5DeadlyVenoms Alliance - 5 Alliances- One Spot for 5DV!



  • Hey guys, everyone going all out for this alliance tournament? I have my bracket locked down, let's get some more points!

  • Wellbi was third in my bracket yesterday, but losing motivation due to lack of people accepting me.
  • Well done dyslexic! Let's all pull together and do well in this first alliance tourney.

    Sorry Shadyimg, i can tell you're an active player, but you need to strengthen your roster before we can take you in. We'll need to be fair to others as well. I wish you all the best in looking for an alliance and we'll be glad to have you down the road once you've progressed (as you soon will I'm sure!).
  • Sorry, but i don't have a job or able to have the funds necessary to lvl 100x as fast as every other player. I think its a kick in the teeth.
  • Shadyimg wrote:
    Sorry, but i don't have a job or able to have the funds necessary to lvl 100x as fast as every other player. I think its a kick in the teeth.

    Then find an alliance that's more your play-style, in all honesty. It's going to be the same for any of the top alliances.
  • ragthor
    ragthor Posts: 74 Match Maker
    we are a little under 2500 points so if we can all pitch in another 125 we will be good to go. I don't know if all our members will be able to read this but I say in the last hour we should try I know some have other duties like work and having a life lol but let's pull together in the last hour of this tourney so we can hopefully finish strong. team shield is tough though they have one guy with a maxed 3 star Thor already so I take it they have a couple penny banks on their team.

    but quote drake
    " **** it we on one"
  • ragthor wrote:
    we are a little under 2500 points so if we can all pitch in another 125 we will be good to go. I don't know if all our members will be able to read this but I say in the last hour we should try I know some have other duties like work and having a life lol but let's pull together in the last hour of this tourney so we can hopefully finish strong. team shield is tough though they have one guy with a maxed 3 star Thor already so I take it they have a couple penny banks on their team.

    but quote drake
    " tinykitty it we on one"

    Yeah, I'm sitting on my 770 for now, but I got work until 11. If it looks like we have a shot, I'll definitely pitch in to push. But we should have a lot more points. If all 20 were at least 650 points, 20x650 = 13000 and we would be nice contenders at that point.
  • ragthor
    ragthor Posts: 74 Match Maker
    they should make it so we can trade covers with alliance members. just a thought.
  • ragthor
    ragthor Posts: 74 Match Maker
    did anyone finish in the top 200 hulk tourney. I placed 220 or somewhere around there. so mad I couldn't finish top 200 need xforce covers
  • uuddlrlr
    uuddlrlr Posts: 93 Match Maker
    Hi, I'm looking to join an alliance with similar players.

    I'm doing very well with my main team:
    128 Iron Man Model40 5/5/2
    113/128 Spider-Man 3/5/4 (missing a Purple)
    85 OBW 3/5/5

    I'm at Day 134, only missed a few days during vacation without my tablet, probably won't ever happen again.

    128 Iron Man: max level of 5/5/2; the 2 allows me to keep Recharge cheap, I get 9 Red and 9 Blue for 8 Yellow.
    113 Spider-Man: at this level, OBW is still better than Spider-Man in Blue and Purple, so she can still steal those colors with Espionage.

    I've also got some ISO saved for when Spider-Man finally gets nerfed, lol.

    Other notable chars:
    85 Storm 2*
    85 Thor 2*
    53/115 Punisher
    66/102 GrayBW
    53 BP
    53 Magneto 3***
    42/53 Psylocke
    34/64 Hulk
    30 Daredevil
    30/41 Wolverine Patch 3***
    18 Thor 3***
    59/85 Captain America
    59/85 Magneto 2**
    40/85 Wolverine 2**
    38/69 Daken
    50 Iron Man 1*
    50 Storm 1*
    40 Juggernaut

    Hope you'll consider me. icon_e_smile.gif
    in-game name: DarthSomething
  • ragthor
    ragthor Posts: 74 Match Maker
    sorry we're full but maybe our lead commander will once they give more characters slots. but in the mean time ur starting 3 needs to improve a little. standard goal should be 330 starting three combine which looks like ur moving towards with ur spidy
  • We are in a fight for 2nd at the moment. #1 is held by a mega alliance called S.H.I.E.L.D who when faced with an unknown outcome, decided to recruit the 5DV strongest 2 in order to immediately boost themselves. If it werent for that, we would probably still be in #1. No worries, I don't need to have the best individuals, I just want to make the best team.

    If you guys want to know who to attack, these are the current shield members:
    https://scontent-b-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hph ... e=5327A78D

    https://scontent-b-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hph ... e=53278D7C

    Make history, kill a member of shield.
  • I would like to join your alliance. My ign is joshnadel
    I have won 6 tournaments & have at least 20 top 10 finishes. My team is pretty solid:
    Wolverine x-force lvl 148
    Magneto classic lvl 141
    Iron man model 40 lvl 141
    Spider-Man classic lvl 128 (will be 141 within a week)
    Dr doom lvl 115
    Hulk lvl 97
    Also maxed out storm classic, Thor marvel now, wolverine astonishing, black widow grey lvl 58 (max power), punisher lvl 51 (max power), invisible woman lvl 54 (9/13 power), wolverine patch lvl 42 (11/13 power) & a bunch of lesser powered 3 & 2 star for 25 inventory
    I regularly get 700+ points & am looking for a top 5 alliance where I can be a strong contributor
  • Unknown
    edited March 2014
    Why join 5 Deadly Venoms? We finished 2nd only to shield (shield has almost every elite tournament player in their group.) so we mean business. We are the best and want the best. If you are already a member and not active in our FB group, msg me so i don't kick you! I need to know who you guys are, and i'm still missing some key members. (DJTheophilus, where are you!)

    People i need to hear from:

    Thanks and congratulations to everyone! Enjoy those 3 Black Panther covers!
  • Are you guys currently recruiting?
  • We are always recruiting. We have a Main alliance and a Jr Alliance for people who don't meet the requirements of our main alliance. For main you have to have an exceptional roster or talent. For junior, you have to be on your way to get there. I need to know something about your roster.
  • our Junior alliance is now open! 5DeadlyPoisons.

    Send me a message or apply directly with me or Lycra.
  • Spidermonky! Has Anyone seen a Spidermonky!
  • Updates:

    We are always recruiting people with exceptional rosters for this alliance, and up-and-comers for our Junior Alliance, 5DeadlyPoisons. We intent to use both alliances in the next event to make strategic strikes. If I have rejected you before please reapply.

    For people with maxed characters ->5DeadlyVenoms
    For people who constatly place top 10 in tournaments -> 5DeadlyPoisons.

    for application, msg me or Lycra.
  • DJTheophilus and Knyghtmare please message me immediately.


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