Feature request: Woodchipper.

Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards
Now that respecs are a coming thing, a lot of us have deadwood in our rosters. That 3/4/3 spidey I have to replace my poorly assembled 5/5/3. That less yellow iron man 40. The less purple OBW.

Allowing me to break them into constituent covers seems a bit much, it would let me store far more and for far longer than the rewards queue allows for. But selling all those covers I would have used for respecs, especially when I only get the value of one cover in return seems a waste.

My compromise is to open the Weapon X facility and give each minimum level character a 'Mulch' option. The hero or villain would be fed into a Woodchipper (henceforth known as a value retrieval device or VRD). The VRD would strip the character into its component parts, and Weapon X scientists can try to arrange the kidney, little finger and intestinal ring they recovered into a new character. Appropriate sound effects should accompany this process.

The end result would be a single cover for the character mulched, randomly selected. VRDs just aren't selective enough for any guaranteed returns. A minimum level character sells the same regardless of covers assigned, do there is no loss in the gamble. And characters would need, say 3 covers to be recovered from and could only return one of their component covers.

Although I do like the idea of being able to mulch a 3 black Loki for a chance at a purple, I don't know how game breaking demiurge would perceive that.


  • TBH if they change stuff on the character skills, they should grant a proper respec possibility. Like you would get back all the invested covers and ISO. It is pretty common thing in the games, since when THEY change something, it is YOU who gets the bad deal. It makes people angry when their character gets balanced (aka nerfed) and they don't get any means to rebuild it according the changes. Even if you gulp down the nerf and start a new character (worst case you have to buy a new slot), grind enough Iso and covers to level it up again, what can keep the devs to ner.. balance it again?

    Then again, for me it seems D3 belongs to the "we are hardcore, so we know better" developers. Not a good sign.
  • I don't understand anything that you wrote.
  • someguy321 wrote:
    I don't understand anything that you wrote.

    He wants a disassemble option for your characters so you can reuse the covers again.
  • I would rather have the ability to dust covers and use X dust to gain a cover of the same star rating. Just received 3 Yelana's? Don't sell them for ISO, scrap them and buy that last Repulsor Blast.

    Maybe I just want more ways to get those yellow Hood covers... Even if it costs other 3*s
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    mechgouki wrote:
    someguy321 wrote:
    I don't understand anything that you wrote.

    He wants a disassemble option for your characters so you can reuse the covers again.

    Actually, his suggestion is not breaking down the character into what you put into it but rather just receiving a cover out (and only for min lvl chars).

    In addition to the respec they need something better for selling a char off, similar to the Thorverine option. I like the VRD idea, but think it should be applicable to leveled chars as well and get more than just one cover. Maybe a 50% return, rounded down. So that if you had a 5/5/3 you would get 5 covers back, or if you had a 5/4/4 you would get 6.
  • It almost sounds like this could lead into a crafting/breakdown system.

    Any 3 covers for a character will get you a random cover of that same character. This could be tweaked to check for color instances and expanded to multi-characters

    Possible Suggestions:

    Per same character:
    1 purple Spidey/2 yellow Spidey = 1 blue Spidey
    2 purple Spidey/1 blue Spidey = 1 yellow Spidey

    ^This situation would break for 2 ability characters like Ragnarok or Daken. Only way to guarantee the color would be to use 3 of the same.

    Per different characters of same * level:
    1 purple Spidey/1 green Hulk/1 red Daredevil = one cover of a different color of any character used in the craft. In this scenario, you would get 1 of 6 covers (yellow or blue Spidey, red or black Hulk, blue or purple Daredevil)

    The question really becomes how would this affect the cover distribution because this would get people the covers they want a little easier (still have to grind it out or get lucky with tokens to get the covers of the opposite color in order to craft the one you want). In the end, the Devs might not want covers to be created so easily, but it would be a matter of putting thought into how many covers are needed for the craft.