Hilarious AI choices - Reinforcing category

Irving Posts: 95
edited August 2016 in MtGPQ General Discussion
Oh, MTGPQ AI, how I love the levity you bring me. Lately you've been very diligent about reinforcing your cards. I know you value them and would hate to see them destroyed! Especially...

3. Vessel of Paramnesia (and other Vessels)

The essence of the Vessels is delayed gratification, really. Pay a little now, get something big later. I admire the way you've embraced the "delayed" part of that - you're happy to pay a little more to get the same size reward even later. Don't forget about the "gratification" part though! When you make the Vessel so strong that you die before it can be destroyed, you never get the reward at all. icon_e_sad.gif

2. Mirrorpool

Mobile games should be fun, right? Well, what's more fun than a funhouse? It's right there in the name. And what do funhouses have? That's right, mirrors. And what's more fun than mirrors? More mirrors! I get the concept, I really do. But unfortunately, these are mirror *pools*, not mirrors. Add one pool to another pool, and you just get one bigger pool, and still only one reflection. I know it feels like math has betrayed us. 1 + 1 is not supposed to be 1. I'm here for you, buddy, c'mon, let's hug it out.

1. Thing in the Ice

Ice Capades... ice sculpture... ice skating on a country pond on a cold, clear winter's day. Isn't ice magical? Frozen pipes... downed power lines... cars skidding into barriers. Oh. Well, maybe we don't want ice around *all* the time, do we. Inside your ice, dear AI, is a powerful weapon trying to get out. Think of it as a metaphor for the seasons. When you reinforce your Thing, you just make it so that spring never comes. That may make the White Witch happy, but it's not a good idea to make the White Witch happy. Think of the little fauns and flowers and things that want to grow - yes, even the horrors. AI, I know you may not believe me, and I understand because I *am* trying to beat you after all, but you probably don't want to reinforce your Thing in the Ice.


  • Netatron
    Netatron Posts: 147
    Not reinforcing, but I had a lot of fun against a Koth using Harness the Storm with Shard of Broken Glass to give my creatures a near endless supply of +1/+0.
  • madwren
    madwren Posts: 2,238 Chairperson of the Boards
    Those are all pretty hilarious examples. Thanks for sharing.

    Personally, I love when they drop a huge threat then promptly Reclaim or Altar's Pact it, or when Gideon1 gives my creature his ultimate power...and makes him bigger than the AI creature he's now going to attack. Uh, thanks bud!
  • Steeme
    Steeme Posts: 784 Critical Contributor
    I noticed the AI casting Murderer's Axe on my creature. Thanks for the boost my friend!
  • Nitymp
    Nitymp Posts: 320 Mover and Shaker
    Steeme wrote:
    I noticed the AI casting Murderer's Axe on my creature. Thanks for the boost my friend!

    Yeah I get this a lot! As well as Slayers Plate being played on me icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • HomeRn
    HomeRn Posts: 330 Mover and Shaker
    Nitymp wrote:
    Steeme wrote:
    I noticed the AI casting Murderer's Axe on my creature. Thanks for the boost my friend!

    Yeah I get this a lot! As well as Slayers Plate being played on me icon_e_biggrin.gif
    This happens way too much after a major update that involves new cards - not like that I'm complaining about it... icon_e_smile.gif
  • span_argoman
    span_argoman Posts: 751 Critical Contributor
    Had the AI play To The Slaughter on its own creature cause I didn't have any creatures on the board. Must have been itching to cast it.
  • blacklotus
    blacklotus Posts: 589 Critical Contributor
    mine was he tentacle crush his full deck of hex proofed Sphinx and desolation twins.

    I had only 1 hp with no way to Un-hex them.

    I promptly gripped his octopus and proceeded to win the match as Liliana. icon_e_biggrin.gif