Forum Thread

aesthetocyst Posts: 538 Critical Contributor
Forum post.

Forum Thread 68 votes

Yes, I completed Marvel Puzzle Quest long ago! (Please tell us about it below!)
Colognoisseurbabinrodr tinykittylovempqr7udonomefooTeam_WadeOldManWolvsLifeofAgony 8 votes
Yes, I just recently completed Marvel Puzzle Quest (Whew! Please testify below)
DayvxKOBALTxStax the FoyeraesthetocystYoikammenellSluggoChattyWhacker 8 votes
Not yet, but I am on the verge of completing Marvel Puzzle Quest! (Tell us how you know, below!)
CoppsBearVengerBigRussianUNC_SamuraiRykardEichenDeadsiderBlackBoltRocksuzumaki_narutoRedLionCalnexinKevmcgMark70bluewolfshadowyoshiStraycatrobertbahBeer40 18 votes
No, but I can see how it will happen, just not sure when (Please share any revelations below)
SidlonJexmanAXP_ismemoss04divouneZootSaxJSP869metalliondudethtsawesomemaguirenumber6KGBMjolnirmight2brollTeeBoyWonder1914Screen MonkeySkadenFrudeeanimaniactooPr0spect0rKahmon 20 votes
No, but I know others who have, so maybe someday I will, too (Please share testimony below)
DTrain514dpochDAZ0273 3 votes
No, but I would like to, please tell me more (ask below!)
RayElwoodToweliesox 2 votes
No! Perish the thought! I would never want to (why not? lay it on the line below)
rdvargas1 1 vote
No, I don't believe completing Marvel Puzzle Quest is possible (why not? ask below)
SpoitSnowcaTTalaethbycSlothkinsTetsujinOniWumpushunterABaker84 8 votes


  • ChattyWhacker
    ChattyWhacker Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    Yes, I just recently completed Marvel Puzzle Quest (Whew! Please testify below)
    Wow..surprisingly as of yesterday I dedicated that I wasn't going to play MPQ PVE and PVP anymore (Mind you, I decided I would still play the Deadpool Daily nodes). 

    I had a similar realization when I looked at my ready to champ 4* characters and other than the newest ones and the joke ones, I had 3 4*s left to champ.  That's when I realized that what was in front of me, the 5* climb, was a task I not only didn't have an interest in but that all my playtime dedicated to the game had sapped all my free time.  I used to play a lot of PC games and I had more of an open schedule for leisure activities but over the past 6 months it has been whole hog playing.  I seriously had the desire to just sell all my characters and walk away.

    After much deliberation, and personal bargaining, I just said that I'm not going to play as staunchly anymore.  I technically love the game mechanics of the game and it is most of the time fun for me.  However, I feel more inspired to look for other games, other mechanics, other mediums, other experiences which I had been sacrificing to get all the rewards in MPQ.  So, I made the call that, though I'm not completely gone, I am done until there is an incentive to move towards the 5* domain.  I may even come back to the PVP if the final 2 SCL's are worth it.

    I'm still going to keep track of the MPQ news though.

  • Stax the Foyer
    Stax the Foyer Posts: 941 Critical Contributor
    Yes, I just recently completed Marvel Puzzle Quest (Whew! Please testify below)
    Was curious about what your criteria were.  That seems like a reasonable, standard, having done everything you can reasonably be assured of accomplishing, given sufficient effort.  RNG can block out 5* completion very easily.

    I can pull latest tokens and keep covering every character, at least until I hit a run of bad luck.  But it doesn't feel like I'm done.  Game feels more fun now, actually, as there's a place for everything, and I'm as immune to RNG as you can get in the game.  There will be a few wasted covers around dupes, and as new characters get covered, but I can take it a little easier, and I find it more satisfying to play now, rather than less.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    No, but I can see how it will happen, just not sure when (Please share any revelations below)
    After the last run of Webbed Wonder, my Howard the Duck got up to 12 covers (4/5/3).  Once I can champ Howard (through getting a cover; spending 120CP would be cheating somehow), I believe I will have completed Marvel Puzzle Quest in every way that is important to me.  Sure, there will be other characters to continue to develop and whatnot, but it will be like in computer RPG's where you complete the main story and then have hours of side quests available while the end boss just kind of sits around and waits for you to defeat him/her..   
  • xKOBALTx
    xKOBALTx Posts: 299 Mover and Shaker
    edited December 2017
    Yes, I just recently completed Marvel Puzzle Quest (Whew! Please testify below)
    Recently completed.

    I thought I was pretty close for a few months there. It was the update to the Shield Ranks and the Iso-8 bump since then that finally ended up convincing me.
    • My crop of 2's has been rotating for ages. 
    • My duplicate 3's are nearly complete. I'm on my third build for a couple of them.
    • All the 4's in cover packs are champed, with the two that aren't yet available just an inevitability. I've got a few early dupe builds going from this tier.
    • I've champed 13 of the (soon) 21 5's. I have an LT hoard to finish up the newer ones as soon as Archangel make his way in. The five remaining Classics are in various states of construction and mostly leveled to their caps.
    • My Iso-8 mostly just piles up waiting for something to be applied to. I recently champed my 5trange from scratch, Nightcrawler from 210, and champed the duplicates to three different 3's over the course of about a week and didn't bat any eye. For those counting at home that was over 1.1m Iso-8 spent.
    I'm still having fun for the most part, but I'm definitely waiting for the game to come to me instead of running after it.
  • shadowyoshi
    shadowyoshi Posts: 153 Tile Toppler
    Not yet, but I am on the verge of completing Marvel Puzzle Quest! (Tell us how you know, below!)
    The time of completion is simple for me. Max Champ all 3* characters (some newer 3* releases not included) and I have beaten the game and moved to the post game. As of now, I have Max Champed 2 characters (Iron Man and Magneto) with GSBW next. Lowest of the original 40 is Colossus at 208 (six behind She-Hulk and Punisher)

    Once in the post game, who knows.
  • Beer40
    Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    Not yet, but I am on the verge of completing Marvel Puzzle Quest! (Tell us how you know, below!)
    Over the last month or so I've played down in SCL 6 quite a bit in PVE. I didn't "need" the 4* reward in many events (pretty happy with the classic 4*s I have champed, looking only at 5*s). 

    I don't often clear 7 times. I never start optimally after day 1. I never end optimally. 

    I thoroughly enjoy being able to knock clears out quickly, get my rewards, and move onto something else outside the game. I can still do that in SCL 7, but it does take longer, and that's what annoys me. It should be my choice where to play. 

    To me that signifies that I've almost completed this journey. I can see the end clearly now and it's actually nice.

    @aesthetocyst I've thoroughly enjoyed your insights over the last year or so. If this is your way of saying goodbye to the game/Forum, then best of luck to you in whatever you decide to do!
  • robertbah
    robertbah Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    Not yet, but I am on the verge of completing Marvel Puzzle Quest! (Tell us how you know, below!)
    I champed all my 4* last season before meHulk and Nico were introduced. For that aspect, I complete the 4* part of MPQ. My goal is to champ all 5*. I believe that they become possible after they update more 4* progression. So far, the ISO is still a big problem to me due to all the rechampion of dups on 3*s and 4*s.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yes, I completed Marvel Puzzle Quest long ago! (Please tell us about it below!)
    I've been in a holding pattern/rut for much too long I feel. Just hanging on out of habit... I wish i could quit you, mpq! (maybe. I should.) 
  • AXP_isme
    AXP_isme Posts: 809 Critical Contributor
    edited December 2017
    No, but I can see how it will happen, just not sure when (Please share any revelations below)
    I recently got to a point where i’m over the hump on 4*s. I’m nowhere near ‘finished’ and I probably never will be but... I can see how I would get to the finish. 

    I remember when I couldn’t break in to the 3* tier until RNGesus turned his light on me sufficiently. I remember building out my 3* roster and wondering if I would ever get on top of the character influx and get the covers I needed to progress. I remember gradually getting some 4*s and having them stuck uselessly at one or two covers. I remember waiting for RNGesus to deem me fit to enter 4* land. I remember the great ISO drought that came when 4* covers came faster than I could level them.

    What all the items in that boring list have in common was that I didn’t see myself ever getting to the next stage. Progress was interminable and it was only because the core mechanic is fun, my alliance is great and that I enjoy the chat and the forum that I stuck with it. That and i’m hopelessly addicted but hey...

    I guess it’s my, aptly timed, apocalypse from D3/Demi/RNGesus.
    *sigh* that was a great pun, even if I do say so myself. Feel free to let me know if you get it. 

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    No, but I know others who have, so maybe someday I will, too (Please share testimony below)
    However long ago it was (I can't remember) I pulled my first ever 4* cover with some CP earned - that cover was a Deadpool purple. Since then, I have managed to build my Deadpool via various means to a frankly frustrating 2/0/4 build (if I had not seen it with mine own eyes, methinks black Deadpool cover was a myth). One day, maybe soon, maybe not, I will fully cover Deapool of the 4* and yea, verily even champion him. The first shall be the last (well maybe), until then, I am cursed to continue the search.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not yet, but I am on the verge of completing Marvel Puzzle Quest! (Tell us how you know, below!)
    My "completion" will be when I champ my last 4* classic.  Since I'm able to earn enough hp and iso to champ new 4* and 3* through moderate play, I will achieve roster homeostasis after the backlog is complete.

    As of now, I'm about two months away.  I've spent the weeks since the anniversary mostly re-champing 3*'s I'd sold off to accommodate anniversary covers of 4*s, and rebuilding the 2* farm.  I still have two 3* that are undercovered that will need to be re-champed when they roll in.  After that, I have 4 classics left, two of which in 2/5/5 cover purgatory, the other two ready to champ.  Nightcrawler will come up soon.  I've been able to champ a 4* about every 10 days, and can do it quicker if I sell off current and upcoming 3* maxchamps.  After all of those characters have the maximum amount of iso I can give them, I might save up the 240 cp for those last two covers, just to get it over with.

    After that, I'm pretty much done.  The 5* tier is not for me.  I have one champ, which generally pits me against teams with 1-2 5* champs and champ 4's.  That was what I faced for the wins-based season, and with the number of required wins I burned out hard.  I'm too far behind on critical characters to be competitive there, and even getting to a point where I have a reasonable time regularly achieving progression would require a massive cash outlay, which does not feel like a good idea.  That tier is basically just for funsies - I'll collect covers so I can use them in PvE, but I don't intend to make a 2nd champ because I'll make myself a sheep among wolves.

    So, yeah.  4 classics to go.  From there, casual collection, go hard on boss events, and maybe start some new, healthy life patterns with the extra free time.
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Marvel Puzzle Quest is complete as soon as you lose interest in the carrot.

    The constantly dangling carrot that is new releases and the illusion that you need them fully covered and champed as soon as humanly possible because if you don't you are missing out.

    Once you recognize the carrot is the greatest hoax ever pulled on mankind since the advent of organized religion, one of two things will happen.
    1. You will quit.
    2. You will relax and simply enjoy the game as a pleasant time-waster while not worrying about top-placement-max-progression-every-node-must-be-ground-to-dust.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,654 Chairperson of the Boards
    No, but I know others who have, so maybe someday I will, too (Please share testimony below)
    ZootSax said:
    After the last run of Webbed Wonder, my Howard the Duck got up to 12 covers (4/5/3).  Once I can champ Howard (through getting a cover; spending 120CP would be cheating somehow), I believe I will have completed Marvel Puzzle Quest in every way that is important to me.  Sure, there will be other characters to continue to develop and whatnot, but it will be like in computer RPG's where you complete the main story and then have hours of side quests available while the end boss just kind of sits around and waits for you to defeat him/her..   
    Yeah, champing Nightcrawler was a symbolic to-do. There are a ton of characters I'd like to see in-game, but after Nightcrawler, it's all downhill. He was the #1 most wanted.

    The game would be tugging at the heartstrings more if they went more old school, but the heavy finger of the licensor is ensuring strings of characters I don't identify with. 

    But, I'm so old that Archangel is still "new". I might not be the target market :D
    Hey, if you are that old Skool then you at least need to be around for when we get that 5* Mole man, right?
  • alaeth
    alaeth Posts: 446 Mover and Shaker
    No, I don't believe completing Marvel Puzzle Quest is possible (why not? ask below)
    Not possible...

    There is always a new character, a new challenge.

    I hope the developers will continue to add content and keep the game fresh and interesting.

    I have come close to quitting in the past (OML nerf was a dark time), but I find the out-of-game community and collaboration invigorating.

    I wish for more Alliance-based events - where rather than psuedo-PvP Story-mode, we have true teamwork and comradeship.
  • Rykard
    Rykard Posts: 35 Just Dropped In
    Not yet, but I am on the verge of completing Marvel Puzzle Quest! (Tell us how you know, below!)
    I'm glad to hear other people are feeling this way. I'm in a similar boat. I haven't champed everything yet but I've champed the majority of 4 stars and I'm stuck in the transition from 4 to 5 and quite frankly it's just boring now. It's grinding for the sake of grinding. Or as I've put it in a previous thread "grinding PVE to make my roster better, making my roster better to make PVE easier, grinding PVE to make my roster better, making my roster better to make PVE easier........."

    I honestly want to keep enjoying the game like I have for the past 4 years. But the core loop is not triggering the dopamine like it used to. Instead now I spend a month grinding for enough ISO to level 4 stars that will have no bearing on making me better at the game because the necessary 5 stars are all RNG. It honestly makes me sad, because I used to love this game and I still want to. 
  • Colognoisseur
    Colognoisseur Posts: 804 Critical Contributor
    Yes, I completed Marvel Puzzle Quest long ago! (Please tell us about it below!)
    I call it being post-iso because there is a moment in the game when you are producing way more iso than characters which need it to be champed. I've been there for over a year now.
  • jackstar0
    jackstar0 Posts: 1,280 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2017
    I've sold a max-champed Bag-Man... so yeah, I'm won this game.
  • BoyWonder1914
    BoyWonder1914 Posts: 884 Critical Contributor
    No, but I can see how it will happen, just not sure when (Please share any revelations below)
    Not sure how many 4-stars there were in the game when I champed my first one, but I champed my first one at the beginning of 2017. I am now at 44 4-star champs, and currently have 18 to go. Assuming they'll still be releasing new 4s every 2-3 weeks, I'm anticipating finishing the 4-star tier around summer time. After that I will move into 5-stars. Since 5 stars don't have nearly anywhere close to as tedious a release schedule as 4s, time won't be an issue, but RnG will. It will take god knows how long to fully cover and champ 5s, Hopefully the new 4-star champ rewards will speed up this process, but I'll consider myself having made it when I've got a double digit 5-star champs. I made sure I finished the 3s completely before I moved on to the 4-star tier, but that probably won't be an option with 4-stars unless I'm directly buying covers with CP for the new releases. 
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yes, I completed Marvel Puzzle Quest long ago! (Please tell us about it below!)
    I told myself I'd quit completely once I hit 266 on a 3*.  I now have 6 of them.  

    I don't have that feeling where I *have* to play anymore though.  I only play what I want so I think that means I "beat" the game.
  • moss04
    moss04 Posts: 147 Tile Toppler
    No, but I can see how it will happen, just not sure when (Please share any revelations below)
    I need 9 more Gambit covers before I have won/completed Marvel Puzzle Quest.  All the rest is pointless.