Should there be sealed deck events?



  • James13
    James13 Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    Other (please explain in the comment)
    I think this is outside of the scope of this game.  Sealed events are more germane to actual card games, not jewel match games with a card twist.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    TheDragonHermit said:

    My original idea, which in hindsight may have been poorly conveyed, would be a largish randomly selected pool of cards from the upcoming pack with nodes preset with the Planeswalkers that will come out that set, with the idea of having a new and fun event style with part luck and part skill defining progression, a test of flexibility, strategy, and ingenuity dealing with what you have to make a deck giving players a new and fun challenge with the reward being the ability to select a number of the cards opened for this based on how well a player progressed, while generating an excitement for the new elements of the game in a burst of fun content and user empowerment, something lacking at the moment and that many are hoping for in crafting. I think from the feedback I am seeing with this poll many players are looking to the devs for something new, and it shows in the forums, but at the same time there are concerns about making this playable that are entirely valid. As always Brigby, I thank you for the care and interest you show in these forums and urge you that if you bring this to the devs in a meeting that you both bring up the desire for empowerment in card collection that the positivity in this represents and that the worries of those who responded negatively are addressed as they bring up very valid points. And to anyone reading this poll I would encourage you to make your own for ideas you have, I feel that if we can encourage development as an open dialog between players and developers we can make a great game, and it is a great game despite all our complaints, even greater. I can't wait to see what comes next.
    Ahh I see. So players would essentially have loaner Planeswalkers tied to an event node, and loaner cards that are randomly provided for them to craft a 10 card deck from (with the caveat that players can potentially earn some of those cards). In addition, your idea seems to tie this new "Draft Mode" in with a new set release, in order to showcase the new Planeswalkers and mechanics the it might introduce.

    My personal opinion is that I love the overall concept. Not only would it be a designated venue for players to learn new abilities and strategies, but also a way to provide the excitement of deck-building via temporary access to a plethora of new cards.

    Having said that though, all great ideas do come with their challenges. As you can imagine, the team is very busy working right now on already established upcoming features, and new concepts will inherently require the extra time to visualize and develop them. While this idea of yours does seem promising in my opinion, I can't foresee it being implemented anytime soon, however I will be sure to pass this along as a potential idea for the future.
  • tfg76
    tfg76 Posts: 258 Mover and Shaker
    In order to give D3Go some fuel to work with this, I would actually say that you could implement this very closely to regular magic:

    A player would have to buy, say, a premium pack (maybe at a discounted rate, maybe not), build cards from that, use any PW in their arsenal (so it's an advantage to have many to choose from, driving sales of planeswalkers), play with that deck and those cards, and win prizes that way.

    With such a high cost, the prizes should be accordingly high. It should at least be possible for the T25-50 in platinum to recoup their cost along with some bonus boosters, maybe some jewels, whatever.

    Of course, with tournaments with entry fees, the game stability has to be improved first, or at least a refund policy would have to be in place so that anyone suffering a crash during any game in the tournament or any other problem like that would be refunded their entry cost (but get to keep their cards).

    I love the idea of "shadow tournaments" on release as well, with "temporary cards" and planeswalkers, maybe that's a good first step.
  • TheDragonHermit
    TheDragonHermit Posts: 465 Mover and Shaker
    tfg76 said:
    In order to give D3Go some fuel to work with this, I would actually say that you could implement this very closely to regular magic:

    A player would have to buy, say, a premium pack (maybe at a discounted rate, maybe not), build cards from that, use any PW in their arsenal (so it's an advantage to have many to choose from, driving sales of planeswalkers), play with that deck and those cards, and win prizes that way.

    With such a high cost, the prizes should be accordingly high. It should at least be possible for the T25-50 in platinum to recoup their cost along with some bonus boosters, maybe some jewels, whatever.

    Of course, with tournaments with entry fees, the game stability has to be improved first, or at least a refund policy would have to be in place so that anyone suffering a crash during any game in the tournament or any other problem like that would be refunded their entry cost (but get to keep their cards).

    I love the idea of "shadow tournaments" on release as well, with "temporary cards" and planeswalkers, maybe that's a good first step.
    While I see where you are coming from I was thinking that sales could be driven by generated excitement, using the upcoming Walkers could drive player anticipation. As for stability, I had an idea that I was thinking of making a new thread for. Since so many things can interrupt a game and the game can freeze up mid battle (happens for me sometimes with a good Dovin or Tezzeret hand) I wonder if it could be possible to save each round client side, I can imagine this could have some interesting exploits depending on how this could be implemented, so I can see why this might not be done, and it isn't really a solution more of a bandage.