Maintenance during a timed event?? Really?

KoopaTroopa Posts: 8
edited August 2016 in MtGPQ General Discussion
Couldn't at least have wait to the end of it? You are wasting my time to compete in the event not taking into account that this maintenance is taking place during the day and it last 5 hours... Does anyone even cares??


  • Rootbreaker
    Yes, really. Luckily it's the kind of timed event that you can get a full 8 hour sleep during and not miss any games, so hopefully you can plan around a downtime too. It was announced more than 12 hours ahead of time, which isn't a ton of time, but it's pretty significant. I guess it's bad if you live in a place where your sleep time runs straight into the downtime.
  • Nitymp
    Nitymp Posts: 320 Mover and Shaker
    Someone on the facebook group said that they were playing NoP up until maintenance and just as the maintenance was about to hit they were kicked out of NoP and given prizes based on their current rank at the time, as if it was the end of the event..
  • Zubiti
    Zubiti Posts: 11
    Nitymp wrote:
    Someone on the facebook group said that they were playing NoP up until maintenance and just as the maintenance was about to hit they were kicked out of NoP and given prizes based on their current rank at the time, as if it was the end of the event..

    Hmm...I think I may have still made top 25 if thats the case icon_e_smile.gif
  • Barrelrolla
    It's not an event like quick battle, where you have limited time to complete as many matches as you can. It's an event that recharges a match every 4 hours. I played all my matches before the maintenance and when it end I will just have one match ready for each planeswalker. If you planned right, considering the maintenance was announced, you're not missing anything.
    Personally, I am happy that it's coming sooner, can't wait to finally spend th 600 crystals I've been saving for some time for a big box.
  • huntly
    huntly Posts: 99
    Nitymp wrote:
    Someone on the facebook group said that they were playing NoP up until maintenance and just as the maintenance was about to hit they were kicked out of NoP and given prizes based on their current rank at the time, as if it was the end of the event..
    I hope that's not the case. I was only up to 22 wins before the break. I would hate to miss out on a booster pack.
  • madwren
    madwren Posts: 2,230 Chairperson of the Boards
    Nitymp wrote:
    Someone on the facebook group said that they were playing NoP up until maintenance and just as the maintenance was about to hit they were kicked out of NoP and given prizes based on their current rank at the time, as if it was the end of the event..

    That was me. I finished my game (which I'd won) received the "can't connect to the server" message, and then was booted to the "claim prize" screen showing the event had ended.
  • Barrelrolla
    I take my words back.
    I played my games and when the maintenance started I had 2 hours until the next game. It was scheduled at 5pm in my timezone and it should've ended around 10pm and I planned to play the 2 available games with each planeswalker I was gonna have at around 11pm and go to bed.
    What actually happened was that at 11pm the update was finally available, but the servers weren't online.
    At around 2:30 am I fell asleep and the servers were still not on.
    When I woke up at 8am I had 3 games with each of my planeswalkers already available. I immediately played one game with each and opened the leaderboard.
    Before the maintenance I had 2 losses and was 1 point behind the leader. I was still fighting for top 5 and top 25 was pretty much guaranteed.
    When I played 1 game with each planeswalker in the morning I checked the leaderborad - the leader was 20 points ahead. I had 10 more games to play (2 with each), but that can only bring me to 10 points behind, with 10 games to recharge before the end of the event. But they will also have new games and depending on the time they played they might even increase their lead from 10 to 15 points.
    The maintenance was announced earlier, I had planned around that, I was fighting for top 5 and in the end, because of total **** I will hardly even make it in top 100.
  • Morphis
    Morphis Posts: 975 Critical Contributor
    Yeah I predicted some days ago they would wait a NoP ending day to do the maintenance.

    That is what anyone based on their history with updates would do.... Anyone beside themselves apparently.