Abbot of Kheral Keep

Ryudhyn Posts: 59 Match Maker
According to the update bulletin, he should still draw a card, but he doesn't in game. I believe this is a bug, as the entire card design is supposed to be that he draws a card.


  • PapiLouis4
    PapiLouis4 Posts: 113
    he doenst fetch or give that card mana anymore, instead he costs a bit less and destroys a bigger 5x5 block of gems instead of a 3x3 block
  • Ryudhyn
    Ryudhyn Posts: 59 Match Maker
    That's exactly my point. The update said:

    "Abbot of Keral Keep
    o Now costs 13 (down from 15).
    o Removed mana gain on the Fetched card.
    o Now destroys a 5×5 block of gems (up from 3×3).
    o Straight Mana Gain doesn’t fit with the Red theme, and thus was reworked into extra gem destruction. We adjusted its mana cost to compensate."

    This states that the Abbot still Fetches a card, even though he doesn't in-game. Because of the update's statement, and the fact that the original MtG card's whole purpose is to draw a card, I believe this to be a bug in game.