Deadpool Daily Quest - Randomized Matchup Thread



  • bbf2
    bbf2 Posts: 109 Tile Toppler

    Wave one:
    Beast (40)], Shinobi (22), Shinobi (20), Teisatsu (25)
    Wave two:
    Subject (40), Empiricist (50), Criterion (42), Control (46)


    Wave one: Mutation (95), Demolisher (90), Mutation (89)
    Wave two: Spy (110), Commander (112), Control (111)
    Wave three: Konran (110), Sentry Fighter (112), Sentry Flyer (111)
    Wave four: Punisher (130), Colossus (132), ***Captain Marvel (131)
  • bbf2
    bbf2 Posts: 109 Tile Toppler

    Wave one: *** Spider-Man (40), Criterion (22), Subject (20), Criterion (25)
    Wave two: Mystique (45), Mutation (35), Horror (30), Demolisher (40)


    Wave one: Criterion (100), Control (100), Empiricist (99)
    Wave two: **** Jean Grey (111), Hitman (112), Maggia Don (110)
    Wave three: Carrier (110), Demolisher (112), Mutation (111)
    Wave four: Colossus (130), Iron Fist (132), Scarlet Witch (131)
  • bbf2
    bbf2 Posts: 109 Tile Toppler

    Wave one: Brawler (20), Decoy (28), Brawler (22), Brawler (25)
    Wave two: Soldier (40), Spy (50), Lieutenant (42), Pyro (46)


    Wave one: Coordinator (100), ** Wolverine (105), Coordinator (99)
    Wave two: Decoy (110), Criterion (112), Empiricist (111)
    Wave three: Decoy (120), *** Cap (121), Decoy (122)
    Wave four: She-Hulk (130), ***Cyclops (132), Scarlet Witch (131)
  • bbf2
    bbf2 Posts: 109 Tile Toppler

    Wave one: Decoy (20), Daredevil (40), Defender (22), Decoy (25)
    Wave two: Shinobi (40), Beast (50), Shinobi (42), Teisatsu (46)
  • bbf2
    bbf2 Posts: 109 Tile Toppler
    March 7th TBE:

    Wave one: Spy (100), Control (105), Commander (99)
    Wave two: Teisatsu (110), Muscle (111), Teisatsu (112)
    Wave three: Maggia Don (120), Muscle (122), Hitman (121)
    Wave four: *Venom (131), Invisible Woman (130), Bagman (132)
  • bbf2
    bbf2 Posts: 109 Tile Toppler
    I see I got beat, here's the levels since I already typed it up

    Mar 8 UTS:

    Wave one: Mutation (19), Carrier (15), Mutation (17), Horror (21)
    Wave two: Hitman (46), Thug (40), Hitman (42), Thug (50)

    Wave one: Spy (100), Luke Cage (105), Pyro (99)
    Wave two: Soldier (110), Assassin (112), Lieutenant (111)
    Wave three: Soldier (110), Assassin (122), Lieutenant (121)
    Wave four: ***Torch (130), Punisher (132), IM40 (131)

    Watch out for the nasty Hailstorm TU in TBE.
  • rowdster
    rowdster Posts: 114 Tile Toppler
    Is this the thread to talk strategy for the deadpool daily essential, for Sam Wilson vs captain marvel?

    My current strategy with my 131 4/3/2 is to die a lot and burn up my boosts.
  • bbf2
    bbf2 Posts: 109 Tile Toppler
    edited March 2016

    Wave one: Sentry Fighter (15), Sentry Gunner (19), Sentry Fighter (17), Sentry Gunner (21)
    Wave two: Thug (40), Muscle (50), Hitman (42), Muscle (46)
  • bbf2
    bbf2 Posts: 109 Tile Toppler

    Wave one: Konran (90), Sentry Flyer (95), Sentry Fighter (89)
    Wave two: Coordinator (110), ** Wolverine (111),, Coordinator (112)
    Wave three: Brawler (120), Defender (122), Decoy (121)
    Wave four: Empiricist (130), Psylocke (132), Empiricist (131)
  • an1979
    an1979 Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    10 Mar 2016

    Under The Sea
    Pyro(20), IM40(40), Grenadier(22), Pyro(25)
    Decoy(40), Scarlet Witch(50), Decoy(42), Defender(46)
  • an1979
    an1979 Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    11 Mar 2016

    Under The Sea
    Soldier, Analyst, Pyro, Lieutnant
    Hitman, Thug, Hitman, Thug

    Spy, Doc. Octopus, Analyst
    Grenadier, Kingpin, Sniper
    Criterion, Ragnarok, Criterion
    She-Hulk, Xforce Wolverine, 2* Magneto
  • Sluggo
    Sluggo Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    Mar 12 - TBE
    • decoy, brawler, decoy
    • sentry fighter, thug, pyro
    • horror, carrier, mutation (symbiote wave)
    • Luke Cage, Ultron Prime, Blade
  • an1979
    an1979 Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    12 Mar 2016

    Under The Sea
    Sentry Flayer, Cap. Marvel (Modern), Sentry Fighter, Sentry Fighter
    Shinobi, Beast, Shinobi, Teisatsu
  • bbf2
    bbf2 Posts: 109 Tile Toppler
    TBE 03/13

    Wave one: Teisatsu (100), Muscle (105), Teisatsu (99)
    Wave two: Horror (100), Carrier (102), Mutation (101)
    Wave three: Sentry Flyer (110), **Captain Marvel (112), Sentry Gunner (111)
    Wave four: Moonstone (131), ***Thor (130), Juggernaut (132)
  • an1979
    an1979 Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    13 Mar 2016

    Under The Sea
    Decoy, Scarlet Witch, Decoy, Defender
    Brawler, Decoy, Brawler, Brawler

    14 Mar 2016

    Under The Sea
    Brawler, Brawler, Decoy, Defender
    Subject, Spiderman (Classic), Criterion, Criterion
  • bbf2
    bbf2 Posts: 109 Tile Toppler
    TBE March 14th

    Wave one: Soldier (100), Lieutenant (105), Assassin (99)
    Wave two: Subject (110), Criterion (112), Empiricist (111)
    Wave three: Thug (120), *** Bullseye (121), Muscle (122)
    Wave four: * Venom (131), Invisible Woman (130), Bagman (132)
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks again to everyone who keeps posting the daily UTS and TBE matchups. I try and give reputation when I can, but lately I've been getting a lot of "you can't give reputation so soon" errors.

    For today's "Third Time's the Charm", I ran a team of mostly-championed Ares, Daken & Moonstone against 1* Iron Man, 1* Widow and 3* Storm. It was like the reverse of my entire 1*-->2* transition--all it needed was a partially covered 2* Thor and I could have the true AI PVE experience, at least for when they faced me back in the day...
  • Sluggo
    Sluggo Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    Tue Mar 15 - TBE
    • hitman, Deadpool (4*), thug
    • konran, shinobi, konran
    • horror, carrier, mutation (symbiote wave)
    • Falcon (3*), Psylocke, Wolverine (2*)
    Sorry for no UtS -- I wrote down the first wave (no movers) but forgot to record the second.
  • cooperbigdaddy
    cooperbigdaddy Posts: 412 Mover and Shaker
    Tues, March 15, 2016

    Under the Sea

    Wave 1: Soldier, Spy, Lieutenant, Pyro
    Wave 2: Teisatsu, Shniobi, Teisatsu, Teisatsu

    I didn't put levels because mine are very low so I assume scaling would increase them for others? Not sure!
  • an1979
    an1979 Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    15 Mar 2016
    Under The Sea
    Soldier, Spy, Lieutnant, Pyro
    Teisatsu, Shinobi, Teisatsu, Teisatsu
    doh' ninjaed, already posted icon_e_wink.gif