outside combat skills

fnedude Posts: 379 Mover and Shaker
How about some skills for some characters for outside of battle? Like "leadership" skills (for lack of better terms), to represent characters who have lots of "resources" in the comic books (like magneto or ironman).

Say 1pt/calendar day at lvl 1, 2pt/day at lvl 2, etc.

Have a different pool to represent "supplies", which can be spent to get health packs, or boosts.

Also, what about better healing rates for different characters?

I'd use Juggernaught a LOT more, if he didn't beat himself up so much. But if he healed twice as fast as Ironman, I'd use him more. Maybe this could be a skill to be upgraded at a high cost. Example: Jug's heals twice as fast at lvl 1, 2.5 times as fast at lvl 2 (cost 5000 iso to upgrade), 3 times as fast at lvl 3 (10k iso to upgrade, or whatever is balanced out).

That's all for now.


  • Made similar suggestions myself (identical, in the case of juggs). Outside of combat passives would open up entirely new strategic areas for the game. I think they'd be awesome in terms of character usage diversification.