**** Jubilee (Uncanny X-Men) ****

Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
edited April 2018 in Character Details

Jubilee (Uncanny X-Men)

4-Star Rarity (Legendary)
Heroes, X-Men
yellowtilepng purpletilepng greentilepng

"Jubilation Lee discovered her mutant powers to create explosive blasts of light as a teen. Since then she's been hanging with the X-Men, going on missions and teaching them the joy of being young. 

With an upbeat personality and the ability to turn any battlefield into a colorful display with her fireworks, Jubilee is a firecracker to the core."

(Abilities listed at level 270)
Heart of the Team -  Passive  
Jubilee's bubbly personality and neverending optimism inspire her team to do their best. Whenever Jubilee makes a match, if she has less health than the target, deal 355 extra damage. If there are at least 5 Charged tiles on the board, this also applies to her allies.
(Editor's Note: Jubilee does not deal damage to her allies. Her allies receive the bonus match damage, if they also have less health than the enemy)
  • Level 2: ...deal 496 extra damage.
  • Level 3: ...deal 569 extra damage...at least 4 Charged tiles...
  • Level 4: ...deal 824 extra damage.
  • Level 5: ...deal 1,243 extra damage...at least 3 Charged tiles...
Light Show - 12 purpletilepng AP
Jubilee unleashes a dramatic fireworks display to blindside and confuse her opponents. Randomly changes the colors of the 3x3 blocks surrounding 2 chosen basic tiles, dealing 1,497 damage and stunning a random enemy for 1 turn(s).
  • Level 2: ...dealing 2,669 damage...
  • Level 3: ...for 1 turn(s), and another random enemy for 1 turn(s).
  • Level 4: ...dealing 3,842 damage...a random enemy for 2 turn(s)...
  • Level 5: ...dealing 6,385 damage and stunning 2 random enemies for 2 turns.
Roman Candle - 9 greentilepng AP 
Jubilee fires a volley of energy blasts at her enemies, disarming them. Creates 2 Charged tiles, replacing any enemy Strike, Protect, or Attack tiles. If there are at least 5 Charged tiles on the board, also deal 1,118 damage to the enemy team.
  • Level 2: ...also deal 1,352 damage...
  • Level 3: Creates 3 Charged tiles...
  • Level 4: ...also deal 2,074 damage...
  • Level 5: Creates 4 Charged tiles, replacing any enemy Strike, Protect, or Attack tiles, and deals 2,416 damage...
Check out Jubilee's Marvel article here: Jubilee (Uncanny X-Men)

What do you think is Jubilee's best build? Vote down below!

**** Jubilee (Uncanny X-Men) **** 13 votes

OzarkBoatswaincaldazar01 2 votes
whoamiKevmcgBlack Duke 3 votes
pillaroffaith23stochasticismPongiePunisher5784qandolsAnonNotBAMFgmtosca 8 votes


  • Rick_OShay
    Rick_OShay Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    edited April 2018
    Light Show sounds great. Similar to ME Hulk and others with a damage component added to the board manipulation, you can really take advantage of timing this ability.
    Since the damage will hit the target enemy prior to the tiles changing colors, you can plan to down enemy 1 from the damage alone, then the other 2 will be stunned (at 5 covers) for 2 turns.
    You may get plenty of board action, damage, and free AP from the light show. Looking forward to seeing this in action - playing the Shield Training repeatedly.
  • hopper1979
    hopper1979 Posts: 567 Critical Contributor
    Still having issues understanding her yellow it reads "Jubilee's bubbly personality and neverending optimism inspire her team to do their best. Whenever Jubilee makes a match, if she has less health than the target, deal 355 extra damage. If there are at least 5 Charged tiles on the board, this also applies to her allies."

    For her alone the description makes sense the problem is when we get to the 5 charged tiles.  If there are at least 5 charged tiles on the board the damage bonus also applies to her allies.  Whose life total are we now using as the reference, Jubilees or the teammate who is making the match?  I read it as Jubilee but I have not been able to test this.  The answer to this may limit her teammates if you want to use this power to the maximum, an extra 1.3K at max level is good especially on a cascade.  I am still leaning 3/5/5 but she may be the next 4Rocket and Groot, there could be some real damage potential in her yellow.
  • Rick_OShay
    Rick_OShay Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    edited April 2018
    It's always about Jubilee's health total. Keep her lower than the targeted enemy. 
    With 5 charged tiles on the board, as long as she has lower health than the front enemy, any teammates matches do the extra damage.  
    At 5 covers in yellow, it only requires 3 charged tiles to qualify. This will be much easier to maintain than the 5 charged tiles requirement.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    edited April 2018
    @hopper1979 @Rick OShay hit the nail on the head. It's the match damage bonus that applies to her allies, not damage dealt to them.

    In addition, only Jubilee needs to be lower health than her opponents for that requirement to trigger the benefit on her allies.

    Update: I just spoke with one of the developers, and it would appear that Jubilee's allies do in fact need to have less health than the enemy, in order to trigger the bonus match damage. Apologies for the confusion everyone.
  • Black Duke
    Black Duke Posts: 694 Critical Contributor
    Brigby said:
    @hopper1979 @Rick OShay hit the nail on the head. It's the match damage bonus that applies to her allies, not damage dealt to them.

    In addition, only Jubilee needs to be lower health than her opponents for that requirement to trigger the benefit on her allies.
    That´s nice to read! I predict that we´ll see many Gambit, Black Bolt, Jubilee teams in next season´s Shield Simulator.
  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sounds like fun. Im looking forward to champing her eventually.
  • fork1977
    fork1977 Posts: 94 Match Maker

    That´s nice to read! I predict that we´ll see many Gambit, Black Bolt, Jubilee teams in next season´s Shield Simulator.
    Perhaps, though America Chavez is a far superior 3rd for that combo than Jubilee.  You can't use Jubilee's purple and BB's green is much better for 1AP more, while Chavez generates critical tiles and bonus passive damage very quickly.  I even like Valkyrie more for that pair since BB's passive will create the necessary damage to activate her CD tile, generating 4AP and stealing 4AP from the enemy, plus she makes yellow attack tiles and has a match damage bonus of her own.

  • hopper1979
    hopper1979 Posts: 567 Critical Contributor
    That is an interesting debate I think the upper limit for Chavez is higher due to the criticals but if you bring Jubilee on a team against 5 stars you know she will have less health than a target most of the match, so once you meet the charged tile requirements, BB will be optimal for this, everybody will be doing extra damage on the match for a good chunk of the game.  A good cascade and you will easily match the damage of a good critical.  Also the health requirement is easier to pull opposed to Chavez AP requirement especially if the AI gets a lucky drop early on and you cannot get the AP advantage to get Chavez critical going.  Also she brings a good control power with her pink and tile destruction both of which are always good against 5s. 

    I think we will see a lot of both of them in pvp, who is better is probably more play style than anything else.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2018

    What is the best way to use her Purple? It randomly changes colors but it's not very useful at all. I'm curious how others are using it. Right now it looks like a 3 to me

    Edit: I voted her build before I used it.. poor judgment

  • Waddles_Pines
    Waddles_Pines Posts: 1,249 Chairperson of the Boards

    What is the best way to use her Purple? It randomly changes colors but it's not very useful at all. I'm curious how others are using it. Right now it looks like a 3 to me

    Edit: I voted her build before I used it.. poor judgment

    I don't have her close to usable, but if you're just looking at the color change itself, i think the only use is as a possible cascade creator and if the enemy is one match away from having enough AP to fire a power, you can use this to potentially block their match.  Other than that, I'm with you, meh...
  • fork1977
    fork1977 Posts: 94 Match Maker
    Her purple utility is the stun. The colors are a afterthought. 
  • hopper1979
    hopper1979 Posts: 567 Critical Contributor
    See above that is it with her purple it is a stun anything else is icing on the cake.  :) I do not have enough levels in her to guess if 3/5/5 or 5/3/5 is the way to go it really depends on how that damage mechanic work in the real world for her yellow, on paper it looks good but I have not seen it with the limited play and levels so far.  Her green is very useful even at low levels so that is the definite 5 of the group so far.  
  • Waddles_Pines
    Waddles_Pines Posts: 1,249 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think yellow depends on how much HP and match damage she does at higher levels.  If your teammates generate charged tiles, then 5 is an easy choice (assuming her HP isn't that high at higher levels).  If she has too much HP then the yellow won't activate until you've taken a beating.  If the name of the game is speed, you don't want to have to lose HP to gain her powers advantage.  Not sure if that makes any sense...
  • hopper1979
    hopper1979 Posts: 567 Critical Contributor
    It does most of us are speculating because we only have a few covers :)
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    @Brigby the transcription is different than the in-game preview for the last level of the green power, which is "4 charged tiles and deals X damage to the enemy team" (regardless of the number of charged tiles)
  • wingX
    wingX Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
    You can go into battle with injured or undercovered Jubilee, and team with 4*R&G and any other Guardian (preferly 4*Gamora or someone that will not tank Jubilee's colour) and you can dish out large amount of damage on turn 1 or 1st few turn, when Jubilee make a match as her passive yellow is boosted by 4*R&G's strikes.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Spoit said:
    Brigby the transcription is different than the in-game preview for the last level of the green power, which is "4 charged tiles and deals X damage to the enemy team" (regardless of the number of charged tiles)
    That's probably my fault for not making that change in wording more apparent. I'll write out more of the description in the last ability, to emphasize the clarification that there is no minimum Charged tile requirement.
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 4,051 Chairperson of the Boards
    Why is 3/5/5 the leading vote getter? Isn’t her Yellow power her main selling point?
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Why is 3/5/5 the leading vote getter? Isn’t her Yellow power her main selling point?
    What build would you recommend?
  • Rick_OShay
    Rick_OShay Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    Why is 3/5/5 the leading vote getter? Isn’t her Yellow power her main selling point?
    To many, yes her yellow should be the main selling point. But it depends on many factors, including enemy health levels, your teams' ability to create charged tiles quickly, whether she tanks her colors or not. 

    1. Without the 3-4 charged tiles on the board: She has to make the match for the extra damage to be qualified, while also having lower health than the target enemy.

    2. With the 3-4 charged tiles on the board: Any ally may make a match for the extra damage to be qualified, but she still needs to have lower health than the target enemy.

    3. If you run her with higher level 4* characters or any 5*s, it's quite hard for Jubilee to tank her own colors. That means no extra damage until you've met the 3 charged tile requisite. The only way to do this fast is with Black Bolt. If you have Bolt, you probably are at the point where Jubilee will not be needed much for her passive, therefore 3/5/5 for the benefit of her active abilities.