Question on the math of PVE nodes

Wagnbat Posts: 12 Just Dropped In

PVE scoring question (not a complaint). I'm 90 minutes out from the end of the event, and it appears some people are out of reach (in the current and final sub), which doesn't make sense to me. Using the ranking I am currently at 22624 with everyone else whom did 4 clears. If the nodes reset to (almost) full, then one more run through every node should grant about 5600 pts (25% of 22624, or one of 4 clears worth), and would then drop the total value of the nodes down to 2/3 of that or about 3700 points, and dropping further for the last clear (#7) yielding just under 1900 points. So the total to be gained is about 11,200.

Yesterday when the sub started, I was #6 or 7 to finish my 4 clears. So only 5 or so are in front of me. Adding the 11200 to my current 22624 yields 33,824. And that is assuming the nodes are fully reset and worth max points (which they can not yet be).

Looking at the screenshot below, you can see 3 people are above the theoretical maximum point value for the sub. I know they took grinding for 1 point out of the game. So how could a player be nearly 1000 points ahead of the max? I am clearly missing something or my math and PVE understanding is wrong.

(removed pictures to remove names)


  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,534 Chairperson of the Boards
    If you look at the end of the sub, you'll see that you can still 3pt grind on either the essential or hard path.

    The answer to your other question.  is that optimal scoring is based on the concept of minimal matches.  There are other point maximizing strategies that don't try to minimize the numb of matches played.

    I think what your really seeing are some players are conditioned to play 1 hr of pve every day.  This is their personal expectation of how they spend personal time.  So for these players, even though you've cut down the time to finish a sub, they will still play 3 pters because they don't feel a need or want to stop play.

  • Skrofa
    Skrofa Posts: 388 Mover and Shaker
    I think you will find quite a different situation once you do your final grind. 
    Those people are just overclearing and you will be waving goodbye to them towards the end of the event.

    Sidenote: edit the pictures so you cannot see the names. Putting players' name out in the open like that is a big nono in the forums
  • Pants1000
    Pants1000 Posts: 484 Mover and Shaker
    Your math is off because of the wave and loaner nodes.  A single clear of every node is worth about 7,500, not 5,600.
  • Wagnbat
    Wagnbat Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    Pants1000 said:
    Your math is off because of the wave and loaner nodes.  A single clear of every node is worth about 7,500, not 5,600.
    I think waves still apply.  If wave 1 is worth 1000pts, and wave 2 is worth 1000 pts, then wave 3 would be worth 666 pts, until it resets and you should be able to clear it 3 times the next day for (approx) 1000, 666, and 333, or about 4000pts total.

    If a regular node was 500 pts, 4 clears would be 2000 pts...  Then the following day would be 500, 366, and 133, for an overall total of the original 2000 pts plus end end of sub clears of 100 pts.  I see that waves would be worth more in this circumstance, and I didn't originally figure that.

    I assume loaner nodes are 1 of 1 clears?    Not being able to clear them again would result in a lower overall score, while I was trying to figure the math of how people were much higher than the perceived possible score.
  • MaskedMan
    MaskedMan Posts: 234 Tile Toppler
    This is the problem with PvP it always encourages people to do their worst.  In Ravager event on my node I kept running into someone who was shielded on all but one node.  Obviously some new exploit.  The rewards make being 1st few places all that matters since the rewards drop off so dramatically.

    As far as scoring I do 6 clears on all nodes and only make top 100 most of the time.  10 ten is insanely high.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    MaskedMan said:
    This is the problem with PvP it always encourages people to do their worst.  In Ravager event on my node I kept running into someone who was shielded on all but one node.  Obviously some new exploit.  The rewards make being 1st few places all that matters since the rewards drop off so dramatically.
    I have absolutely no idea what you were trying to say there.