Combined Arms - January 08 - 11

Moon Roach
Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
Combined Arms
This Event:
All Two-Star Characters
All Three-Star Characters
All Four-Star Characters
Level 8
Level 7
Level 6
Level 5
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
This Event:
All Two-Star Characters
All Three-Star Characters
All Four-Star Characters
Level 8
Single Player Rewards
1. 6000
, 100
, 2
, 3 x
, 3 x


2-5. 5000
, 100
, 1
, 2 x
, 2 x


6-10. 4000
, 100
, 1
, 4 x

11-25. 3000
, 50
, 3 x

26-50. 2500
, 50
, 2 x

51-100. 2500
, 25
, 3 x

101-200. 2500
, 3 x

201-300. 2500
, 2 x 
301-400. 2500
401-500. 2000
Progression Rewards:
50. 750
100. +3 All Boosts

400. 50
500. 750
575. 10
725. 50

825. 2500

1200. 15
Alliance Rewards:
1-2. 6000
, 250
, 3 x

3-10. 6000
, 150
, 2 x

11-25. 5000
, 100

26-50. 3500
, 100

51-100. 2500
, 100

101-250. 2500
, 50 
251-500. 1750
, 50 
501-10000. 1750
1. 6000

2-5. 5000

6-10. 4000

11-25. 3000

26-50. 2500

51-100. 2500

101-200. 2500

201-300. 2500

301-400. 2500

401-500. 2000

Progression Rewards:

50. 750

100. +3 All Boosts



400. 50

500. 750

575. 10


725. 50


825. 2500



1200. 15

Alliance Rewards:
1-2. 6000

3-10. 6000

11-25. 5000

26-50. 3500

51-100. 2500

101-250. 2500

251-500. 1750

501-10000. 1750

Level 7
Single Player Rewards
1. 5500
, 100
, 2


2-5. 4500
, 100
, 1


6-10. 3500
, 100
, 1
, 3 x

11-25. 2500
, 50
, 1
, 3 x

26-50. 2000
, 50
, 2 x

51-100. 2000
, 25
, 3 x

101-200. 2000
, 3 x

201-300. 2000
, 2 x 
301-400. 2000
401-500. 1500
Progression Rewards:
50. 750
100. +3 All Boosts

400. 50
500. 750
575. 10
725. 50

825. 2000

1200. 15
Alliance Rewards:
1-2. 5500
, 250
, 3 x

3-10. 5500
, 100
, 2 x

11-25. 4500
, 100

26-50. 3000
, 100

51-100. 2000
, 100

101-250. 2000
, 50 
251-500. 1250
, 50 
501-10000. 1250
1. 5500

2-5. 4500

6-10. 3500

11-25. 2500

26-50. 2000

51-100. 2000

101-200. 2000

201-300. 2000

301-400. 2000

401-500. 1500

Progression Rewards:

50. 750

100. +3 All Boosts



400. 50

500. 750

575. 10


725. 50


825. 2000



1200. 15

Alliance Rewards:
1-2. 5500

3-10. 5500

11-25. 4500

26-50. 3000

51-100. 2000

101-250. 2000

251-500. 1250

501-10000. 1250

Level 6
Single Player Rewards
1. 5000
, 100


2-5. 4000
, 100
, 3 x

6-10. 3000
, 100
, 3 x

11-25. 2000
, 50
, 3 x

26-50. 1500
, 50
, 3 x

51-100. 1400
, 25
, 3 x

101-200. 1250
, 2 x 
201-300. 1250
301-400. 1000
401-500. 800
, 3 x 
Progression Rewards:
50. 600
100. +3 All Boosts

400. 50
500. 600
575. 10
725. 50

825. 1500

1200. 15
Alliance Rewards:
1-2. 5000
, 250
, 2 x

3-10. 5000
, 100
, 2 x

11-25. 4000
, 100

26-50. 2500
, 100

51-100. 1500
, 50

101-250. 1500
, 50 
251-500. 750
, 25 
501-10000. 750
1. 5000

2-5. 4000

6-10. 3000

11-25. 2000

26-50. 1500

51-100. 1400

101-200. 1250

201-300. 1250

301-400. 1000

401-500. 800

Progression Rewards:

50. 600

100. +3 All Boosts



400. 50

500. 600

575. 10


725. 50


825. 1500



1200. 15

Alliance Rewards:
1-2. 5000

3-10. 5000

11-25. 4000

26-50. 2500

51-100. 1500

101-250. 1500

251-500. 750

501-10000. 750

Level 5
Single Player Rewards
1. 4000
, 100
, 3 x

2-5. 3000
, 100
, 2 x

6-10. 2000
, 50

11-25. 1500
, 50

26-50. 1250
, 50

51-100. 1200
, 25
, 2 x 
101-200. 1000
, 2 x 
201-300. 800
, 2 x 
301-400. 800
, 3 x 
401-500. 700
, 3 x 
Progression Rewards:
50. 600
100. +3 All Boosts

400. 50
500. 600
575. 10
725. 50

825. 1500

1200. 15
Alliance Rewards:
1-2. 4000
, 150

3-10. 4000
, 100

11-25. 3000
, 100

26-50. 2000
, 50
, 2 x
51-100. 1000
, 50
, 2 x
101-250. 1000
, 50 
251-500. 500
, 25 
501-10000. 500
1. 4000

2-5. 3000

6-10. 2000

11-25. 1500

26-50. 1250

51-100. 1200

101-200. 1000

201-300. 800

301-400. 800

401-500. 700

Progression Rewards:

50. 600

100. +3 All Boosts



400. 50

500. 600

575. 10


725. 50


825. 1500



1200. 15

Alliance Rewards:
1-2. 4000

3-10. 4000

11-25. 3000

26-50. 2000

51-100. 1000

101-250. 1000

251-500. 500

501-10000. 500

Level 4
Single Player Rewards
1. 3500
, 100
, 3 x


2-5. 2500
, 50
, 3 x


6-10. 1500
, 50
, 3 x


11-25. 1000
, 50

26-50. 1000
, 25

51-100. 800
, 25

101-200. 700
, 3 x 
201-300. 600
, 2 x 
301-400. 500
, 2 x 
401-500. 400
, 2 x 
Progression Rewards:
50. 500
100. +3 All Boosts

400. 50
500. 500
575. 5
725. 50
825. 1200

1200. 10
Alliance Rewards:
1-2. 3500
, 100

3-10. 3000
, 100

11-25. 2500
, 100

26-50. 1500
, 50
, 2 x 
51-100. 750
, 50
, 2 x 
101-250. 750
, 25 
251-500. 500
501-10000. 400
1. 3500

2-5. 2500

6-10. 1500

11-25. 1000

26-50. 1000

51-100. 800

101-200. 700

201-300. 600

301-400. 500

401-500. 400

Progression Rewards:

50. 500

100. +3 All Boosts



400. 50

500. 500

575. 5


725. 50


825. 1200



1200. 10

Alliance Rewards:
1-2. 3500

3-10. 3000

11-25. 2500

26-50. 1500

51-100. 750

101-250. 750

251-500. 500

501-10000. 400

Level 3
Single Player Rewards
1. 2500
, 50


2-5. 1500
, 50


6-10. 1000
, 50
, 2 x

11-25. 1000
, 25

26-50. 1000
, 25

51-100. 800
, 25
, 3 x 
101-200. 700
, 2 x 
201-300. 500
, 2 x 
301-400. 400
, 2 x 
401-500. 400
Progression Rewards:
50. 300
100. +3 All Boosts

400. 50
500. 400
575. 2
725. 50
825. 1200

1200. 5
Alliance Rewards:
1-2. 2500
, 50
, 3 x

3-10. 2000
, 50
, 2 x

11-25. 1500
, 50

26-50. 750
51-100. 750
101-250. 700
251-500. 400
501-10000. 300
1. 2500

2-5. 1500

6-10. 1000

11-25. 1000

26-50. 1000

51-100. 800

101-200. 700

201-300. 500

301-400. 400

401-500. 400

Progression Rewards:

50. 300

100. +3 All Boosts



400. 50

500. 400

575. 2


725. 50


825. 1200



1200. 5

Alliance Rewards:
1-2. 2500

3-10. 2000

11-25. 1500

26-50. 750

51-100. 750

101-250. 700

251-500. 400

501-10000. 300

Level 2
Single Player Rewards
1. 1000
, 25
, 3 x

2-5. 800
, 25
, 2 x

6-10. 800
, 25

11-25. 800
, 10
, 3 x 
26-50. 800
, 10
, 2 x 
51-100. 800
, 10
101-200. 700
201-300. 500
301-400. 400
401-500. 400
Progression Rewards:
50. 250
100. +3 All Boosts

400. 50
500. 400
575. 2
725. 50
825. 1000

1200. 2
Alliance Rewards:
1-2. 1000
3-10. 800
11-25. 750
26-50. 750
51-100. 600
101-250. 500
251-500. 250
501-10000. 250
1. 1000

2-5. 800

6-10. 800

11-25. 800

26-50. 800

51-100. 800

101-200. 700

201-300. 500

301-400. 400

401-500. 400

Progression Rewards:

50. 250

100. +3 All Boosts



400. 50

500. 400

575. 2


725. 50


825. 1000



1200. 2

Alliance Rewards:
1-2. 1000

3-10. 800

11-25. 750

26-50. 750

51-100. 600

101-250. 500

251-500. 250

501-10000. 250

Level 1
Single Player Rewards
1. 1000
, 25
, 3 x

2-5. 800
, 25
, 2 x

6-10. 700
, 25

11-25. 700
, 3 x 
26-50. 700
, 2 x 
51-100. 700
101-200. 600
201-300. 500
301-400. 400
401-500. 300
Progression Rewards:
50. 200
100. +3 All Boosts

400. 50
500. 300
575. 1
1. 1000

2-5. 800

6-10. 700

11-25. 700

26-50. 700

51-100. 700

101-200. 600

201-300. 500

301-400. 400

401-500. 300

Progression Rewards:

50. 200

100. +3 All Boosts



400. 50

500. 300

575. 1

I'm keen on the blue Kate cover (it would be my 12th cover for her) so I'll push hard for this event.
OBW, IM40 and my newly championed MAXie should be able to bring myself above the 900 points-mark.0 -
Black Duke wrote:I'm keen on the blue Kate cover (it would be my 12th cover for her) so I'll push hard for this event.
OBW, IM40 and my newly championed MAXie should be able to bring myself above the 900 points-mark.
Me too! Broken OBW is going to be a lot of fun for this one
Can't go wrong with the IM40/4hor combo, and OBW pumping up the AP. No green usage, but oh well.
Maybe IM40/Bobby/OBW0 -
I'm going OBW and Peggy. Good luck getting a power off! Don't know who the 3rd will be yet.0
I'm shocked they are still running this event with a broken OBW and MNMags.. I expect to see tons of OBW teams along with some winfity of Pro X, SW and MNMags0
My initial team is Medusa, Doctor Strange, and Bullseye.
Stun, heal, protect, I'm finishing most battles with almost full health. I'm skipping those Red Hulk teams for now, 40k+ health is quite a lot to grind down.0 -
Really enjoyed this event last time, and it started out fun again. I rolled out 7 or 8 different teams and experimented a bunch. Then I got over 400 pts and suddenly every opponent has a 4* 70-100 levels above my own, and better covered of course. Didn't help that I sold my obw right before the patch issues, and I've now lost 4 straight matches, downing a single opponent in those matches combined. For someone who coasts to 575 every event, and was looking forward to this one in particular, really disappointed.0
Interestingly, I've seen a few Bagman teams. Checking the rosters, the owners are in top 10 alliances. I wonder if there's some kind of challenge going on.0
I haven't put any ISO in my 4*s yet because I don't have enough covers to really use them in any PVE or PVP, but now with Combined Arms, I have to use one.
I did the seed teams with 4Wolverine, 3SW, and 2Mags. I did one non-seed team with 4Thor, 3IM, 2OBW. None seemed amazingly unbeatable.
Looking at my roster, what would be my best team to fight with?
I've been saving ISO to be able to champion any 3* once I get their 13th cover and then just hoarding it so when I DO eventually get to the point I want to draw LTs and other tokens and get 4*s, I can champion them when I need to. Should I spend a little ISO to raise a certain 4* to help with this PVP?
Thanks for help!0 -
cooperbigdaddy wrote:I haven't put any ISO in my 4*s yet because I don't have enough covers to really use them in any PVE or PVP, but now with Combined Arms, I have to use one.
I did the seed teams with 4Wolverine, 3SW, and 2Mags. I did one non-seed team with 4Thor, 3IM, 2OBW. None seemed amazingly unbeatable.
Looking at my roster, what would be my best team to fight with?
I've been saving ISO to be able to champion any 3* once I get their 13th cover and then just hoarding it so when I DO eventually get to the point I want to draw LTs and other tokens and get 4*s, I can champion them when I need to. Should I spend a little ISO to raise a certain 4* to help with this PVP?
Thanks for help!
If your roster is mostly up to date, it looks like the only 4* with a decent amount of covers is Dino. At this point, I would probably say it's best to save your ISO, but others may disagree. I'm not sure the level of opponents you run in to, but I would probably use Dino/IM40/OBW. With the current bug, you want 5 purple for Black Widow though.0 -
I have to admit that I'm a big fan of this event. I climbed to more than 1000 points easily with my A-Team (OBW, IM40, Punisher/Iceman) without getting constantly attacked by the big guys. They should do more PVP events like this!0
Black Duke wrote:I have to admit that I'm a big fan of this event. I climbed to more than 1000 points easily with my A-Team (OBW, IM40, Punisher/Iceman) without getting constantly attacked by the big guys. They should do more PVP events like this!
1100 was easy.
1100 to 1200 is where it breaks down.
Broken OBW makes this WAY less enjoyable than the first run.0 -
Last run the 2 star was just a meat shield of 7-8k health. Now OBW, specifically OBW/Hood, can be AP crippling.0
Used prof x / switch / obw. Fought team and was left with my prof x vs their switch. I was not aware that her Reality Crush could stun and damage my invisible Prof X. Is that new, tied to the R117 glitches or was I just woefully unaware of this mechanic?0
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