Show all cards bugged [Devs Aware]

Gunmix25 Posts: 1,434 Chairperson of the Boards
If you go to look at your card collection and turn on "show all cards" it creates a blanket effect outside of the card showcase.

For example, I turned on 'show all cards" to get an estimate of how many rares in a set that I was missing. Got that info and backed out but did not bother to turn off show all cards (this is usually automatically turned off when doing so)

I went to make a deck in TG and i see that all of the cards that I do not have are also being shown In the available cards pages.  Useless from this point of application since it's deck building and since there is not a way to turn it off from tbere. You have to back out and choose card collection and de-select "show all cards*. The blanket effect is removed and deck creation is not cluttered with unchooseable cards. 

//Edited Title -Brigby


  • Firinmahlazer
    Firinmahlazer Posts: 417 Mover and Shaker
    Thanks for bringing this up again. I made a post in November and it didn't gain any traction. It's very annoying. 
  • Firinmahlazer
    Firinmahlazer Posts: 417 Mover and Shaker
    Bumping this @Brigby. This is really irritating. 
  • DBJones
    DBJones Posts: 803 Critical Contributor
    Weird, the show all cards checkbox shows up in deck-building for me. It's in the same spot as when you're looking at all the cards. If it's not there, that's the bug.
  • Firinmahlazer
    Firinmahlazer Posts: 417 Mover and Shaker
    I noticed it's there in Training Grounds. Maybe it's by event. I don't have any other playable events atm to check otherwise. I know I just ran into it the other day when I bumped the thread. 
  • Firinmahlazer
    Firinmahlazer Posts: 417 Mover and Shaker
    Confirmed it was not there for Avacyn's Madness
  • DBJones
    DBJones Posts: 803 Critical Contributor
    I didn't check in Avacyn's Madness, but the check box is there for me in Training Grounds, Oath of the Gatewatch Part II, and Fateful Showdown. I haven't noticed it missing, and the fact the topic creator didn't see the option in Training Grounds makes me curious, has anyone had the option in some events, but not others?
  • Gilesclone
    Gilesclone Posts: 735 Critical Contributor
    Yes, I’ve had the same issue. Some events not others.
  • octal9
    octal9 Posts: 593 Critical Contributor
    I've also seen this bug. @Brigby pls pass to Oktagon
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Hmm interesting. Based on everyone else's observation, it sounds like it could potentially be an event-specific issue.

    I'll pass this along to the rest of the team. Thanks!
  • Firinmahlazer
    Firinmahlazer Posts: 417 Mover and Shaker
    Bringing this back to light again. I noticed the box is missing from Training Grounds now where it wasn't before the update.