Is there interest in a new, consistent-PvE-players alliance?

Jwallyr Posts: 165 Tile Toppler
Just what the title says. My brothers and I have been in a casual, "friends and family" alliance for a while, and there's virtually no chat (not that I particularly care) but also very low participation in story events. For a variety of reasons, I'm not prepared to commit to any particular PvP point goals, but I play full clears (7 passes, typically) of basically all story events, and I'd like to be part of an alliance of members that do the same, just to turn the random smattering of irrelevantly small amounts of ISO from Alliance placement into SOMEthing, even just a trickle of HP.

From the look of this forum, however, there just don't seem to be many (any?) PvE-focused alliances recruiting, so it occurred to me that maybe there are enough consistent players in a similar boat to me, but who haven't found alliance homes. If this is you, comment below!

A few expectations:
1) Consistent, significant story-mode participation. If you pick a reasonable bracket for your roster and put in an effort, I find that it's pretty trivial to hit 100% progression rewards.
2) This would be an alliance of convenience for rewards; I have no Line server or other preferred method of communication. You're welcome to chat/socialize in the in-game chat (who knows, could be fun) but I'm mostly just hoping to maximize the rewards for my in-game experience, and having an alliance that puts very little effort into alliance story events and etc. isn't working for me. By the same token, if you're going to join and then not play, expect to be booted to make room for people who will.


  • Felonius
    Felonius Posts: 289 Mover and Shaker

    I may be interested... What's the name of your Alliance?

    I posted this in the Single Player Looking for an Alliance thread:

    Does it sound like I'd fit in your group?

  • Jwallyr
    Jwallyr Posts: 165 Tile Toppler
    Felonius- thanks for the comment! My current alliance is the one I'm hoping to leave, assuming that I can gather a few like-minded people to amp up the rewards structure. From what you're describing, I'd be happy to have you along, but 3 people do not a thriving alliance make. Hopefully we get a few more nibbles on this line...
  • lilskywalker
    lilskywalker Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
    I'm up for a new alliance for PVE. Level 104 player. 35 champed 4*. Lilskywalker is my name here and the game.