Steam save file not working

Quick explanation but basically something in the recent update has stopped the system reading my partners save file.

Essentially we used to both play using the same computer by being able to move the saved game file out of the slot0 folder. Depending on which save file was in the folder at the time would mean either my game or hers would load up. Thats worked perfectly for weeks until the update yesterday and now regardless of which file is being used its always my saved game that loads.

I'm guessing this is a result of the "fix" that was implemented to stop the corrupted saved game message that some people had reported but it seems to have had extra (hopefully unexpected) effects.

Please fix.


  • I would assume this is due to the game now being saved using Steam Cloud and therefore the games loads the last save from Steam's servers and not your PC (Your game was probably the first one you played after the update and so that is what was saved to the Cloud). The save file on the PC is only really used now when you are offline from Steam and then syncs the info back to the cloud when you are next online.

    I dont know how you would fix this so you could still both play, try the Seam forums, loads of really knowledgeable people in there on this sort of thing. There may well be a way to disable the Cloud saving feature.
  • Yep, thats exactly why. Theres a brief explanation and a couple of options mentioned in the anouncements forum.
  • okay, didnt really need my reply then icon_e_biggrin.gif

    I hope you can get it sorted because i cant believe I hadnt thought of doing what you used to do, it would be great for my son to be able to have his own game rather than just use mine. I hope there is a way round this and if there is I thank you for giving me this idea!

    I will check out the Announcememts forums and see what the options are, thanks.
  • Didnt really need the help but it was appreciated none the less icon_e_smile.gif

    I've worked out a way to sort this now so im happy.
  • You're welcome. How did you sort it?
  • I've sent you a PM.
  • Unknown
    edited March 2014
    Mine now states error on cloud sync for every launch. (Edit: problem stopped shortly after this notice)
  • pasa, not wanting to sate something obvious and sound patronising but maybe the steram cloud sync is turned off in steam. I think if you right click on the games name in the library list there should be an option to turn steam cloud on or off. try that, if not, im sorry man i have no idea, contact Steam icon_e_sad.gif
  • The PACman wrote:
    pasa, not wanting to sate something obvious and sound patronising but maybe the steram cloud sync is turned off in steam. I think if you right click on the games name in the library list there should be an option to turn steam cloud on or off. try that, if not, im sorry man i have no idea, contact Steam icon_e_sad.gif

    If the feature is turned off then steam does not attempt to do anything so no chance to get report it failed icon_e_wink.gif
    Seems it was some transient error.
  • pasa_ wrote:
    The PACman wrote:
    pasa, not wanting to sate something obvious and sound patronising but maybe the steram cloud sync is turned off in steam. I think if you right click on the games name in the library list there should be an option to turn steam cloud on or off. try that, if not, im sorry man i have no idea, contact Steam icon_e_sad.gif

    If the feature is turned off then steam does not attempt to do anything so no chance to get report it failed icon_e_wink.gif
    Seems it was some transient error.

    That is a good point, i am no expert lol
    glad it's sorted for you now though