Is tile damage a hidden decimal?

edited February 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
I purposely leveled my Hulk and Punisher relatively evenly so that Hulk was always one step better and would cover Punisher for red and green matches. Just last night I leveled Punisher so that he was even on red and green to the Hulk's strength. I played a fight where neither was boosted and Hulk again tanked red and green.

But just now I entered an IM40 LR where both are boosted, but suddenly there where no Hulk icons, Punisher was strongest in everything! Is there a hidden decimal to their color strength that might put Punisher ahead when they are both equally boosted? Now I have to spend some of that ISO I was saving for Black Panther...


  • The display value is rounded to the nearest one.

    If they're equal level, the tiebreaker goes middle > left > center on the team lineup.

    Note that in LR, the round that features The Punisher, he has to be in the middle, so he will always have the tiebreaker over Hulk or anyone else with the same strength. Likewise when Hulk is the featured character he'll always get the tiebreaker. For everything else, make sure the one you don't want to tank occupies the rightmost position.
  • Phantron wrote:
    If they're equal level, the tiebreaker goes middle > left > center on the team lineup.

    I don't think this is correct. I've test this out, and character position never changes the tiles. I think there is a hidden decimal value that gives one character or the other the edge
  • Phantron wrote:
    If they're equal level, the tiebreaker goes middle > left > center on the team lineup.

    I don't think this is correct. I've test this out, and character position never changes the tiles. I think there is a hidden decimal value that gives one character or the other the edge

    I said if they're equal level. It doesn't work for any other case because there indeed is a decimal place that you do not see. But if two characters have the same strength (to nearest 1) and are of the same level, that basically means they're also of the same rarity so they use the same formula and that's the only way to get a tie and that's where the position tiebreaker comes in.

    In any other case, it's nearly certain 2 characters of unequal level do not have the same value for their tile strength when you factor in the decimal place you cannot see, so there's no need to go to the positional tiebreaker.
  • Oh, that clears it up. Thanks
  • Phantron wrote:
    If they're equal level, the tiebreaker goes middle > left > center on the team lineup.

    I don't think this is correct. I've test this out, and character position never changes the tiles. I think there is a hidden decimal value that gives one character or the other the edge
    I think he means middle > left > right, but I can confirm this to be true.
  • Yeggy
    Yeggy Posts: 81
    dlaw008 wrote:
    I purposely leveled my Hulk and Punisher relatively evenly so that Hulk was always one step better and would cover Punisher for red and green matches. Just last night I leveled Punisher so that he was even on red and green to the Hulk's strength. I played a fight where neither was boosted and Hulk again tanked red and green.

    But just now I entered an IM40 LR where both are boosted, but suddenly there where no Hulk icons, Punisher was strongest in everything! Is there a hidden decimal to their color strength that might put Punisher ahead when they are both equally boosted? Now I have to spend some of that ISO I was saving for Black Panther...

    Do note that if both Hulk and Punisher are at the same level, Hulk's Green and Red are more powerful than Punisher's Green and Red. You leveled them in such a way that Hulk is always higher than Punisher (your punisher is likely higher level than Hulk, I assume). These colours scale differently for each of these character with levels. After they are buffed, these numbers may no longer be even. Do they still share the same damage in Green/Red? It may not be the case, please confirm this and tell us as well.

    If they have the same damage, then the fact Punisher is in the middle explains why he would cover for Hulk, as others have stated.
  • Not to high jack this thread too much, but I think it would be a nice addition to the character select screen to have a little graphic that could quickly identify which character would be out front for each color. It would be especially helpful for events like the simulator where your group might change from fight to fight.
  • You are correct that My Punisher is several levels higher than Hulk. The funny part is, I have now leveled up my Hulk to be at least one whole number above Punisher in both red and green, but Just fought in lightning rounds today where (when boosted) they were equal according to the in-fight numbers, and Punisher was still tanking green. This while their raw scores showed Hulk as one whole number higher.

    Am I to take it that heroes receive a greater boost the higher their level? Because Punisher is a higher level his score is boosted more than Hulk? Otherwise I cannot explain how Punisher's score could overtake the Hulk's if there was a straight simple multiplier.