"Nahiri Zoo" QB Decklist & Videos (~150 points per hour)



  • James13
    James13 Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    Nothguorb wrote:
    It's maddening...I just bought Nahiri, but I can't for the life of me seem to draw Uncaged Fury even after a big box icon_e_sad.gif. With that one card my zoo would be set.

    Uncaged fury is only in the SOI set. That rotated out, so I'm assuming you got a box yesterday?

    Just mentioning in case you were not aware cards were set specific.
  • Machine
    Machine Posts: 890 Critical Contributor
    How come your gameplay is that smooth and fast? When I play it on my phone, it is nowhere that fast.
  • Mathistopheles
    Mathistopheles Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    Hi guys,

    First time posting (I actually just signed up for the forums).

    Since I do not have Olivia and Avaricious Dragon, I am using the first list that was given by yun, but I am running Angel of Invention and Sanctifier of Souls instead.

    What are people's thoughts between Angel or Olivia? I have never had Olivia, so I have never seen her in action on my side, but does -2 cost, +2 power out of the gate vs. Olivia (plus the boost to other creatures already on the field) make her a better mainstream choice?

    I figure if Olivia is the end-game knockout punch, would Angel be a better KO punch?
  • Magog
    Magog Posts: 106 Tile Toppler
    Hi guys,

    First time posting (I actually just signed up for the forums).

    Since I do not have Olivia and Avaricious Dragon, I am using the first list that was given by yun, but I am running Angel of Invention and Sanctifier of Souls instead.

    What are people's thoughts between Angel or Olivia? I have never had Olivia, so I have never seen her in action on my side, but does -2 cost, +2 power out of the gate vs. Olivia (plus the boost to other creatures already on the field) make her a better mainstream choice?

    I figure if Olivia is the end-game knockout punch, would Angel be a better KO punch?

    First off, welcome to the forum!

    I have both Olivia and Angel of Invention, and the latter honestly has nothing on Olivia. Points in Olivia's favour:

    * Haste for herself and others. Remember that a Nahiri Zoo deck is meant to kill enemies quickly. Angel might have an edge in terms of power, but it takes an additional turn for that power to do anything, so after two turns Olivia has done 22 damage (and gotten you back 22 life), while Angel has only done 13, or maybe 15 if Fabricate affects another creature. The advantage also applies to other creatures.
    * Olivia doesn't have Vigilance, making it less likely for her to die.
    * Lifelink for others increases your survivability drastically, and also means you're more likely to enter the next round with full health. The alternative is to pay for health potions.
  • span_argoman
    span_argoman Posts: 751 Critical Contributor
    Magog wrote:
    * Lifelink for others increases your survivability drastically, and also means you're more likely to enter the next round with full health. The alternative is to pay for health potions.
    Just to clarify this point to new players who may misunderstand, you get health potions (each restores the current planeswalker to full health) every ##:00 and ##:30 of each hour and you can hold up to 3 potions. You don't have to pay to procure new health potions but if you're using more than 1 every half hour and are playing for extended periods then yeah you might need to pay for potions if you wish.
  • Mathistopheles
    Mathistopheles Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    Magog wrote:
    First off, welcome to the forum!

    Magog wrote:
    I have both Olivia and Angel of Invention, and the latter honestly has nothing on Olivia. Points in Olivia's favour:

    * Haste for herself and others. Remember that a Nahiri Zoo deck is meant to kill enemies quickly. Angel might have an edge in terms of power, but it takes an additional turn for that power to do anything, so after two turns Olivia has done 22 damage (and gotten you back 22 life), while Angel has only done 13, or maybe 15 if Fabricate affects another creature. The advantage also applies to other creatures.
    * Olivia doesn't have Vigilance, making it less likely for her to die.
    * Lifelink for others increases your survivability drastically, and also means you're more likely to enter the next round with full health. The alternative is to pay for health potions.

    These make sense. I will, therefore, take Angel as the slightly slower, mildly more defensive version of Olivia until the day comes when our PRNG overlords reward me with Olivia.

    Regarding your last point, though, it has happened quite a few times where Angel comes down, gives +3/+3 to my team that turn for beats, and my opponent's 2 creatures (not big enough or big enough to take down Angel together) come crashing into Angel for 11-13 life x the number of creatures they attacked with. Olivia may deal 22 damage by the end of the turn after casting (with lifelink), but Angel can do the same with blocking opponents' creatures without a swing, and acts as a sweeper. If Angel gets one swing in, the life gained is 50% on average more than Olivia by the end of that turn after cast (33+ vs. 22+ other creatures that enter play).

    Still want an Olivia, though. I enjoy having options, and I will hopefully see a difference for myself!!
  • aenigmaeffect
    aenigmaeffect Posts: 55 Match Maker
    I just want to chime in from a non-maxed out player (I'm in Gold, and I've kept my Nahiri at Level 40).

    First off, thanks, yunnnn, for a great breakdown (video and PowerPoint!)

    I normally don't grind QB (takes too much time, since it's never ending), but decided to test this out yesterday/today.

    I used to run an extra spell and support, but swapped it out per yunnnn's strat. I also don't have a lot of those cards, but following the "7 mana or less beaters", with some life gain (Lone Rider and War Oracle), games were over in just under 3 minutes on average. I have to say, games were so fast it was addicting!

    My deck:
    Cheap beaters:
    Lone Rider
    Reckless Bushwhacker
    Volcanic Rambler
    War Oracle (yes, midrange, but I wanted extra life gain to not use potions)
    Visionary Augmenter (Amazing card! If I have both this and Lone Rider, I will cast LR first, then cast this next turn so it can activate LR right away).
    Brazen Scourge (for the haste, and 7 mana. I chose it over Serene Steward for the haste and red for Embermaw).

    Top end:
    Embermaw Hellion (animation slows things down, but adds good damage for me)
    Skysovereign, Consul Flagship (crew brings the cost down, and I also use it to clear the board of smaller creatures if need be)

    Smite the Monstrous (no Inner Struggle icon_e_sad.gif )
    Uncaged Fury

    Just wanted to say that you really don't need top end cards to make this work (at least at my level). Getting Nahiri to do +3/+3 (at my level) gives you enough speed (over +2/+2), and IMHO, Harbinger is preferred if it's either 3 or 4x reinforce, or if you have a large creature (mine is only 2x, but I've used it on Sovereign for an extra 24 damage to finish).

    Thanks again! (I ended up top 50, which is fine enough for me for the time spent).

    Edited for better organization
  • Nothguorb
    Nothguorb Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    James13 wrote:

    Uncaged fury is only in the SOI set. That rotated out, so I'm assuming you got a box yesterday?

    Just mentioning in case you were not aware cards were set specific.

    No I opened a box of SOI last week when it was in the store.
  • Wax
    Wax Posts: 37
    Anyone been trying out Electrostatic Pummeler yet? I never gave the card a good enough read to realize that it boosts its attack by x2 rather than +x (noticed it after pumping it up to 60 attack with Koth, and saw it change to 120)... With Nahiri's first and third skills, it seems like it would be an auto-include if you're playing a deck with some Energize. Might not be as fast as Koth, but just casting her third skill on it makes it 12/12, which would hit for 24 with Overload activation. For 7 mana, that seems pretty good, let alone if you can pump it up further.

    I dunno, though. Might not be as efficient as it seems, since despite the low-cost, there are much better creatures to cast her 3rd skill on.
  • Schlemoc
    Schlemoc Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    I been playing a nahiri zoo format since i first stumbled on this approach. I subbed in lightning dancer and solemn recruit from kaladesh. Absolutely insane. The only large beater is gisela. Barely play her though. Game is over before she is cast.

    Longest game is typically 5 rounds. It gets insane. Especially if i get the zada hedron grinder out with a few spells. Zada has won more than enough shares of games by dishing over 100 damage in a turn for me to keep him.

    Beat new event first round guy in 2 rounds with a lucky draw of solemn recruit and lighning dancer.


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