    I bought the H4H offer, since I had a red Ghost Rider cover on the vine.  After bringing Ghost Rider up to level 271, I finished this pretty easily purely with his red and green powers.  I didn't manage to collect enough black to use Penance Stare before the end of the match.
  • Tee
    Tee Posts: 231 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2018
    It's thankful that Galactus seems to be the level 1 version. If those countdown tiles were lower or did just a bit more damage, this could have been a much harder fight. But he isn't so it wasn't. It really is one of the easiest with any 'okay' levels in Johnny.
    I think the entire purpose of this fight is so that Johnny can Penance Stare Galactus. And that's just fantastic.
    Thankfully Hellfire and Burning Rubber are also good abilities that can deal consistent damage.

    Ghostrider Level 192: 3/5/1
    4k~ health finish but never a risk of dying anytime soon.
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    209 4/4/5 got it first try with no problems. Fired Red followed by Green, waited a few turns until I had under half health, then Black killed him.

    LT gave me a Blue ArchAngel  :(
  • TheHungryPet
    TheHungryPet Posts: 229 Tile Toppler
    147 2/2/3 got it first try. Lucked into a black match-4 cascade towards the end of the match, double penance stare did the trick.

    Token to the hoard, I like JJ but not going to pull until AA and GR leave latest.
  • AlwaysWrong
    AlwaysWrong Posts: 67 Match Maker
    I thought my lvl 111 2/2/1 Ghost Rider Motorcycle Hero He's Screaming The Truth would be no match for a crash without 5 penance stare covers, but reading the thread here gave me confidence, and sure enough went in with some damage boosts and took ol' world eater down first try. Thanks everyone!

    Token to the hoard (of 2 tokens).
  • jtsings
    jtsings Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    edited April 2018
    If you're undercovered or underleveled, it might help to start with a +2 to your red and a +2 All AP to get that repeater up so attack tiles can start chipping away at Galactus' health. And like I said earlier, that will also have the benefit of making your green attack cheaper. Try to get enough black to have a Penance Stare ready to finish him off, or fire as a last ditch measure if you're about to go down. 
       Was going to skip trying this one but I decided to boost GR up to 111 at 1/3/0 (+2 red, +2 all ap, 100% match damage) and give it a go.  Awesome suggestion above and it certainly helped but this one came down to his countdown tiles being made mostly matchable.  I started up with the board giving me an impressive match 5 green and was able to get red out almost immediately.  Unfortunately, one of his cascades took out my red repeater tile but I had got enough attack tiles to widdle his health down.  A few more fires of green and one final red and he was down for the count.  Definitely work on getting the countdowns first and if you can match most of them this one can definitely be won with a little luck and good strategy for a low level GR.

        And ironies of all ironies the Legendary token gave me my first GR 5* cover. 
  • gmtosca
    gmtosca Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    125 3/2/3 Ghost Rider.  Even boosted for match damage, I could only win on the 3rd attempt.  I really don't know how I won but I'm sure glad I did lol

    To the hoard.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    4/2/4 Lvl209, first try. I was a bit worried at first, because I misremembered how Galactus worked, and thought he didn't do any damage until he fired his black, which would have completely invalidated Penance Stare. As-is, tho, I was able to gradually build up Attack tiles and collect black until I had enough for Penance Stare when we were both at around 1/3 health remaining, at which point, it dropped him easily.

    Token waiting for AA to leave.
  • iron-n-wine
    iron-n-wine Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
    First go with my 3/3/2 lvl 168 Ghost Rider, whittled Galactus down with red and green until his health was low enough (and I had taken enough damage) to finish off with the Penance Stare

    Token was a green Archangel - now 0/3/1
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    5/5/3 Level 150 Ghost Rider. Won on the first try and didn't even use GR's black. It was a black-scarce board but lots of green, so I fired that three times. I got lucky and was able to match away a lot of Galactus' countdown tiles.

    120th LT to the hoard.
  • BigSoftieFF
    BigSoftieFF Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker
    2/3/2 level 147 GR no boosts and one shorted him.....barely, I finished with 166 health left
  • Heartbreaksoup
    Heartbreaksoup Posts: 356 Mover and Shaker
    This one broke my heart.  My Rider is lvl 250 5/2/5 and I won easily, and got a blasted Main Event Hulk, possibly my least favorite 4* piece to play.  Ah, well.  Better luck on Saturday for the next Crash, right?
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    ...got a blasted Main Event Hulk, possibly my least favorite 4* piece to play...
    I thought MEHulk was total rubbish when he was released. I was really irritated by it because I thought maybe the developers had something against the Hulk the way they treated him in this game.

    But then I teamed him with Chavez and Mockingbird in the sim and discovered the most devastating team I've played in some time. Now I'm coming around. I think there's room for this Hulk at the 4-star tier. Hopefully some more teams involving him present themselves.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,593 Chairperson of the Boards
    Lvl 147 5/4/4 had no problems with Galactus, it was a decent board for once.