Oath of the Gatewatch Preview Day 3!

Hibernum_JC Posts: 318 Mover and Shaker
edited June 2016 in MtGPQ General Discussion
Hey folks!

I’m here with the latest installment of the Gatewatch reveal, and today we’ll be showing off some of our new Mythic cards in the set!


First, Kozilek’s Return. Dealing 2 damage to each of your opponent’s creatures might not seem much, but for 3 mana this is pretty cheap. It’s major strength, however, comes from it’s ability to return to your hand every time you summon an Eldrazi, including tokens (this means that summoning an Eldrazi Scion will return it to your hand!). This works for every instance of the card as well - if you cast it 4 separate times (that came from your Library), it will return 4 copies of the spell to your hand, which you can then unleash for 12 mana for 8 damage to each of your opponent’s creatures. This Mythic is very, very strong with the right deck composition.


Zendikar Resurgent is a an incredibly potent ramp tool for Green. For 14 mana, it gives you +2 mana to each of your colors, giving you a very strong mana gain. You also will draw a card whenever a creature enters the battlefield under your control, which will replenish your hand quite fast under certain circumstances (Garruk? 4 free card draws every time you use his abilities is quite strong!) It’s shield value is 3, so it’ll be difficult to destroy, and you should gain so much value from it that it should be a very good addition to most of your Green decks.


Crush of Tentacles is Blue’s new killer control spell. While it’s expensive, it will return each creature to it’s owner’s hand (regardless of space - it will destroy creatures if there isn’t enough space). While this in itself has already been done, it also summons 2 8/8 Octopi tokens with Reach and Trample. Nothing beats clearing a board like putting a 16/16 creature on it at the same time! Note that these tokens stack with Kiora’s 3rd ability, so you can use it afterwards for truly horrifying damage.


Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet is a new Black Mythic that is thematically interesting. First off, its a Vampire, so it has Lifelink (which is very good with all the “When you gain life” effects). It also has a pretty unique ability - whenever a creature your opponent controls dies, you summon a 2/2 Zombie. This zombie (or any other Zombie, really!) can then get munched on by Kalitas, who gains +2/+2. This might seem a bit strange, but the goal here is to slowly grow your Kalitas, who has Lifelink, to make him an unstoppable Zombie-eating, lifelinking machine!


Linvala, the Preserver is a new White Angel that we are introducing into the set. She is different in that she is meant to be a creature you cast to turn around the game when you are behind - when she comes into the battlefield, she’ll heal you for 10, and since she has both Defender and Flying, she’ll block anything that comes your way. With Regeneration 4, she’ll also gradually heal up every turn, making her difficult to deal with. What also makes her special is if you summon her while your opponent has 3 creatures on the battlefield, she will also summon 2 4/4 Angels to fight by her side, further helping you turn the game around. At 17 mana, she’s pretty cheap and can turn some games around magnificiently.


Finally, Mirrorpool, which is one of the MVP Mythics of this set. At 4 mana, this incredibly cheap Support has an effect that is unmatched anywhere in the game - it will freely reinforce the next creature you cast or make the next spell in your hand free whenever you cast a spell. It’s incredibly versatile and makes every single big creature incredibly dangerous, and every spell cast a menace. It needs to be used smartly, however - since it destroys itself when it activates, reinforcing it is useless and you need to be efficient with your card ordering. A single mistake will cost you the actual effect you want, so use it wisely!

This is it for the Gatewatch reveals! The update should release very shortly, and we’re looking forward to the decks you will build and the challenges you’ll overcome!


  • ShawnP1
    ShawnP1 Posts: 128 Tile Toppler
    I really like mirrorpool I've got to say
  • Morphis
    Morphis Posts: 975 Critical Contributor
    Nice to see some mythic with low mana cost icon_e_smile.gif

    Red one is interesting cause of sinergy... With scions being more valuable there is a good chance this will be quite great in the right deck.

    Green is a little underwhelming to me cause for me oath is a better option. Can see this one quite strong for a deck based on using many low cost creatures. That kind of deck benefit the most from draws.

    Black one... I would really love to make a zombie deck but still at the moment it is not the best option.... When we will have more valuable zombies maybe... Nice mechanic anyways.

    Blue one is good. 16/16 reach attached to mass bounce.

    White angel is nice. Think it is valuable in itself... If the Angels are triggered gets super value.

    Colorless is the clear winner and I think almost every deck can benefit from it.
    We do not know the shield value but even at 1 its low cost would make that negligible. In that case you can cast it right befor what you want reinforced(or when you have the right spells).

    Overall these mythics felt "fresh" in design(beside the green one too similar to oath)and that is a good thing.

    Good job
  • Hibernum_JC
    Hibernum_JC Posts: 318 Mover and Shaker
    Morphis wrote:
    Nice to see some mythic with low mana cost icon_e_smile.gif

    Red one is interesting cause of sinergy... With scions being more valuable there is a good chance this will be quite great in the right deck.

    Green is a little underwhelming to me cause for me oath is a better option. Can see this one quite strong for a deck based on using many low cost creatures. That kind of deck benefit the most from draws.

    Black one... I would really love to make a zombie deck but still at the moment it is not the best option.... When we will have more valuable zombies maybe... Nice mechanic anyways.

    Blue one is good. 16/16 reach attached to mass bounce.

    White angel is nice. Think it is valuable in itself... If the Angels are triggered gets super value.

    Colorless is the clear winner and I think almost every deck can benefit from it.
    We do not know the shield value but even at 1 its low cost would make that negligible. In that case you can cast it right befor what you want reinforced(or when you have the right spells).

    Overall these mythics felt "fresh" in design(beside the green one too similar to oath)and that is a good thing.

    Good job

    Mirrorpool's shield is 10. The intent is that it WILL trigger (it's relatively difficult to remove, unless you use dedicated support removal), but it needs setup to trigger how you want. When I was testing it I learned a lot from how it should be played, and it's quite easy to make a mistake with it (reinforce the wrong creature, reinforce a 1/1 token, have the wrong card cast next, have the 2nd spell in hand already full, etc). There's a lot that can go wrong with it, but it's also very strong when used right.

    Also to note - Oath of Nissa triggers on Green gems only. Zendikar Resurgent triggers on every color. They both stack (for greatness).
  • Jazzpha
    Jazzpha Posts: 101 Tile Toppler
    Morphis wrote:

    Black one... I would really love to make a zombie deck but still at the moment it is not the best option.... When we will have more valuable zombies maybe... Nice mechanic anyways.

    But the whole point is you don't need to run zombies in your deck (or zombie-summoning cards like Revenant). Kalitas summons the zombie for you when you destroy an enemy creature, and then can use that zombie to power his activate effect.

    So he fuels himself without any outside creatures needed.

    Man, I hope I get him in a pack! He'd be even more powerful than Drana in my Vampire deck. Good stuff!
  • johnnyde76
    johnnyde76 Posts: 25
    Any hint as to when we'll get the next Planeswalker? icon_e_smile.gif
  • Morphis
    Morphis Posts: 975 Critical Contributor
    @hibernium: did not notice that it was on all gem match I assumed green based on the fact it is green icon_e_wink.gif
    Then it is better for sure still with so many cards I do not know I I can fit in my decks.
    Mirror pool Having 10 shields makes setting the whole thing a lot easier.
    I thought of a low shield value as a drawback to balance the value it has for its mana cost.
    Well you tested it so maybe it is needed after all to make it simply work or it is simply less powerful(or less often valid) than I think.

    @jazzpha yes but there is a big drawback on it, he need a slot for the zombies. Now if we had more efficient ways to spawn zombie tokens(or valid zombies in general) he would have been better. At the moment you cannot make a good zombie deck so he is less good than he could be.
    Having lifegain helps its value and makes him valid for vampire lifegain decks. I simply do not like the fact that you cannot make a good zombie deck to get the best out of it.
  • Jazzpha
    Jazzpha Posts: 101 Tile Toppler
    Morphis wrote:

    @jazzpha yes but there is a big drawback on it, he need a slot for the zombies. Now if we had more efficient ways to spawn zombie tokens(or valid zombies in general) he would have been better. At the moment you cannot make a good zombie deck so he is less good than he could be.
    Having lifegain helps its value and makes him valid for vampire lifegain decks. I simply do not like the fact that you cannot make a good zombie deck to get the best out of it.

    Ah yeah, I see what you mean. True that the token does take up a spot. In that case Kalitas might actually work better in Sarkhan than in Ob or Liliana, just thanks to his ability to sacrifice a creature and collapse it into a dragon token. We'll see how it goes, I suppose. Gotta play with the card to see how it pans out!
  • khurram
    khurram Posts: 1,101 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jazzpha wrote:
    Morphis wrote:

    @jazzpha yes but there is a big drawback on it, he need a slot for the zombies. Now if we had more efficient ways to spawn zombie tokens(or valid zombies in general) he would have been better. At the moment you cannot make a good zombie deck so he is less good than he could be.
    Having lifegain helps its value and makes him valid for vampire lifegain decks. I simply do not like the fact that you cannot make a good zombie deck to get the best out of it.

    Ah yeah, I see what you mean. True that the token does take up a spot. In that case Kalitas might actually work better in Sarkhan than in Ob or Liliana, just thanks to his ability to sacrifice a creature and collapse it into a dragon token. We'll see how it goes, I suppose. Gotta play with the card to see how it pans out!

    Sacrificing a zombie to turn into a dragon will have no effect on Kalitas. You would also need one spot for dragon tokens and one for zombies created by Kalitas.

    It will be better with Ob or Lilliana
  • alextfish
    alextfish Posts: 192
    Zendikar Resurgent: So you need to make 7 matches before it pays for itself. Hope the shield is high enough for that to happen. Most powerful green decks I've seen tend to flood the board with green and so it'll be self-destructing a fair amount before you've even recouped any mana investment. I wouldn't really call something where you need to make 8 matches to start making profit "an incredibly potent ramp tool".

    The only other thing it does is draw cards. Most games people can't empty their hands fast enough, so that's useless. I guess uber-powerful green decks that make 60 mana in one turn and empty their hands all at once will find that fairly useful, but there was already the "draw 5 cards, gain 20 life" mythic (which generally the AI uses to draw 1 card). I suppose for people who already have Animist's Awakening and Nissa's Renewal it might swap in for Nissa's Revelation?

    The rest look okay though. I like Linvala and Crush of Tentacles, and I love Mirrorpool and Kozilek's Return.
  • span_argoman
    span_argoman Posts: 751 Critical Contributor
    alextfish wrote:
    Zendikar Resurgent: So you need to make 7 matches before it pays for itself. Hope the shield is high enough for that to happen. Most powerful green decks I've seen tend to flood the board with green and so it'll be self-destructing a fair amount before you've even recouped any mana investment. I wouldn't really call something where you need to make 8 matches to start making profit "an incredibly potent ramp tool".

    The only other thing it does is draw cards. Most games people can't empty their hands fast enough, so that's useless. I guess uber-powerful green decks that make 60 mana in one turn and empty their hands all at once will find that fairly useful, but there was already the "draw 5 cards, gain 20 life" mythic (which generally the AI uses to draw 1 card). I suppose for people who already have Animist's Awakening and Nissa's Renewal it might swap in for Nissa's Revelation?

    The rest look okay though. I like Linvala and Crush of Tentacles, and I love Mirrorpool and Kozilek's Return.
    To be fair to Zendikar Resurgent, with Animist's Awakening much weakened, there'll be less self-destruction of supports. So unless you carry Nissa's Renewal it should be able to last for a while.

    Also your Green decks pre-patch should all have been in desperate need of draw as long as you had even just Animist's Awakening, Nissa's Pilgrimage and Fertile Thicket. So the bonus draw from the card is definitely welcome for Green.

    The other thing is the flexibility of the card. When your hand is choked up you have the bonus mana gain to help you. When your hand is bordering empty, the bonus draw helps. All this in one card so it saves you deckslots to put in other stuff to help win the match.
  • alextfish
    alextfish Posts: 192
    edited June 2016
    your Green decks pre-patch should all have been in desperate need of draw as long as you had even just Animist's Awakening, Nissa's Pilgrimage and Fertile Thicket.
    That's the problem, that "as long as". There are certain Origins rares that it's exceedingly hard to get now that BFZ is out, because all the daily rewards and QB rewards are all BFZ all the time, so if you didn't have one of those key Origins cards like Animist's Awakening before, there's been no chance of getting it for the past few months. The whole reason why I haven't levelled up my Nissa, nor bought Garruk nor Kiora, is because my green cardpool is desperately bad without a few key cards like Animist's Awakening and Undergrowth Champion. I've got a bunch of durdly 4/4s and overcosted mythics and overcosted commons. I'm looking forward to 1.5 to see whether the cost adjustments mean I can build something more useful with the bad green pool I've got.
  • Rootbreaker
    Rootbreaker Posts: 396
    Kiora has been my best deck (pretty fast and 100% consistency aside from crashes so far) despite no Animist's Awakening. I did have a lot of shots at it with getting green rares from each green quick battle, but no luck so far. And I certainly don't have an undergrowth champ.
  • nexus13
    nexus13 Posts: 191 Tile Toppler
    Most of my rares from QB have been from Origins lately which generally disappoints as a dup. I'd love to see more BFZ rewards there.