The Great Forum Rank Renaming Contest (January 11th-17th)



  • D4Ni13
    D4Ni13 Posts: 745 Critical Contributor
    1. Regular
    2. Gifted
    3. Supernatural
    4. Outstanding
    5. Stellar
    6. Legendary
  • D4Ni13
    D4Ni13 Posts: 745 Critical Contributor
    1. Eager Swapper
    2. Casual Matcher
    3. Gifted Handler
    4. Board Shaker
    5. Strategic Gatherer
    6. Tile Master
  • Philly79
    Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
    1. Junior member/ contributor

    2. Senior member/ contributor

    3. All-star member/ contributor

    4. VIP member/ contributor

    5. Elite member/ contributor

    6. Legendary member/ contributor

    In-game ID: Philly79
  • Philly79
    Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
    1. Match Maker

    2. Novice Puzzler

    3. Match Master

    4. Cascade Master

    5. Cascade Elite

    6. Cascade Connoisseur

    In-game ID: Philly79
  • Buret0
    Buret0 Posts: 1,591
    edited January 2016
    1. Just Visiting
    2. Mostly Lurking
    3. Almost Not New
    4. Forum Regular
    5. Upvote Collector
    6. Addicted to Poast

    Note: I would also like to include a class above 1,000. Addicted to Poast is good for 1,000 to 2,500. After that you need.
    7. Poastmaster General (2,500 to 5,000)
    8. Are you all gardeners? Because all I see is green thumbs.

    The last one is a joke and Poastmaster General is the highest you can get. icon_e_smile.gif

    Also, I would go
    1. Just visiting 0-10 posts
    2. Mostly Lurking 11-50 posts
    3. Almost Not New 51-200 posts
    4. Forum Regular 201-500 posts
    5. Upvote Collector 501-1000 posts
    6. Addicted to Poast 1001-2500 posts
    7. Poastmaster General 2501+ posts.

    It would also be cool to have a post-to-reputation ratio factor in. Like getting a high KDR in BlackOps, except hopefully without cheating. icon_e_smile.gif
  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,401 Chairperson of the Boards
    1. Mystery lurker
    2. Informed initiate
    3. Board inspector
    4. Enthusiastic poster
    5. Dedicated acolyte
    6. All-seeing eye
  • seyerin
    seyerin Posts: 71 Match Maker
    edited January 2016
    Cosa Nostra ranks

    1. Asociatto
    2. Soldato
    3. Capo
    4. Consigliere
    5. Sottocapo
    6. Don

    I saw that my scale was almost repeated, then I change this:

    1. Citizen
    2. Militant
    3. Secretary
    4. Defense minister
    5. 1st minister
    6. President
  • Roxton
    Roxton Posts: 13
    1. Maze Crafter
    2. Word Jumbler
    3. Jigsaw Tesselator
    4. Acrostic Cruciverbalist
    5. Tangram Tangler
    6. Master Cryptogrammarian
  • hurcules
    hurcules Posts: 519
    I'm going to shamelessly plug / use Colog's 4* rankign tiers for my entry:

    1) Totally Awesome Hulk tier
    2) Who? tier
    3) Miles Venom Rider X tier
    4) Thorverine tier
    5) Creepy RulkBuster Lovebird tier
    6) OML tier
  • Azoth658
    Azoth658 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    1. Privately Puzzling
    2. Publically Puzzling
    3. Modestly Matching Threes
    4. Methodically Making Four Of A Kind
    5. Master Of Matching Five
    6. Legend Of The Boards

    In game ID for Marvel Puzzle Quest - Azoth658
  • rawfsu
    rawfsu Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    Since this game involves the Marvel Universe...

    1. Epsilon Mutant
    2. Delta Mutant
    3. Gamma Mutant
    4. Beta Mutant
    5. Alpha Mutant
    6. Omega Mutant
  • Liquid Fists
    Liquid Fists Posts: 9 Just Dropped In
    1. Wind Chaser
    2. Rain Caller
    3. Elementalist
    4. Lightning Rider
    5. Child of Thunder
    6. Storm Reaver
  • 1. Noob Puzzler
    2. Puzzle Quest Intern
    3. Puzzle Quest Associate
    4. Puzzle Quest Officer
    5. Elite Puzzle Quest Hero
    6. Legendary Puzzle Quest Master
  • 2nd Entry:

    PQ = Puzzle Quest

    1. PQ Beginner
    2. PQ Trainee
    3. PQ Coordinator
    4. PQ Officer
    5. PQ Match Master
    6. PQ Grand Match Maker
  • BlackBoltRocks
    BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited January 2016
    Suggestion for the MPQ-only forum:

    1. Wolverine (Whaddya mean my claws are bones?)
    2. Wolverine (Check out this awesome yellow and blue suit!)
    3. Wolverine (Woohoo marvel at my awesome tux and eyepatch!)
    4. Wolverine (Once you go black, you can't go back)
    5. Wolverine (I'm old yo. Ain't poppin' my claws no more)
    6. Wolverine (HUGH JACKMAN)

    In-game: Lokithor91

    If it's too lengthy, then use the following:

    1. Bone Claws
    2. I'm an X-Men!
    3. Tuxedo and Eyepatch
    4. X-rated Killer
    5. I'm Old
    6. Hugh Jackman
  • BlackBoltRocks
    BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    For all D3 games:

    1. Milk and diapers
    2. Just learnt to walk
    3. Studying for Exams
    4. Summa cum Laude
    5. Research Assistant
    6. Head Professor
    7. Permanent Head Damage (PhD)
  • XandorXerxes
    XandorXerxes Posts: 340 Mover and Shaker
    1) Neophyte
    2) Journeyman
    3) Familiar Face
    4) Adept
    5) Seasoned Veteran
    6) Tried and True
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    1. Pegasus
    2. Centaur
    3. Griffon
    4. Cerberus
    5. Sphinx
    6. Dragon

    note: the order can, of course be changed, but a rank based on mythological creatures would work. It's something almost anyone would recognize and understand, no matter what game they are playing.
    Thought about adding "Pheonix " to the list, but it might have been confused with Jean Grey and not the actual legendary fire bird I meant it to be.

  • 1. Lurker
    2. Not a Lurker
    3. Poster
    4. Regular Poster
    5. Top Poster
    6. Hall of Famer
This discussion has been closed.