Deadpool Daily Quest - Randomized Matchup Thread



  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:
    Todays may have actually been too easy on TBE.. granted i use a big team to do it quicly, but SW died on a first turn cascade, so nothing but goons until the end, which rulk 1 shot.. took less than 5 minutes.
    today was all about managing witch in wave 1 and then it was pretty smooth sailing after. witch's effectiveness is so varied depending on tile placement and the board - can be easy, can be really tough sometimes. mine wasn't too bad. still using cmags/xf/xp. need to use some bulleye too, but haven't in a while.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    Since no one has updated for 24 Feb 2016:

    As always, thanks for keeping this up, BlackBoltRocks.

    I completely dropped the ball on yesterday, but I wanted to see what people thought about today & beyond. Is it better to keep update the current list in this thread or start a fresh one to only include the changes they made?

    In any case, I don't have either Sentry or Punisher, so I haven't been much help this round for filling in the blanks...
  • Lilith
    Lilith Posts: 65 Match Maker
    The fourth was a Horror Symbiote

    EDIT: And many thanks to BlackBoltRocks for the update and effort!
  • Since no one has updated for 24 Feb 2016:

    Under the Sea
    Wave 1: Commander, Blade, Lieutenant, Spy
    Wave 2: Sentry Gunner, 3* Captain Marvel, Sentry Flyer, Sentry (forgot which one it was)

    The Big Enchilada
    Wave 1: Sentry Flyer, 2* Captain Marvel, Sentry Gunner
    Wave 2: Shinobi, Invisible Woman, Kishu
    Wave 3: Sentry Flyer, Grenadier, Sentry Gunner
    Wave 4: Sentry, 4* Thor, Black Panther

    More manageable huh.

    I see you are showing the Movers in Bold print, on mine the Sentry Gunners & Sentry Flyer also have the ability to move tiles is this correct? As I think it's a bug as I thought these characters where meant to be like the lieutenant, analyst, sniper etc .

    This has made TBE impossible, which is a shame as the Randomness has been great but totally spoiled by the difficulty level.

  • Cheers BlackBoltRocks

    I've built my team up without spending any cash and have only just got a team that was capable of completing TBE , so for now wouldn't be wasting my time if they include These goons as just too difficult with 3 movers on the first wave
  • Sluggo
    Sluggo Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    Friday, 2/26:

    Under the Sea: Spid3y in the first wave, Quicksilver in the second.

    TBE: a traditional first wave of goons!
    - hitman, thug, hitman
    - grenadier, Kingpin, sniper
    - carrier, demolisher, mutation (symbiotes)
    - Ragnarok, Beast, Falcon

    So save up that AP for the 3rd and 4th waves!
  • biryon
    biryon Posts: 148 Tile Toppler
    Feb. 26:

    Today, history repeats itself! Wave 2 of Under the Sea is exactly the same as yesterday. Wave 1 is 3* Spidey, Control, 2x Criterion.
  • Cousin Simpson
    Cousin Simpson Posts: 1,086 Chairperson of the Boards
    KK, Steve, IM40 FTW: hopefully you can save up 30 green by the final wave and 16+ blue. Embiggen twice, then Salvo ballistically, and that's the end of that.
  • Sluggo
    Sluggo Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    Sat Feb 27:

    UtS: Symbiotes!
    - horror, Mystique, mutation, demolisher
    - shinobi, Beast, shinobi, teisatsu

    TBE: like yesterday, another all-goon wave 1
    - subject, brawler, control
    - criterion, Ragnarok, criterion
    - shinobi, Scarlet Witch, konran
    - Carnage, Ant-Man, Kamala Khan

    Have that AP saved for the final wave!
  • Sluggo
    Sluggo Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    SUN FEB 28

    - subject, control, empiricist, control
    - hitman, Quicksilver, hitman, thug
    (I think we've seen this same wave 2 a few times this week.)

    - Yelena, Spidey, Iron Man 35 (all 1-stars)
    - commander, Thing, spy
    - criterion, Ragnarok, criterion
    - Iron Man 40, Black Panther, 3* Magneto

    No Ultrons or symbiotes, but movers in every wave. Could be rough for people in the 2* range.
  • CyberVenom2001
    CyberVenom2001 Posts: 203 Tile Toppler
    Sluggo wrote:
    SUN FEB 28

    - subject, control, empiricist, control
    - hitman, Quicksilver, hitman, thug
    (I think we've seen this same wave 2 a few times this week.)

    - Yelena, Spidey, Iron Man 35 (all 1-stars)
    - commander, Thing, spy
    - criterion, Ragnarok, criterion
    - Iron Man 40, Black Panther, 3* Magneto

    No Ultrons or symbiotes, but movers in every wave. Could be rough for people in the 2* range.

    Had the same. And I think during my Thing round, the opposing team used a Thing team up as well. Could be wrong though
  • bbf2
    bbf2 Posts: 109 Tile Toppler

    Wave one: Teisatsu (100), Teisatsu (105), Teisatsu (99)
    Wave two: Decoy (110), Criterion (112), Empiricist (111)
    Wave three: Sentry Flyer (110), 2* Captain Marvel (112), Sentry Gunner (111)
    Wave four: Psylocke (130), She-Hulk (132), GSBW (131)
  • biryon
    biryon Posts: 148 Tile Toppler
    Today's Under the Sea was the same wave twice: 2x hitman, 2x thug.
  • bbf2
    bbf2 Posts: 109 Tile Toppler
    Tuesday March 1st TBE:

    Wave one: Sentry Flyer (90), Sentry Gunner (95), Grenadier
    Wave two: Pyro (110), Commander (111), Pyro (223)
    Wave three: ***Cyclops (121), Brawler (122), Brawler (120)
    Wave four: Ragnarok (125), She-Thor (128), Sentry Flyer (126)
  • bbf2
    bbf2 Posts: 109 Tile Toppler
    Wave 1: Hitman (25), Thug (20), Hitman (22), Thug (28)
    Wave 2: Shinobi (40), Beast (50), Shinobi (42), Teisatsu (46)
  • Sluggo
    Sluggo Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    Wed 3/2 - TBE

    movers in every wave, 8/12 movers overall, and Ultrons everywhere.

    criterion, 3* Cap Marvel, subject
    sentry fighter, Iron Fist, sentry gunner
    sentry fighter, thug, pyro
    Ultron Prime, 4* Sam Wilson, 3* Steve Rogers

    If I was in the 2* tier, I'd find that a lot of work for a Doc Ock.
  • TetsujinOni
    TetsujinOni Posts: 181 Tile Toppler
    Yes, it was a crazed amount of work to get that poor Ock cover.
  • bbf2
    bbf2 Posts: 109 Tile Toppler

    Wave one: Hitman (25), Thug (20), Hitman (22), Thug (28)
    Wave two: Mutation (40), Carrier (30), Mutation (35), Horror (45)

    Wave one: ***Captain Marvel (105), Subject (99), Criterion (100)
    Wave two: Subject (110), Control (112), Brawler (111)
    Wave three: Decoy (120), Criterion (122), Empiricist (121)
    Wave four: * Modern Storm (131), Moonstone (130), Lieutenant (132)

    Piece of cake to make up for yesterday I suppose
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    bbf2 wrote:

    Wave one: Hitman (25), Thug (20), Hitman (22), Thug (28)
    Wave two: Mutation (40), Carrier (30), Mutation (35), Horror (45)

    Wave one: ***Captain Marvel (105), Subject (99), Criterion (100)
    Wave two: Subject (110), Control (112), Brawler (111)
    Wave three: Decoy (120), Criterion (122), Empiricist (121)
    Wave four: * Modern Storm (131), Moonstone (130), Lieutenant (132)

    Piece of cake to make up for yesterday I suppose

    Thanks, bbf2 for posting these updates.

    Today was a nice change of pace from some of the previous ones. I felt a little bad for 1* Storm--she's the first 1* to ever make an appearance in BE and against most people she probably never got a turn with having two full waves to build up AP.
  • biryon
    biryon Posts: 148 Tile Toppler

    Wave 1: Beast, 2x Shinobi, Teisatsu
    Wave 2: Subject, Empiricist, Criterion, Control