Prized amalgam still broken

tedkennedy Posts: 4
Hey Team,

PA is still broken. issue seems to be when it's own ability conflicts with another ability to bring it back. In my case, it's relentless dead. The RD dies, comes back triggering the return of RD and the PA, but since the PA's ability triggers on RD's return, it comes back and the RD is left with nothing to target, freezing the game. IMO it should then move to target the next available zombie.

This is very disappointing since I otherwise have a very strong zombie deck I hoped to use in the next nodes event. I love the card, but it is broken and unusable with these bugs.


  • earthcube
    Had this been fixed? I haven't tested it in this latest update, since the last patch explicitly claimed to have fixed Prized Amalgam, but it still froze me.