Your Three Favorite Cards

Sinslayer5 Posts: 45
edited July 2016 in MtGPQ General Discussion
The title explains it all: post your three favorite cards! Everyone's got their own reasons for why and how, so don't be afraid to defend your Top 3.

Here are my personal 3 favorites at the moment:
    1. Serene Steward - Sure, she's only an uncommon, but it's real hard to ignore a 6-cost 4/4 in White, especially when she's adding +1/+1 to your front-line Consul's Lieutenant every time your War Oracle connects.

    2. Drana, Liberator of Malakir - Again, not a logical choice, but who says emotional attachment is logical? The only reason I continue to even play in black right now is Drana - there's just something satisfying about an Unblockable First-striker who adds +1/+1 to each creature every turn. He's the cornerstone behind every new black deck iteration, among my various vampires and manablack.png Allies.

    3. Undergrowth Champion - Because he's a monster, and so am I. He was also my 1st Mythic, and the devs nerfed him in the exact way I had originally hoped, by only increasing his mana cost. No matter how much of a beating he takes in MtGPQ (both in-game and out in the forums), he still keeps on coming, an immovable object against the unstoppable hoard.
    NOTE: All URLs are courtesy of Meto5000's wonderful site, which currently does the best job organizing every MtGPQ card into an easily navigable and searchable database for efficient deck research. Thanks for the great UI, Meto!


    • soultwist
      soultwist Posts: 329 Mover and Shaker
      1. Exert Influence This by far. Your favorite card is now my favorite card.
      2. Drana, Liberator of Malakir Agree on Drana, I love her.
      3. Prism Array This was hard as it was a big step down. I even considered creature cards I didn't have but loved to see come up that I could steal with Exert but decided not to pick one of them. I would have said Day's Undoing before the patch, but now I don't even use it. Same for Animist's Awakening.
    • shteev
      shteev Posts: 2,031 Chairperson of the Boards
      1) Harbinger of the Tides. By my reckoning, the best creature in the game. The better the creature you bounce with it, the better it becomes.
      2) Nissa's Pilgrimage. You can really tell how good this card is when the AI plays it... it usually allows him to play about 3 times as many Outland Colossi as normal.
      3) Sword of the Animist. One of my first rares, so I've been playing with it a long time. Powerful mana generation and support removal.
    • madwren
      madwren Posts: 2,260 Chairperson of the Boards
      There are a number of great cards, but the ones I actually enjoy the most/love seeing are all critters:

      Consul's Lieutenant - singlehandedly makes Gideon1 viable against virtually any opponent
      Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper - I've had lots of fun seeing how big I can get him
      Greenwarden of Murasa - Just got him last week. In a deck full of beefy Vigilance creatures, he's the MVP.
    • ShawnP1
      ShawnP1 Posts: 128 Tile Toppler
      1. Turn to frog - what can I say I like blue, and turning things in to amphibians is hilarious especially Ulamog and Brozilek
      2. Erebos's titan- in paper Mtg I despise black but this guy with brawlers plate is awesome fun
      3. Rush of ice - my Jace awaken deck is so much fun, but I sadly do not have all the blue awaken spells
      (Keep in mind these are favorites because they are fun not based on power)
    • Shrine of the Forsaken Gods - A consistent 3 mana a turn, and a chance to gain more for your colorless cards. It fixes most of my mana woes and is in most of my decks. It is not flashy, but damn is it good.
      Demonic Pact - This card makes it possible for me to beat the hard events. Locking down an opponent is quite a bit of fun.
      Infinite Obliteration - The "I saw you put 15 mana into that card, it would be a shame if something were to happen to it." Combo with Liliana ability 1 to pretty much wipe their hand, and with Demonic pact on the field, they can only cast cards they can pay for in one turn... absolutely devastating.
    • Jazzpha
      Jazzpha Posts: 101 Tile Toppler
      1. Mirrorpool. What I love most about this card is how it makes other cards that might have been fringe inclusions in decks-- or just bad-- viable. A prime example I found in this last round of QB was Angelic Captain. Which on its own is a pretty mediocre card, but if you can set it up to drop and then double its stats, it becomes a much more formidable force.

      2. Tyrant of Valakut. I love dragons in games like this in general, and Tyrant of Valakut is an absolutely amazing one. It's a swing card, beatdown card and catch-up card all in one big package, and can easily win you games that might have otherwise been close, or losses. And if you drop it with a Mirrorpool doubling, it's so satisfying.

      3. Desolation Twin. Few things are more satisfying than dropping two 10/10s for the price of one, especially in a deck with high mana gain. It was my first notable QB card reward, and it's been a staple in my decks that focus on dropping big creatures ever since. Eldrazi Koth in particular would not be nearly the force that it is without this card up its sleeve.
    • Morphis
      Morphis Posts: 975 Critical Contributor
      Jazzpha wrote:
      1. Mirrorpool. What I love most about this card is how it makes other cards that might have been fringe inclusions in decks-- or just bad-- viable. A prime example I found in this last round of QB was Angelic Captain. Which on its own is a pretty mediocre card, but if you can set it up to drop and then double its stats, it becomes a much more formidable force.

      2. Tyrant of Valakut. I love dragons in games like this in general, and Tyrant of Valakut is an absolutely amazing one. It's a swing card, beatdown card and catch-up card all in one big package, and can easily win you games that might have otherwise been close, or losses. And if you drop it with a Mirrorpool doubling, it's so satisfying.

      3. Desolation Twin. Few things are more satisfying than dropping two 10/10s for the price of one, especially in a deck with high mana gain. It was my first notable QB card reward, and it's been a staple in my decks that focus on dropping big creatures ever since. Eldrazi Koth in particular would not be nearly the force that it is without this card up its sleeve.

      Same cards except for #3:

      - omnath locust rage: i find it outperforming eldrazi most of the time.
      It fills the "same" spot(requiring 2 slots) but has the advantage of being able to fill an empty slot later.
      So if you play it as third creature and one dies you can still get value from it.
      Also has the "grow out of control" appeal. What's better is that it helps not going crazy with cpu "unfair" chain cascades.
      Ok you got huge mana but I got a 20/20 icon_cool.gif
      For first 2:

      Mirrorpool just performs as I expected. Total game changer.

      Tyrant of valykut surprised me(positively) when I started playing it.
      It is so damn good!

      Anyways I got my exert influence this morning...
      That card could change this top 3.
    • Jazzpha
      Jazzpha Posts: 101 Tile Toppler
      Morphis wrote:

      Anyways I got my exert influence this morning...
      That card could change this top 3.

      Exert Influence is an awesome card in Blue control decks. Especially now that they fixed it so that duplicate minions reinforce each other-- before, you couldn't cast Exert on a minion if you had three on your board, even if the minion you were trying to control was a copy of one that was already on your board. With that bug out of the way, the card is even more powerful.

      Combo it with Jace's second ability spell mana reduction for even more fun, or just run it in Kiora to make your opponent throw their phone at a wall.
    • knthrak
      knthrak Posts: 39
      Part of being a 'favorite card' for me is that I don't find the card irritating to play against. That means that UC and vigilanced Consul's Lieutenant won't be on the list.

      1. Embermaw Hellion. The damage this thing puts out is nuts. The berserker + trample aspect can either help keep the board locked down, or be a key vulnerability when the AI has it.
      2. Priest of the Blood Rite. 9 mana for 11 power / toughness. Yes, it has two disadvantages (trap gems, and consumes two creature slots), but it goes so wonderfully in my mostly creatureless Ob-nixilis deck.
      3. Fertile Thicket. It's a ramping support where the second and third copies aren't useless.
    • raidan
      raidan Posts: 128
      #3 Demonic Pact: Completely lock the enemy down! Only inexpensive support removal spells are a solid counter.

      #2 Exert Influence: This card is so amazing! Only having max creatures on the board and hexproof are solid counters.

      #1 Crush of Tentacles: My favorite card, bar non! 16/16 reach/trample for 21 mana? Yes please! Clears the board of all creatures (even your own), but you can always make this in your favor. For example, disable your creatures so they don't cast and just fill them up, then once an enemy drops a creature or 2, you can cast this first followed by your creatures. Creature destruction is the only real weakness, but that still doesn't make this ineffective when wiping the board against an enemy with a much stronger board presence. Best case scenario, you remove 3 powerful enemy creatures and put your own powerful beast on the board. Bonus points for synergy with Kiora's 3rd ability.
    • Gun Bunny
      Gun Bunny Posts: 233 Tile Toppler
      edited July 2016
      Only including cards I actually have, so these are probably going to look really weird, but there they are.

      Spell: Artificer's Epiphany
      Let's see, early hand ramp, check. Ridiculously low casting cost, double check. Staple of EVERY blue deck I've ever built, damn Skippy.

      Honorable mentions:
      Exquisite Firecraft, infinite obliteration, smite the monstrous, transgress the mind, turn to frog, anchor to the aether

      Support: retreat to Kazandu
      Slot this into a green mana ramp/fatty deck and watch your critters grow at alarming speed.

      Honorable mentions:
      Sphinx's Tutelage, demonic pact, brawler's plate, retreat to coralheim, elemental bond, any of the new 5 cost dual land cards (prairie stream, etc.)

      Creature: Iroas' champion
      Choose a planeswalker at random. You have almost a coin flip chance to include this monster in your deck (6/13 currently). A little steep on cost, but a total game changer. Pair with creature pump or direct damage to nerf a creature before Iroas' hits, and you can take down giants. Unblocked, this thing tears planeswalkers to shreds with double strike.

      Honorable mentions:
      Jhessian thief, serene steward, lantern scout, gaea's revenge (post-buff), mizzium meddler (pre-nerf), volcanic rambler, Noyan Dar
    • EDHdad
      EDHdad Posts: 609 Critical Contributor
      Grip of Desolation - that creature you control? That needs to die.

      Demolish - that support you just cast? That needs to die.

      Transgress the Mind - that card in your hand that you keep powering up? That needs to die.
    • paralistalon
      paralistalon Posts: 153
      Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen: Just a really great all-around creature with reach (can block anything) and a bonus ability that can keep pumping your entire team.

      Knightly Valor: It boosts a creature so I can play it when I have a full board, and if I don't have a full board, it gives me a creature! If that creature dies, it keeps on giving +2/+2 and vigilance until it is destroyed. This is one of those rare cards I am always happy to draw. It also combos nicely with other enchantment matters cards like Blessed Spirits.

      Talent of the Telepath: One of my favorite blue spells. It magically transforms into whatever card you need (creature, kill spell, crucial support you're missing, etc.), and if it costs 6 or less, you get to play it immediately. It also counts as a spell for Noyan Dar or Soulblade Djinn shenanigans and can even loop a couple of times by redrawing itself.
    • Buret0
      Buret0 Posts: 1,591
      I used to hate drawing Dreadwaters, but in a blue draw/mana denial deck, it is fantastic. Especially if you used a Talent of the Telepath to chain a Bring to Light. Once you get a Sphinx's Tutelage out with Jori En, Deepfathom Skulker, or a Starfish, you can sit back and deny all day. My level 39 Jace took down a few of those monster 250+ health events using denial.

      So Sphinx, Jori En, and Dreadwaters?

      I used to love animists awakening, until it got nerfed. My green zendikar's roil deck has been completely gutted since the nerf.

      My vote for worst rare or mythic card, even after the buff, is Flameshadow Conjuring.

      I'm still missing so many cards, and some of the bugs have kept me from fully engaging. Playing a blue denial deck means that I end up with longer games and a much higher chance of a game locking bug.
    • sageofhalo451
      sageofhalo451 Posts: 44 Just Dropped In
      I'll follow the Creature/Spell/Support Format and only things I have.

      Creature: Veteran Warleader
      In a Gideon AoZ deck getting allies on the board is easy. Lots of cheap efficient creatures or spells or supports or abilities that add to the board so getting VW and two others is simple. That leaves you with a Vigilance, Trample, First Strike beast with a 2/2 ramp per rally event. Very quickly becomes a behemoth. Can pair with Gideon's second ability to get 8/8 just from a 9 loyalty ability not to mention the 8/8 that the ability drops on the board. If there is ever a white/blue deck you can pair this guy with the Sphinx of the Final Word and you can ignore most of the removal abilities in the game just won't ramp as fast. Just need another source of Vigilance and there is a spell that gives it plus 2/2 for 10 or Knightly Valor for 9 with the vulnerability of being a support.

      Spell: Enshrouding Mist
      The perfect oh sh** spell for when the AI drops a beast on the board and your first striker can't take it out in one turn. Also good to protect a critical weaker creature from Chandra abuse.

      Support: Prism Array
      Card draw and disable. This thing has saved my butt so many times. Oh hello Undergrowth Champion.... I'm sorry but you won't be blocking me today. ---> Victory

      Favorite combo: Prism Array + Part the Waterveil
      Important to play them in that order in a Kiora deck (Jace or Tezzeret don't have the gem conversion to make match 5s frequent enough)
      Prism Array draws the cards and Part the Waterveil fills them up. If you fill up more gem converters like Animist's Awakening or the others like Fertile Thicket you can get this to repeat numerous times. All the while dropping 6/6 tokens and whatever else you draw onto the board. Great if you also have an Omnath, Locus of Rage for dropping 5/5 tokens as well. Builds a very large board position quickly.
      Naturally there are more cards that are needed for this combo to work but these two form the backbone of the mechanics.
    • Gun Bunny
      Gun Bunny Posts: 233 Tile Toppler
      Buret0 wrote:

      My vote for worst rare or mythic card, even after the buff, is Flameshadow Conjuring.


      Seriously, even at half its new cost, I'd never play it.

      Oh, and I've pulled it THREE FREAKING TIMES [/rant]
    • Fitomagic
      Fitomagic Posts: 25
      Considerig the cards i hace

      3 creatures

      Akoum firebird, makes 1 turn less to win a battle especcialy with the red planeswalker and if die can go back with haste

      Priest of the blood rite, post changes i a very fast creature

      Outland colossus the same

      3 spells
      Exert influence is all said
      Talrnt of the telepath
      The cards that for 10 summon a frree card, is cery good un deck with only monstruos expensive creatures

      3 support (in combo)
      Thopther spy network in deck with tezzeret
      Sphinx tutelage
      Jace sancturay
    • fox1342
      fox1342 Posts: 174 Tile Toppler
      I like Flameshadow. The prevent damage is pretty wicked with berserker.

      My fav three are

      Bring to the light. I love getting pyromancer or hangerback off this. It can be annoying and the whole deck has to be expensive, but there's just a small moment of glee everytime it works

      Dark Petition - very similar to above really, tends to be Breaker of Armies that comes back


      Although I like a lot of the others too. Serene is great, and Consul, and UC although he's more a staple than a fav
    • alextfish
      alextfish Posts: 192
      Spell: Talent of the Telepath
      Creature: Iroas's Champion
      Support? Hmm... not so clear... Knightly Valor, I guess? (Really wish I'd opened Berserker's Plate by now.)
    • Abenjes
      Abenjes Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
      1. Gaea's revenge.. I loved it before the Buff now I absolutely adore it.
      2. evolutionary leap... just sick.... seriously 2 Gaes's revenge in one turn
      3. Mirrorpool .... there is definitely a theme here and it is how can I get the biggest ugliest creature out the quickest