Make Fortified Tiles Great Again!

Sim Mayor
Sim Mayor Posts: 309 Mover and Shaker
OK, OK, fortified tiles were never great to begin with. It's a wasted ability that has probably never impacted the use of a character aside from Green Goblin and 5* Hawkeye. But I used to feel like it meant something. That glowing border meant it was ok to match my own stuff and might be too much trouble getting rid of an opponent's.

And then the "replacers" came. People who could replace tiles instead of destroying them. Yeah, there had been a few already, outliers who had this odd wording allowing them to sneak inside a fortified tile and change it to something else. I'd see topics with titles like "Fortified tiles aren't working!" from people who thought fortifying tiles protected them from abilities, not just being matched.

Now it's reached the point where fortified tiles are meaningless. There are characters who replace so many enemy tiles of all types [*cough5*Gambitcough!] that your fortify ability might as well be in your opponent's power description.

I propose the following:
  • Fortifications should be a type of "special" tile that overlays other special tiles
  • Abilities that destroy multiple specials should resolve each tile sequentially, so they can destroy fortified tiles by destroying the fortification first, and then the tile itself if they still aren't finished resolving
  • Make powers that replace special tiles either "bounce" off of fortifications and go somewhere else, or resolve like destroy abilities above
  • If that's not feasible, have them destroy the fortification before overwriting it, so the enemy doesn't get a free fortification, punishing you for using a character with fortify

This would balance out powers like the aforementioned coughing fit by making them have to break the fortification first, thus not overwriting as many tiles, or by rewarding people who fortify by actually letting them use their special tiles.

I don't feel It would overpower fortification, as players would still have to choose to use someone with Fortify instead of another power that might mesh better with their overall strategy. Powers like Spider-Woman's "To Love and Fear" would still smash through special tiles like wet tissue paper. GRocket wouldn't suddenly become overpowered (OK, more overpowered) because they would still have to spend turns getting their tiles fortified, leaving a window of vulnerability.

But people who either actively pursued fortification as a strategy or just wound up having it around because of a favorite character wouldn't feel gypped when their "protected" tiles disappeared and left behind impossible-to-destroy little meta-bombs.

TL;DR: Fortifying tiles should protect against destruction and overwriting like they do against matching.


  • gmtosca
    gmtosca Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    edited January 2018
    I thought C4rol's Barrage tile was protected but I was sorely mistaken.  So yeah, I agree with the idea that being fortified needs to be more than just match protection.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    The only character who generates fortified tiles that I use with any regularity is Mr. F, when he makes his fortified defense tiles. I love those. The only time I've lost one outside of matching is when Moonstone has snatched them in PvE. It's annoying, but I didn't consider it unfair. If someone has the power to steal special tiles, they should steal it - fortification and all. I always viewed fortification as something 'sturdy' that protects it from (match) damage, not something that makes it harder to swipe or transform.
  • redviper85
    redviper85 Posts: 62 Match Maker
    I agree. One of Gambits biggest problems is that he has no weakness. I think by making fortified tiles have to break first would allow them to have some sort of significance. right now fortified tiles may as well not exist. Green Goblin, Hawkeye, Luke Cage...whats the point, they just get overwritten. If they have to break first, that means gambit will have to save up 22 purple in order to clean them out, or risk them being refortified or resolving, as is the case with GG and HE
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    The wording in the title makes me unable to take this thread seriously.
  • redviper85
    redviper85 Posts: 62 Match Maker
    broll said:
    The wording in the title makes me unable to take this thread seriously.
    If you don't like it then you can "GIT OUT"

    I'm gonna make a new character that's gonna make the biggest most fortified tile ever. It's gonna be so fortified. And i'm gonna use the opponents AP to pay for it!!
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,171 Chairperson of the Boards
    I mean, using an opponent's AP to fortify your own tile is...almost 100% written down on a notecard in the design room someplace. Given how popular AP denial has been in the recent release crop
  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,369 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's not something I've had to deal with much, but I think it's a good idea. It shouldn't be that complicated, just make it so that If any power would target a fortified special tile, it only destroys the fortification. This should count for all enemy power types, be it stealing, destroying, replacing, or debuffing. And maybe countdown tile increasing, too.
  • Mjolnirmight2
    Mjolnirmight2 Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
    broll said:
    The wording in the title makes me unable to take this thread seriously.
    If you don't like it then you can "GIT OUT"

    I'm gonna make a new character that's gonna make the biggest most fortified tile ever. It's gonna be so fortified. And i'm gonna use the opponents AP to pay for it!!
    Ha! love it.