Bonus hero for the hoard (and one about swapping)

Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards

The time of hoard opening is nearing and even if ISO is still a problem (can't get to the dreamt 1,5M for sure) i am setting everything up to be as successful as possible with it.

This leads to a question about Bonus Heros in 5* land (as unlikely as they are I am sure some will happen). What is the general advice on selecting a BH for hoard opening (I have Strange and OML champed to add context).
  1. I can choose one of the Latest to make sure the one I want the most is covered (maybe with some extra levels)
  2. I can choose all of the Latest to make sure it's one of them
  3. I can go for Black Widow (4-4-3) - she is decent and would add another option in 5* land
  4. I can go for Black Bolt (1-5-3) - he needs the covers but green would go to waste (no chance I have enough ISO even if the other covers fall good). He would be a good partner for Gambit
  5. I can go for Thanos 1-2-5- he needs 5 more covers but remains a staple of PvE that I miss.
  6. For the first one I might need to set up Doc Oct as I don't have a single cover
In reality the question is between getting more of the latest or trying to get the needed classic. I think that Thanos might get the node but 5 covers in one power is stressful. Any advice or shared experience would be great.

The extra question on CS swaps - should I open the hoard in full and contact them with multiple swaps or rather one by one when/if they happen?


  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards

    I'd say it depends a bit on who you want to cover. When I opened my hoard I had Thanos as a bonus hero as he was about to leave the Latest token pool and I wanted to make sure I got enough covers for him, then once I was able to champ him I switched to Black Suit Spider-man as he was 4/4/4 and thus easily champable (and a good partner to OML and Phoenix). I don't know how interested you are in getting Daredevil though.

    I'd rule out picking all Three latest though since that means you have no Control. I'd also rule out Widow since she works best with Black Bolt who you also do not have fully covered. Doc Ock... eh, he's out of Latest now so he will only be a PvE essential once in a blue moon. Black Bolt or Thanos would both be solid choices though.

    How many pulls do you have in your hoard? The higher the number the less risk you have going with a Classic.

    It's probably better to open the hoard first, then contacting CS about the swaps. You might be able to champ some of the ones you thought you had to swap after all...

  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am currently at 245 pulls with 2 covers for Gambit already (let's say another 14 pulls to give me 260 as we are but still couple of weeks away from opening the hoard). I might also wait couple of days to see if we get the wind of the next 5* but I like DD and I would like to get my Gambit ready as soon as possible so unless it's somedoby I can't live without I will roll with it.

    I think BB or Thanos it will be. Just not sure if I will skip the BW. I might just add one cover for her and hope I can finish her off later with 250 CP from the store. She might work best with BB but it's another 5* that I can use and a decent one (and so close to be maxed).

  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards

    260 sounds decent. I'm no statistician, but the average should be 39 fourstar covers, 13 in each color if it is a perfectly even distribution (which it most likely won't be, but the two Gambit covers you already have should give you a Little buffer).

    On the other hand, statistically you should only get two fivestar bonus heroes, so the question is how far along you'll get with Thanos or Bolt as your bonus hero - heck, you might get two covers for the color that's already maxed. It might be better to just go with Gambit or Daredevil to make sure you get enough covers for them...

    As long as you are reasonably certain you will be able to stock 300 pulls Before the next token rotation (and by all means it seems like you have a good chance of doing that), there's really no harm in starting to work on the hoard early.

  • Pongie
    Pongie Posts: 1,410 Chairperson of the Boards
    I had the same question just before I chased gambit. Since my 5* was either 1-3 covers or had 5 in a colour, it became clear that adding another cover to the first lot won’t make a difference. The worst case is landing a 6th cover in the second lot that I couldn’t use. In the end, I figure it was safer to set gambit as bonus hero. Statistically speaking 344 tokens should be sufficient, but you can never be too safe. Turns out I got gambit covered in 131 pulls, even got one bonus gambit. It took another 112 pulls to finish Peter Parker (got 7 more gambits along the way), but daredevil is still incomplete with 12 covers.

    Waiting for Thor to enter, before I try to get him (and hopefully finish daredevil too). I’ll probably end up setting Thor as the bonus hero