Using duplicates of the same character

edited February 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
I've maxed out my Thor, and I've got extra Thor covers from the events, and I'm considering adding another Thor to my roster for use while the other is healing. I've looked at some other rosters and it doesn't look like most players are using duplicates... has anyone tried this? Worth it/not worth it?


  • gamar wrote:
    I've maxed out my Thor, and I've got extra Thor covers from the events, and I'm considering adding another Thor to my roster for use while the other is healing. I've looked at some other rosters and it doesn't look like most players are using duplicates... has anyone tried this? Worth it/not worth it?

    You can't use two Thors at once but you can however have a back up Thor for when your 1st one gets downed and you don't want to use med packs as often.
  • One of my most pivotal strategies has been using duplicates. I just recently cleaned out my second M. Widow (replacing her with an equal strength OBW, so far a good choice), but I still pack a second M. Storm and I'm working on a 2nd M35 Iron Man. Admittedly, both of these are to fix my poor cover choices (I much prefer 5/3/5 for M. Storm and 3/5/5 for M35 Iron man)... But honestly? Out of every character I have, even moreso than OBW or either of the Storms or even my three cover Patch Wolverine, my biggest asset is a 1 star that I have two of: Juggernaut.

    I'm not going to clog up my reply going on about how helpful he's been, but I will say yes - keeping duplicates should only be an issue if you need the roster slots. (I have 20 currently, though I did toss * Hawkeye the other day to make room for ** Magneto... sad)

    If you're higher up/have more than **s, boosting those is obviously a better idea... But for fiddling around/still fighting the Prologue/extra fodder, having some of the * and **s duplicate (if you can) is a perfectly acceptable strategy!
  • I like the idea of having a spare character, especially one that's tourney buffed, but I'm never going to do it. There's just not enough ISO to go around, and I'd rather have a diverse roster.
  • I would recommend just leveling up another character instead, but if you really love Thor, I guess you could do it. You're basically just spending a ton of ISO to give yourself +1 max med pack which can only be used on Thor.
  • Personally I wouldn't find it worth it. Like Celerity said, it's a lot of ISO, not to mention having to pay for another cover slot.
  • It's a really good idea to have two or three leveled juggernauts ready to go early on. He's the best, strongest 1* but His biggest drawback is that you can only use him for a couple or few rounds before he is down for the count. Having several of him would certainly lengthen the process. Smart.
  • Spencer75
    It's a really good idea to have two or three leveled juggernauts ready to go early on. He's the best, strongest 1* but His biggest drawback is that you can only use him for a couple or few rounds before he is down for the count. Having several of him would certainly lengthen the process. Smart.

    This is really the only situation I could imagine that would warrant it

    Other than that there is always better places to spend your iso
  • I like having a diverse roster. It's the fanboy / collector in me. I have 30 different cover slots, and enough HP to buy one more should I land either a Path or a DD. It makes for some tough ISO choices though! Currently going back and forth between OBW (64 and rising) and C Storm (40 and rising). (Not Yelena though. She's level 1 and staying there.) icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • A terrible waste of ISO. But if you have it by millions why not create duplicate of the same characters really...