Finished All The Objectives

After many, many attempts I have successfully completed all the objectives in story mode. A few of them were extremely difficult and I thought they were impossible. Mostly the Speed objectives but several others were up there in difficulty level. I just kept tweaking decks and restarting until starting hand and board lined up just right.

Has anyone else completed them all? If not how many do you have left?


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  • raidan
    raidan Posts: 128
    With the new challenges I have about 25 total missing. Some seem like they would be a serious pain.

    I may or may not try to get every single challenge. As of now I'm not in need of crystals since events provide fat packs.
  • I did all the 2nd objectives before 1.3.1. I have a few 3rd objectives left, mostly the lose your own guys objectives, because those seemed bugged at some point, not sure if they still are.
  • I did all the 2nd objectives before 1.3.1. I have a few 3rd objectives left, mostly the lose your own guys objectives, because those seemed bugged at some point, not sure if they still are.

    Sacrifice objectives used to work in a way that you have to kill your opponents creatures even though it said otherwise.

    I don't know if that's still the case in 1.31. So just check if it counts the creatures that your opponent loses.
  • Nerimos wrote:

    Sacrifice objectives used to work in a way that you have to kill your opponents creatures even though it said otherwise.

    I don't know if that's still the case in 1.31. So just check if it counts the creatures that your opponent loses.

    It's still bugged. I had one of those left after the patch. Instead of losing your creatures you need to be killing theirs.
  • halcyanide
    halcyanide Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    After a week of grinding I've managed to beat all but one. And that last one (Heroic Nissa 1) is impossible. The objective is sacrifice 10 creatures, but is currently bugged to mean destroy 3 creatures. And Nissa's deck only has 2 creatures in it. I've gotten it down to a locked board state 3 times, where her hand is completely full but she doesn't cast anything, making it so I'm forced to win. The only way I think its possible to beat her is with Liliana, but leveling her right now is stupid. OR, you know, fixing the objective to what its supposed to be.
  • halcyanide wrote:
    After a week of grinding I've managed to beat all but one. And that last one (Heroic Nissa 1) is impossible. The objective is sacrifice 10 creatures, but is currently bugged to mean destroy 3 creatures. And Nissa's deck only has 2 creatures in it. I've gotten it down to a locked board state 3 times, where her hand is completely full but she doesn't cast anything, making it so I'm forced to win. The only way I think its possible to beat her is with Liliana, but leveling her right now is stupid. OR, you know, fixing the objective to what its supposed to be.

    In the situation you describe, the AI doesn't discard anything so its getting stuck with a handful of situational cards like boosts for a creature or creature removal. You have to build a deck around this situation so you can give the AI a reason to play something when it stalls like this. The downside is that sometimes when they get a creature to cast they empty their hand on it and kill you. For this one I used Jace with Displacement Wave. When they have a creature out and full hand I cast the wave and it counts as a kill since they don't have room to return it. I'd also use Day's Undoing to rest their hand and keep them from holding a bunch of useless cards.

  • How are people doing the 7 turn wins against 150 health missions? Just lots of tries to get super-lucky with cascades? I was stuck with my chandra deck against meteorite, got a few 8 turn kills, then switched to Nissa and got it quickly with a combination of huge cascades, herald of the pantheon to make nissa's pilgramage, woodland bellowers, somberwald alphas, and joraga invocations. I haven't been able to repeat that on Sentinel of the Eternal Watch yet.
  • How are people doing the 7 turn wins against 150 health missions? Just lots of tries to get super-lucky with cascades? I was stuck with my chandra deck against meteorite, got a few 8 turn kills, then switched to Nissa and got it quickly with a combination of huge cascades, herald of the pantheon to make nissa's pilgramage, woodland bellowers, somberwald alphas, and joraga invocations. I haven't been able to repeat that on Sentinel of the Eternal Watch yet.

    Yeah, SotEW is still giving me trouble too. My Nissa doesn't work as well because of the SotEW ability to disable my Skysnare.
  • kore wrote:

    Yeah, SotEW is still giving me trouble too. My Nissa doesn't work as well because of the SotEW ability to disable my Skysnare.

    For me, I used nissa and took out anything with flying or reach so i wouldn't get slowed down. Luckily I have Outland colossus but I also used a bunch of my other big creatures without defender or reach. Jorga invocation and Nissa's second ability seal the deal. The rest was luck. I just kept restarting until I'd see at least one match 5 and had two creatures in hand. I'd also restart if he put out a defender be a useful that typically slows you down too much. I think when I won I got out the colossus and another 4/4 on turn one.
  • I managed to get lucky cascades and beat sentinel with the Nissa deck, playing a first turn Woodland Bellower among other things.

    A more interesting mission is the third Jace mission which is hard because your objective is to only summon 3 creatures and your opponent summons creatures for you by using turn to frog. I used my controlling jace deck and set up with Al-Hamaret's archive + Orbs of Warding to be able to mostly ignore his creatures. Turn to frogs when he summons good ones or reinforces. I attacked many many times with a double reinforced mizzium meddler, so I could finish the game slowly if he turned it into a frog. It occurs to me that I could have sped it up a lot by including a couple power-boosting supports and/or helm of the gods.
  • The first Nissa mission objective to kill 10 of their creatures is tricky because

    A) They seem to often fill up their hand full of cards that are full of mana but they don't cast
    B) Getting around this with Day's Undoing is tricky because she starts with Gaea's Revenge and Evolutionary leap. Jace is bad at dealing with revenge and can't destroy supports.

    Hmm, maybe I'll try Liliana on this one. She can empty their clogged hand with her hero power and deal with large creatures with fetid imp (among other things). Never actually used her to beat a mission before. o.0

    Edit: This is tricky to win as Liliana when I don't have Unholy Hunger. Hard to both stay alive and not kill opponent while waiting for them to play creatures.
  • halcyanide
    halcyanide Posts: 13 Just Dropped In

    I finally beat it using Liliana.

    In case you're wondering, my method below
    I started with a level 2 Liliana, and every time I lost, I leveled her up once and went at it again.
    I finally beat Nissa at level 18 with the following deck:

    Guardian Automaton
    Graveblade Marauder
    Fetid Imp
    Fleshbag Marauder
    Deadbridge Shaman
    Necromantic summons
    Unholy Hunger
    Cruel Revival
    Tainted Remedy

    Basically my strategy was get out fetid imp or graveblade marauder to take out the first hexproof guy. After that wait for Outland Colossus or Woodland Bellower and kill with any number of combinations (Unholy hunger, cruel revival, etc) After that use necromantic summons to bring back their creature and my fetid imp/graveblade/fleshbag, and repeat the killing. until i met the objective.
    Guardian Automaton and deadbridge shaman were in to either sacrifice for fleshbag or eek out a small amount of damage on their creatures/ block an attack. I never cast tainted remedy or meteorite, just used them to discard.
  • Rootbreaker
    Rootbreaker Posts: 396
    halcyanide wrote:

    I finally beat it using Liliana.

    In case you're wondering, my method below
    I started with a level 2 Liliana, and every time I lost, I leveled her up once and went at it again.
    I finally beat Nissa at level 18 with the following deck:

    Guardian Automaton
    Graveblade Marauder
    Fetid Imp
    Fleshbag Marauder
    Deadbridge Shaman
    Necromantic summons
    Unholy Hunger
    Cruel Revival
    Tainted Remedy

    Basically my strategy was get out fetid imp or graveblade marauder to take out the first hexproof guy. After that wait for Outland Colossus or Woodland Bellower and kill with any number of combinations (Unholy hunger, cruel revival, etc) After that use necromantic summons to bring back their creature and my fetid imp/graveblade/fleshbag, and repeat the killing. until i met the objective.
    Guardian Automaton and deadbridge shaman were in to either sacrifice for fleshbag or eek out a small amount of damage on their creatures/ block an attack. I never cast tainted remedy or meteorite, just used them to discard.
    I beat it too.

    I have imp, but no marauder or unholy hunger in my collection. My deck was Fetid Imp, Read the Bones, Despoiler of Souls, Fleshbag Marauder, Bonded Construct, Alhamaret's Archive, Orbs of Warding, Brawler's Plate, Languish, Prism Ring. I also dealt with Gaea's Revenge with a hexproof creature, then set up supports while clearing creatures with Fleshbag, imp, or brawler's plated attackers. I ended up with the AI at low life and summoning like 5 creatures in a row, each dying to my Despoiler with Brawler's plate. I didn't end up having to use Liliana's hero power.

    I'm down to 2 objectives left to do everything.

    Edit: Finished all the objectives.
  • I beat it too.

    I have imp, but no marauder or unholy hunger in my collection. My deck was Fetid Imp, Read the Bones, Despoiler of Souls, Fleshbag Marauder, Bonded Construct, Alhamaret's Archive, Orbs of Warding, Brawler's Plate, Languish, Prism Ring. I also dealt with Gaea's Revenge with a hexproof creature, then set up supports while clearing creatures with Fleshbag, imp, or brawler's plated attackers. I ended up with the AI at low life and summoning like 5 creatures in a row, each dying to my Despoiler with Brawler's plate. I didn't end up having to use Liliana's hero power.

    I'm down to 2 objectives left to do everything.

    Edit: Finished all the objectives.

    Good job, everyone. Good to know there are multiple ways to beat some tougher objectives.

    Rootbreaker, what you gonna do now that you've beaten all the objectives? I'm getting kinda bored with the game myself. The quick battles are OK but it's just a grind. No need to tweak decks. Just rinse and repeat.
  • Rootbreaker
    Rootbreaker Posts: 396
    I mean, I'll do other things while I wait for new content. There's no shortage of excellent games out there.
  • Nissa is fun at 50, I think the rest of the PWs should be tuned better for 50 so we see more variety.

    I think I fought a total of 2 lilianas, a handful of chandras, and 50% nissa 20% jace and 20% gideon.
  • For me it feels like
    40% Nissa, 20% Chandra, 20% Gideon, 15% Jace, 5% Liliana.

    I do make ~80 points per hour, that's 8 wins per potion regeneration. I quit about 50% of my fights against Jace early after 1 to 2 rounds.
    That means on average I can handle 2 Jaces in 9 fights if I wanna keep up my potion regeneration which I can most of the time.
    So if I get more than 22,22% Jace fights then it would totally screw up my potions and my ribbons/hour.
  • The only losses I've had vs Nissa were vs chandra and nissa where the game just gave them 3 5 match in a row.

    Chandra's berserkers actually give Nissa a lot of trouble as she can't 2 before they get hit - one reason to bring joraga but I don't have room. Chandra is also extremely fast and has the most efficient creatures in game (barely winning over Nissa).

    Anyhoo on topic I don't think I've done a single objective that wasn't just coincidental lol. I have no patience for that grind.
  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    pandabear wrote:
    I think I fought a total of 2 lilianas, a handful of chandras, and 50% nissa 20% jace and 20% gideon.
    I can tell you that as the PWs currently work, I will never level black or red to 50. I also don't think it's a good idea to level white or blue to 50, so I likely won't. Green is the only color that actually doesn't get worse at 50 - hence the abundance.

    They REALLY need to fix PW powers.
  • Jace doesn't get worse at 50. I don't think chandra does either.

    He's one of the better ones, people simply don't play him though as he cannot life gain and his fights are slow.

    Gideon is worse at 50 than at 37. And liliana is simply bad, playing extremely slowly and really just being generally unfun. Her deck itself isn't necessarily super bad it is just she is pointless as chandra/jace can do what she does but better.


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