I think I just played one of the most unfun [matches] ever.

jollyrogercjf Posts: 34
edited July 2016 in MtGPQ General Discussion
Soooo I feel miserable after playing (and beating) what was probably the most unfun deck I've gotten to play against. I think if i had played any other deck I would have lost super fast but since I was playing ally gideon with lots of cheap allies I was able to break through the Kiora "Look at me I have all those expensive mythics and I want you to feel bad playing against me deck" deck.

Their decklist:

Bring to Light
Undergrowth Champion
Exert Influence
Day's Undoing
Nissa's Renewal
The Great Aurora
Omnath, Locus of Rage
Animist's Awakening
Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen

I'm sorry but that's just wrong, if he didnt have great aurora and the ai wasn't so stupid he would have won so quickly i basically had to win the game using ally gideons first ability repeatedly through a nissa's renewal which negated my last 5 activation's. This game went stupid long and I just feel bad after playing it that's not supposed to happen when you are trying to play a game for fun. Honestly the event decks were easier than this quick battle, even the ones with broken pw abilities.


  • Reaganstorme
    Reaganstorme Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    ~JC taking notes quietly in the distance...~
  • alextfish
    alextfish Posts: 192
    Mm, I tend to find that decks with loads of mythics in just aren't very fun to play against. I've actually started playing QB with a level 30-something 'walker rather than a level 50-something, because that way you play against lower level opponents and don't see so many Undergrowth Champions, Day's Undoings, and so on. Much fewer ribbons, but getting more ribbons isn't worth making the game is so unpleasant to play.
  • paralistalon
    paralistalon Posts: 153
    I don't fight a lot of decks like that, and they're usually easy enough to beat, but yeah, sometimes I get slammed right out of the gate, and it takes forever to win. I know I should just concede and start a new match, but there's that stubborn part of me that makes me play to the end as if the deck owner will ever know I beat them!

    I have often thought about building a "griefer" deck that I would pick for my last match before logging off so that people who play against it would be like "**** their deck has no way of winning, it just has annoying cards that makes the match drag on forever!!"
  • Just make that decklist I posted, I assure you it's just brutal to fight against, although its missing Crush of Tentacles

    Maybe take out one of those pesky rares, it's all about the mythic baby!

    maybe throw in Nissa's Revelation too.. actually i got it backwards.

    Nissa's Revelation was in their deck it was missing Nissa's Renewal

    and to round it off I guess throw in a Mirrorpool to make it a total mythic ruin your day deck.
  • Morphis
    Morphis Posts: 975 Critical Contributor
    I think if someone goes for the troll decks then it is better to just quit the game since the very beginning.
    I faced a deck with crush tentacles undergrowth champion exert influence.
    That alone is already too much to handle.
    I was able to win after a long match(long for my standards, 6 minutes I think) and only cause the ai misplayed many cards.

    If this game will ever have real pvp(unlikely) it will need a total rebalance.
  • Morphis wrote:

    If this game will ever have real pvp(unlikely) it will need a total rebalance.

    This^^^^^^^^^^^ a thousand times this.

    Thankfully the ai misplays those cards so we can eek out a win.
  • Theros
    Theros Posts: 490 Mover and Shaker
    Morphis wrote:
    I think if someone goes for the troll decks then it is better to just quit the game since the very beginning.
    I faced a deck with crush tentacles undergrowth champion exert influence.
    That alone is already too much to handle.
    I was able to win after a long match(long for my standards, 6 minutes I think) and only cause the ai misplayed many cards.

    If this game will ever have real pvp(unlikely) it will need a total rebalance.

    6 minutes per game is pretty good IMO. do you mind sharing what deck you use if your standard is less than 6 minutes?
  • shteev
    shteev Posts: 2,031 Chairperson of the Boards
    Morphis wrote:

    If this game will ever have real pvp(unlikely) it will need a total rebalance.

    This^^^^^^^^^^^ a thousand times this.

    Thankfully the ai misplays those cards so we can eek out a win.

    Oh, absolutely.

    'And for my turn, I'll Harbinger of the Tides your Harbinger of the Tides! Your go...'
  • paralistalon
    paralistalon Posts: 153
    Lol, it's safe to say that there is ZERO chance of there ever being true PvP in this game.

    I have crush of tentacles and days undoing but lack many of those other mythics. I have Hixus, Prison Warden. I can imagine that card causing quite a few headaches if it gets placed in the bottom right corner.
  • soultwist
    soultwist Posts: 329 Mover and Shaker
    Just make that decklist I posted, I assure you it's just brutal to fight against, although its missing Crush of Tentacles

    Maybe take out one of those pesky rares, it's all about the mythic baby!

    maybe throw in Nissa's Revelation too.. actually i got it backwards.

    Nissa's Revelation was in their deck it was missing Nissa's Renewal

    and to round it off I guess throw in a Mirrorpool to make it a total mythic ruin your day deck.

    I think you could improve that deck a TON. The Great Aurora is pointless, you should be too far ahead to ever need it. Day's Undoing is going to cause you to discard your filled up Exert Influence's so get cards from Prism Array instead. With if the opponent gets a creature out you don't steal it will probably be disabled so Willbreaker is useless.

    Also too many creatures for a deck with Exert Influence's .
  • andrewvanmarle
    andrewvanmarle Posts: 978 Critical Contributor
    All in all, dont get your knickers in a twist: people dont build decks to spite you but because they like to play that deck.

    Be happy that this is a mythic heavy deck, you won't encounter it much.

    There isnt such a thing as trolling here.

    And by the way i plsyed ahainst tgat deck and then some in the battle for zendikar storymode
  • Hibernum_JC
    Hibernum_JC Posts: 318 Mover and Shaker
    ~JC taking notes quietly in the distance...~

    Ha! I always am! icon_e_smile.gif
  • UrbanNinja
    UrbanNinja Posts: 66
    Personally I usually do like a challenge when playing games. Very hard is usually my difficulty setting of choice. The problem here with QB is mostly about the format where single games don't really matter. All that really matters is the average time you take to win games over multiple games. Top decks fighting for #1 spot usually average between 4 and 5 minutes per game (5 minutes is rather slow).

    This is why cards like Kor Entanglers, Hixus Prison Warden or Prism Crystal are a total pain. Scour from Existence also slows me down a lot even though it is rarely a game winning card. Claustrophobia and Suppression Bonds also make me twitch.

    I think that the QB format forces a play style very different from the rest of the game (events and story) and leaves a large portion of the game rather irrelevant. QB is only about winning fast, there is very little purpose in winning more often