Patch v1.3.1 thoughts.

raidan Posts: 128
edited February 2016 in MtGPQ General Discussion
The new patch so far seems a bit underwhelming for new players, however with the bug fixes though, it is a welcome patch.

+ Ability to gain more runes per story and quick battle modes.
- No longer able to buy rune packs.
- Currently nothing new to spend runes on, especially once you max Planeswalkers levels.
- No more gaining crystals for the first challenge, changed to runes.

+ Free 3-Packs every 8 hours.
+/- No changes to any card or Planeswalker abilities.
+/- No new Cards.
+/- No new Planeswalkers.
+/- Duplicate cards still serve no purpose.

Quick Battles:
+ Higher Planeswalkers give additional ribbons
- 2 less maximum potions

+ Bug fixes.

It seems that the new patch has had a slightly more negative impact on quality of life, than positive for players who are still new or just joining. With the inability to purchase regular card packs for runes (and being limited to 3 a day), new players will build their decks slower than in previous patches. Additionally, because there are less potions, it is likely that new players will encounter more frequent down time from not having efficient decks and running out of potions.

I am glad that people who leveled their Planeswalkers to 50 are no longer at a massive disadvantage. I'm also glad they addressed many of the bugs that we have encountered (this is huge). That being said, with crystals being even more limited and runes no longer able to purchase card packs, it will now come down to winning competitions or spending real money to get a steady source of new cards.

I look forward to what the developers have in store in the future. Thank you for your continued support.


  • Meto5000
    Meto5000 Posts: 583
    Plainswalker is a creature that is unblockable if they attack an opponent that controls a land with the Plains landtype

    Planeswalker is a powerful entity that has ascended and is the word you are looking for
  • raidan
    raidan Posts: 128
    Meto5000 wrote:
    Plainswalker is a creature that is unblockable if they attack an opponent that controls a land with the Plains landtype

    Planeswalker is a powerful entity that has ascended and is the word you are looking for

    I always loved land walkers back in the day. Thank you for the correction, I didn't even realize I was mispelling it to plains instead of planes, I shall go and edit all my posts.
    EDUSAN Posts: 197 Tile Toppler
    I think i missed in the pre-release notes that rune packs were not going to be available

    it feels so weird and suspicious to give us the possibility to earn MORE runes (from better quick battle rewards and from removing the crystal reward) but at the same time preventing us from buying the, cheap but completely unrewarding, Rune packs

    soooooooooooo weird to have nothing to do with the runes
  • raidan
    raidan Posts: 128
    EDUSAN wrote:
    I think i missed in the pre-release notes that rune packs were not going to be available

    it feels so weird and suspicious to give us the possibility to earn MORE runes (from better quick battle rewards and from removing the crystal reward) but at the same time preventing us from buying the, cheap but completely unrewarding, Rune packs

    soooooooooooo weird to have nothing to do with the runes

    I think it's to be more friendly to new players. To help them level their planeswalkers to gain additional ribbons in quick battle. However with the inability to purchase rune packs, new players will be at a further disadvantage to gaining new cards.
  • Any idiot can see that now we have beta tested the game, we're going to watch it get more and more expensive to play. Soon only the rich and/or stupid will be able to top the ranks, as us menials will be left behind.

    Same old, same old!
  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    raidan wrote:
    The new patch so far seems a bit underwhelming.
    Several of your negatives are not really negatives, though.

    - No new Cards.
    - No new Planeswalkers.
    - Duplicate cards still serve no purpose.
    - No Events as of yet.

    None of those are actually worse - they're just unchanged. They're fixing the problems that exist instead of dumping new content on top of it - personally I much prefer this method.

    Lower level PWs getting fewer ribbons is actually +, not a -. That's the entire point of the fix: to make leveling your PWs less of a trap.

    And nothing to spend runes on is something they've said is temporary. I don't really find this to be a big deal, especially with the free packs. I agree it makes it harder to flesh our your collection quickly, but it was a poor way to go about doing it, and this way they're preemptively cutting us off so that when the next rune-sink comes in, we won't moan about how we blew all our runes on getting a zillion common dupes.

    Overall I'd say it's a big step in the right direction. And if the "bug fixes" part actually stops even half the random crashing, that's a HUGE bonus.
  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    raidan wrote:
    I think it's to be more friendly to new players. To help them level their planeswalkers to gain additional ribbons in quick battle. However with the inability to purchase rune packs, new players will be at a further disadvantage to gaining new cards.
    I agree, although I'm still surprised people were dumping thousands or tens of thousands of runes into getting common dupes and the occasional uncommon. Apparently the devs were, too.

    But you're right in that even wasting a jillion runes on 3-packs was still a possible way to increase your collection, and removing that (even if it was a poor choice) still impacts newer players.
  • Ужасное обновление!! ЗАчем теперь нужны руны, если за них нельзя покупать бустеры??! Мои персонажи ВСЕ максимального уровня! Ззчем мне руны теперь я спрашиваю?! Зачем?! Смысл играть не вижу вообще!!!
    Bad update!! Very bad! My characters max lv ALL! I cant buy Boosters for runes!!! Why do I need the runes?!!! Why do I need the runes?!!!! WHY???! I see no reason to play more! (Google translate)
  • raidan
    raidan Posts: 128
    loroku wrote:
    raidan wrote:
    The new patch so far seems a bit underwhelming.
    Several of your negatives are not really negatives, though.

    - No new Cards.
    - No new Planeswalkers.
    - Duplicate cards still serve no purpose.
    - No Events as of yet.

    None of those are actually worse - they're just unchanged. They're fixing the problems that exist instead of dumping new content on top of it - personally I much prefer this method.

    Lower level PWs getting fewer ribbons is actually +, not a -. That's the entire point of the fix: to make leveling your PWs less of a trap.

    And nothing to spend runes on is something they've said is temporary. I don't really find this to be a big deal, especially with the free packs. I agree it makes it harder to flesh our your collection quickly, but it was a poor way to go about doing it, and this way they're preemptively cutting us off so that when the next rune-sink comes in, we won't moan about how we blew all our runes on getting a zillion common dupes.

    Overall I'd say it's a big step in the right direction. And if the "bug fixes" part actually stops even half the random crashing, that's a HUGE bonus.

    I agree, it's not worse that there were no additions. I also agree that not being able to purchase cards with runes, does make it easier to level your PW, but I still think this made it (currently) very difficult for new players to join the fray and gain enough new cards to make efficient decks. Also to further the issue, with less potions and harder times getting new cards, new players will likely face a lot of down time from losing matches.

    For anyone who has been playing a lot and has several good decks and high level PW, I do feel that the patch was an improvement, due to the crash fixes and the extra ribbons gained for high levels. I will amend my thoughts to reflect the points I agree with.
    EDUSAN Posts: 197 Tile Toppler
    btw, i know anyone have done this, but maybe it was said somewhere...

    we get 1 free pack every 8hs, they acumulute and i can claim them all together? or do i really need to log in every 8hs to claim it to allow the next 8hs to start counting? (i hope its the 1st one, because i would hate to have to be constantly remembering to log in)
  • raidan
    raidan Posts: 128
    EDUSAN wrote:
    btw, i know anyone have done this, but maybe it was said somewhere...

    we get 1 free pack every 8hs, they acumulute and i can claim them all together? or do i really need to log in every 8hs to claim it to allow the next 8hs to start counting? (i hope its the 1st one, because i would hate to have to be constantly remembering to log in)

    I don't believe they can accumulate, because the timer does not show up until you receive your 3 pack and the timer starts at 8:00.
  • Gideon
    Gideon Posts: 357 Mover and Shaker
    My entire account was erased because of this update. Reeeeaaaal seemless stuff going here. I had 3 level 50 planes walkers, almost the entire campaign complete, almost all rares, commons and uncommons, 10 45000 runes and now it's all gone.This makes me very unhappy. I don't know what to do or say but this suck!
  • As a new player, the two reasons I decided to play this game were the fact that I could actually buy packs of cards with a semi-easily obtainable currency (runes) and that I wasn't time gated by a stamina system like most phone games. Both of these things have been nerfed badly, especially the buying of new cards. I already spent 20 dollars to get me started, and typically do about 20 per week to just keep me in new cards, but without the ability to use runes to supplement my real-money purchases, I absolutely won't be spending any more money. If they make packs purchasable with runes again, I will likely come back, but for now, I believe I will move on to a different game.
  • Did you link fb account?
  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    As a new player, the two reasons I decided to play this game were the fact that I could actually buy packs of cards with a semi-easily obtainable currency (runes) and that I wasn't time gated by a stamina system like most phone games. Both of these things have been nerfed badly, especially the buying of new cards. I already spent 20 dollars to get me started, and typically do about 20 per week to just keep me in new cards, but without the ability to use runes to supplement my real-money purchases, I absolutely won't be spending any more money. If they make packs purchasable with runes again, I will likely come back, but for now, I believe I will move on to a different game.
    Stamina system: ok, fair point.

    Buying packs: just to respond to all the people who are mad they can't buy 3-packs anymore, let me ask this: did you spend more than an average of 675 runes a day on 3-packs? (They were 225, right?) That's ~13 quick battles' worth (fewer if you find higher-level opponents). I'm sure some of you did, but taking a step back, that's actually quite a bit of effort to get the same amount of 3-packs they are now giving away.

    Additionally, to this complaint in particular: are you worried this will be more or less fair to the playerbase without deep pockets? In this case, they're changing the dynamic to be more fair to people without deeper... "time" pockets. In some ways, this actually encourages us NOT to play the game quite so much, or gives us a higher rate of diminishing returns. In other words, those who are racking up ~200 wins in a day for winning Quick Battles won't have an additional advantage that they can buy a ton of packs with their runes.

    Does this mean that someone with a lot of time they can dedicate to the game can't "catch up" to the people who are already ahead? Yes. Does it also mean that everyone will advance a little more evenly now? Also yes.
  • 1. + I like the changes in rune distribution

    2. - give me another option for rune usage! Maybe trading them in for crystals ...... SOMETHING

    3. I would love to have mixed color Planeswalkers ......... oh the possibilities!
  • Sorry Loroku, I'm on my phone and can't figure out how to quote you. For me, as a new player, I like the prospect of "progression ". I feel like I'm progressing when I add cards to my deck, when I level up characters, and to a much lesser extent, when I win a quick match or a story mission. I played a little bit today, and I have like 2000 runes. Normally, I would go buy a bunch of packs, and then spend some time going over the cards, putting together combos in my head, and tweaking my decks. Only, now I cant, because I already opened a pack of 3 cards 6 hours ago. So all I can do is level up my hero, which isn't what I want to be doing right now.
    I also can't really get a steady income of crystals, because only the third optional win condition gives me any, and it's not nearly enough. So, I feel like they have limited my option for progression into a very narrow one way street.
    Now, I did see that there were ways to get rewards through Quick Matches, but I don't know exactly how that works. I've played a few games, won a few games, but all I got was more runes.
    So for me, that's why I dislike the change.
  • ChrisTot
    ChrisTot Posts: 167
    loroku wrote:
    raidan wrote:
    I think it's to be more friendly to new players. To help them level their planeswalkers to gain additional ribbons in quick battle. However with the inability to purchase rune packs, new players will be at a further disadvantage to gaining new cards.
    I agree, although I'm still surprised people were dumping thousands or tens of thousands of runes into getting common dupes and the occasional uncommon. Apparently the devs were, too.

    But you're right in that even wasting a jillion runes on 3-packs was still a possible way to increase your collection, and removing that (even if it was a poor choice) still impacts newer players.

    I'm one of the people that spent 16k+ runes on the 225 packs, and now that the change is in place, I'm wondering why more people didn't do the same thing I did.
    If I could do it all over again I would, and the moment I heard about the update, I updated them at every turn possible until the update went through. You can earn 3 cards in less than 15 minutes. Now you have to wait 8 hours.
  • ChrisTot
    ChrisTot Posts: 167
    ChrisTot wrote:
    loroku wrote:
    raidan wrote:
    I think it's to be more friendly to new players. To help them level their planeswalkers to gain additional ribbons in quick battle. However with the inability to purchase rune packs, new players will be at a further disadvantage to gaining new cards.
    I agree, although I'm still surprised people were dumping thousands or tens of thousands of runes into getting common dupes and the occasional uncommon. Apparently the devs were, too.

    But you're right in that even wasting a jillion runes on 3-packs was still a possible way to increase your collection, and removing that (even if it was a poor choice) still impacts newer players.

    I'm one of the people that spent 16k+ runes on the 225 packs, and now that the change is in place, I'm wondering why more people didn't do the same thing I did.
    If I could do it all over again I would, and the moment I heard about the update, I updated them at every turn possible until the update went through. You can earn 3 cards in less than 15 minutes. Now you have to wait 8 hours.

    Also, I've gotten plenty of rares and even had a mythic from those as well.
  • ChrisTot
    ChrisTot Posts: 167
    Buying packs: just to respond to all the people who are mad they can't buy 3-packs anymore, let me ask this: did you spend more than an average of 675 runes a day on 3-packs? (They were 225, right?) That's ~13 quick battles' worth (fewer if you find higher-level opponents). I'm sure some of you did, but taking a step back, that's actually quite a bit of effort to get the same amount of 3-packs they are now giving away.

    Additionally, to this complaint in particular: are you worried this will be more or less fair to the playerbase without deep pockets? In this case, they're changing the dynamic to be more fair to people without deeper... "time" pockets. In some ways, this actually encourages us NOT to play the game quite so much, or gives us a higher rate of diminishing returns. In other words, those who are racking up ~200 wins in a day for winning Quick Battles won't have an additional advantage that they can buy a ton of packs with their runes.

    Does this mean that someone with a lot of time they can dedicate to the game can't "catch up" to the people who are already ahead? Yes. Does it also mean that everyone will advance a little more evenly now? Also yes.

    It's not 13 quick battles if you gained more than 50 runes per battle. I was averaging 150 runes per battle, which is 4-5 games for your 675 total, and yes I was winning more than 5 quick battles per day and immediately spending them to get the 3-packs.

    You said it yourself, in some ways they're actually encouraging us to NOT play the game as much. That's a red flag if I've ever seen one.