Should I champ a 4* without an extra cover?

jtsings Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
edited February 2018 in Roster and Level Help
  At first I'd like to rant about how stinkin frustrated I am with PVP because I was really trying to hit 900, which would have given me a extra cover for Agent Venom and if I pulled a black or red for him I'd be able to champ him and get the legendary token.  I got really close but to no avail.  But there's tons of rants about PVP so that's where this one ends.

  Well, of course, my nightmare comes true today when opening a classic token, and low and behold I got a black cover for AV.  I know most people wait until they have an extra cover to champ a 4* but is that just because the ISO crunch or for some other reason?  Right now I have him at 4/4/5 level 180.  I know he's not top tier by any means but a lot of people, I've heard, find him useful.   Currently I'm in an ISO surplus (a little over 2 million). thanks to the end of vaulting, and I have one 4* at 12 covers (IF) and three at 11 and several from anywhere from 8-10 covers.  It would cost me about 287k to champ him.  I also know he's boosted this week and so he won't be back again for awhile but is there any other reason I shouldn't champ him right away?


  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    He's honestly quite good once he's fully covered. He gets a bad rap because he's absolutely awful when poorly covered, especially with only one cover in black. I'm in much the same place with regard to ISO and covers, and I actually just champed him myself with the cover from hitting 900, despite not having another on the vine. I'm having a blast with him in Prodigal Sun. You might want to consider it just so you can switch him to 5/5/3.
  • granne
    granne Posts: 852 Critical Contributor
    If you have the Iso and no one else waiting, go for it. Agent Venom is great. 5 in black is a must, red and yellow can be switched depending on who you're playing with/against. I run him 5/5/3, because he's level 300 and the damage is excellent on his red.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    jtsings said:
     I know most people wait until they have an extra cover to champ a 4* but is that just because the ISO crunch or for some other reason? 
    When I'm sitting on several 4-stars who are max-covered (13 covers) but I don't have enough ISO to champ even one of them - I hoard my LTs and CPs until I have enough ISO to champ a 4-star. At that point I can dip into the hoard and collect some covers. I can do this until I hit a 14th cover on one of those 4-stars waiting to be champed. Then it's time to stop, use my ISO to champ that 4-star and utilize the 14th cover I pulled, and return to hoarding until I gather up another 350k ISO to do it again.

    I do this to avoid selling/wasting 4-star covers. I'm currently sitting on ten 4-star characters who are max-covered and waiting for ISO so I spend a lot of time hoarding.
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    I champed Devil Dino with no covers waiting because I had an iso surplus of 300k. So I say go for it. If you have enough time to make it back then there's no reason not to.
  • jtsings
    jtsings Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
       Thanks all, I appreciate all the input and I'll see if I can find a good team for him with my remaining squad!