Dear D3/Hibernum: You are the grinch.

Kevinanth Posts: 50
edited December 2016 in MtGPQ General Discussion
I have been very positive and often defended a number of the perceived issues in this game (the garbage drop rates, the amount of dupes, the ridiculous amount of bugs and zero QA with new updates etc.). But this latest change to coalition events is the greediest thing I've seen yet from you guys. Frankly is disgusting, especially as you role it out with your "holiday spirit" update and the message of "hey guys look how generous we are".

Reducing the number of coalition events happening per week is lame. It reduces prize support and makes this game less fun. I basically only play this so that I can play with my coalition.

Changing the guaranteed mythic from "Top 10" to "Top 2" is complete **** ****. It's already near impossible to open mythics but at least we had a system where you could work your way to a top 10 coalition to earn better cards. Now it's top 2 or bust?! Was giving out an extra 160 mythic cards/event really costing you that much money?! I'm disgusted. Really really disgusted.

The way this game is managed is so disappointing and frustrating.

Disgusted. Really really disgusted.


  • bk1234
    bk1234 Posts: 2,924 Chairperson of the Boards
    Why even bother anymore. I'm going to request refunds for all of my purchases from the last 90 days.
  • Plastic
    Plastic Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    bken1234 wrote:
    Why even bother anymore. I'm going to request refunds for all of my purchases from the last 90 days.

    You can do that?! Sorry D3, I'm totally doing this if possible. You guys had many chances over many months. icon_e_smile.gif
  • Ampmp11
    Ampmp11 Posts: 77 Match Maker
    bken1234 wrote:
    Why even bother anymore. I'm going to request refunds for all of my purchases from the last 90 days.

    This! You can't change the environment and logistics of the game and expect people to not get a refund. It's like we were playing chess and now you get to play checkers.
  • Ampmp11
    Ampmp11 Posts: 77 Match Maker
    Plastic wrote:
    bken1234 wrote:
    Why even bother anymore. I'm going to request refunds for all of my purchases from the last 90 days.

    You can do that?! Sorry D3, I'm totally doing this if possible. You guys had many chances over many months. icon_e_smile.gif

    I'll post in this forum or slack on how to get a full refund if things don't get changed.
  • Kevinanth
    I also suggest sending a letter to the execs at D3 to point out how awful this change is:
  • glggwp
    glggwp Posts: 202 Tile Toppler
    Ampmp11 wrote:
    Plastic wrote:
    bken1234 wrote:
    Why even bother anymore. I'm going to request refunds for all of my purchases from the last 90 days.

    You can do that?! Sorry D3, I'm totally doing this if possible. You guys had many chances over many months. icon_e_smile.gif

    I'll post in this forum or slack on how to get a full refund if things don't get changed.
    i will do it now
  • losdamianos
    losdamianos Posts: 429 Mover and Shaker
    bken1234 wrote:
    Why even bother anymore. I'm going to request refunds for all of my purchases from the last 90 days.
    Great Idea
    Thanks for the suggestion
  • Shadow76
    I'd love to gets refund for the $65 i spent last week that netted me 0 new cards. I doubt anyone gets anything. Despite all the ridiculousness of dupes and low mythic rates it's still not the biggest problem with this game. We would tolerate all the greed of randomly generated boosters and all the bugs if this game had more content! I've 100% story mode and quick battle rewards are only worth the effort if you finish 1st. That only leaves events and like previously stated they are shrinking the pay off for that! Even if I had every mythic I wanted what would I do with them? There's only qb or wait several hours for event charges. I'm personally out on this game because I'm bored with the same **** over and over. New content will equal new money and I don't mean just new cards. Wizards made those cards not Hibernum or D3.
  • khurram
    khurram Posts: 1,083 Chairperson of the Boards
    Err.... remember when there used to be no coalitions and people did not take 2 mythics a week for granted?
  • bk1234
    bk1234 Posts: 2,924 Chairperson of the Boards
    khurram wrote:
    Err.... remember when there used to be no coalitions and people did not take 2 mythics a week for granted?

    Like back when we weren't tiered and you didn't need 2 mythics a week to stay competitive.

    Yes -- I remember --
    And the game was boring and I never spent money and I quit 3 time.
  • khurram
    khurram Posts: 1,083 Chairperson of the Boards
    bken1234 wrote:
    Like back when we weren't tiered and you didn't need 2 mythics a week to stay competitive.

    Yes -- I remember --
    And the game was boring and I never spent money and I quit 3 time.

    Did you buy Omnath? That was a long time before coalitions and events. Maybe it was someone else. In which case i am sorry.

    They have decreased the coal mythics sure. They have also increased the number of events. Top 5 in each gets a mythic.

    Time for everyone to prove just how competitive they really are and reach those top 5 brackets. Less chances to piggyback on coalitions for rewards and more reliability on your own resilience and deck making. Put those 2 mythics a week to use that you got during SOI and EMN. And those sets had cards a lot more powerful than what kaladesh has to offer so we cant say that since we dont have KLD mythics we will be screwed in the new KLD meta.

    That being said..... the race to reach the top 5 even with a perfect score as a first come first serve still sucks and needs to be looked into by devs.

    The new event objectives are a huge improvement over old ones but still need some adjustment. A few of them people have no control over if they face a wrong deck and its just plain luck.

    Apart from those 2 reasons there shouldnt be a problem for people to still get mythics if they really are competitive.

    I mean dont get me wrong i do love my weekly dose of mythics. And i have not made it to top 5 in a long while so i am as affected by the changes as anyone else. But there is a bit of an over reaction as always.
  • Kevinanth
    khurram wrote:
    bken1234 wrote:
    Like back when we weren't tiered and you didn't need 2 mythics a week to stay competitive.

    Yes -- I remember --
    And the game was boring and I never spent money and I quit 3 time.

    Did you buy Omnath? That was a long time before coalitions and events. Maybe it was someone else. In which case i am sorry.

    They have decreased the coal mythics sure. They have also increased the number of events. Top 5 in each gets a mythic.

    Time for everyone to prove just how competitive they really are and reach those top 5 brackets. Less chances to piggyback on coalitions for rewards and more reliability on your own resilience and deck making. Put those 2 mythics a week to use that you got during SOI and EMN. And those sets had cards a lot more powerful than what kaladesh has to offer so we cant say that since we dont have KLD mythics we will be screwed in the new KLD meta.

    That being said..... the race to reach the top 5 even with a perfect score as a first come first serve still sucks and needs to be looked into by devs.

    The new event objectives are a huge improvement over old ones but still need some adjustment. A few of them people have no control over if they face a wrong deck and its just plain luck.

    Apart from those 2 reasons there shouldnt be a problem for people to still get mythics if they really are competitive.

    I mean dont get me wrong i do love my weekly dose of mythics. And i have not made it to top 5 in a long while so i am as affected by the changes as anyone else. But there is a bit of an over reaction as always.

    Assuming daily events that's 7 mythic chances for top 5 finish (requiring east coast players to play at 4am, we'd cost at 1am, etc.)

    We used to have 3 events per week with top 5 mythic chance (no 4am race) PLUS top 10 coalition mythic. Meaning, a BROADER group could get up to 6 mythics per week.

    So in sum, smaller group in favored time zones can get 4 extra mythics, the rest lose out.

    Let's be clear, D3 wants to give less rewards thinking people will spend more cash. That's the sole motivation.
  • Irgy
    Irgy Posts: 148 Tile Toppler
    I do think everyone's acting a little entitled here. The previous system was really quite generous (to a particular 200 people at least), especially when compared to the atrocious drop rate from packs.

    At the same time though, they should expect some anger when they take something away like this, especially without announcing it. And top-10 seems like a better system on the whole, it motivates a much larger number of people. As others have said it would be better to widen it if anything (I might be biased in that though!).
    khurram wrote:
    The new event objectives are a huge improvement over old ones but still need some adjustment. A few of them people have no control over if they face a wrong deck and its just plain luck.

    I just want to comment on this. Just plain luck is a good thing. Because what are the alternatives? That the winners are the ones with the most mythics already? That's not a good system. Time based tiebreakers? Even the holy grail of "all skill" would still end up with the same people winning all the time and that's not a good thing either. A bit of luck means the rewards get spread out a little.

    Of course there's more and less frustrating forms of luck, and getting a bad matchup is one of the more frustrating ones, which is kind of the point you're making. But there are definitely ways to make your deck and play more robust to these "bad matchups", no opponent is a total write-off.
  • alextfish
    @Irgy: You're right, but people acting entitled is just what happens on these forums.

    Mind you, D3 sortof bring it upon themselves with their hugely overpriced IAP prices. The handful of players who do pay those massive prices are going to feel extremely invested, and have quite some cognitive dissonance when the game they've sunk so much money into changes.
  • Ampmp11
    Ampmp11 Posts: 77 Match Maker
    alextfish wrote:
    @Irgy: You're right, but people acting entitled is just what happens on these forums.

    Mind you, D3 sortof bring it upon themselves with their hugely overpriced IAP prices. The handful of players who do pay those massive prices are going to feel extremely invested, and have quite some cognitive dissonance when the game they've sunk so much money into changes.

    That's the problem, you purchase something in the hopes it will help you in some type of known environment, but when the devs/execs choose to change that environment it makes your purchase not worth it anymore. Yes it makes it feel like it's a scam.

    It's like if you were on a cruise and told you were getting off at Thailand so you buy swimming trunks to lay out on the beach, but the cruise instead stops off in Antarctica. Those swimming trunks are now useless and you'd want a refund from the cruise ship.

    Or in this game's case here's a new pws for you to use, but now we'll reduce the amount of games he's viable in (a lot less event games) and reduce the rewards you'll receive for doing well in events (less coalition events and less rewards for coalition events). It's like wait a second now I only get to use my new pws once every 8 hrs and I get even less incentive to do well, can only place top 5 individually if you live in Europe or Asia. I'm not waking up in the middle of the night to possibly lose to RNG that the AI will kill 2 or more of my creatures. That's not the same environment that I purchased the pws for.

    These things need to be addressed.

    And yes I purchased the new PWs because I like the game and thought they were going in the right direction, but then they completely reverse direction. They took 1 step forward, which I rewarded them for (made purchases and yes that's plural) and then took 2 steps back, which they should be punished for (refund).