Multi-task MPQ?

edited February 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
What do you do while you are playing MPQ? Are you at work? Watching tv? On the forum? Or do you give it your complete and undivided attention?


  • MPQ, Forum, and Netflix
  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    Olympics! (And other TV things.)
  • MPQ - forum - tv or music
  • Spotify ftw
  • Usually I'm watching streams. The game is fun, but I couldn't imagine giving it my undivided attention except during intense races.
  • If I'm mobile, odds are it's all I'm focusing on. If I'm at home and playing MPQ, odds are I am doing at least two of these other four things at the same time:

    Eating, listening to music, gaming (nine times out of ten it will be Minecraft with my roommate or Marvel Avengers Alliance), or chatting with a friend over IMs.

    I have a weird thing about not consistently watching the television when I watch something. The only exceptions are if it's a movie I've seen at least twice, or a tv show I already know the story/outcome of... I can't do it. Everything else is fair game though.
  • MNKromann
    Usually watching gaming streams on Twitch
  • I watch my kids play Mario 3D World or Pokemon X or Skylanders. Or I watch a tv series on Netflix.

    Really the only thing that gets me to put MPQ away and give my undivided attention is The Walking Dead which starts up new episodes tonight!
  • paralistalon
    I play while drinking my morning coffee and eating waffles!