Would you buy a PvE only stand alone version?

edited February 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
I dont like pvp in games. Most balancing issues come from pvp and nerfs often happen because over powered characters dominate pvp rounds and everybody has to copy it to win. For example nobody would care if Thor or Wolverine were too powerful if pve only. So I feel pve players get punished for the deeds of pvp players.

So I would love to see a offline, pve only stand alone game. I dont want to buy HP to unlock covers randomly. I want to play and naturally earn every cover in the game(start with a nice selection at first and unlock more as you play). Sure you can have dlc later of new characters, but you buy them you are guaranteed to get them. You dont also just get 1 cover from a specific character. All are merged together and as you level them you apply points in each skill as you desire.

I want to get rid of the * system too. Let all covers rank up from 1 to max. This is offline, so let me have fun with the heroes or villians I love.

I gladly would pay full retail price for a game like this.

Would you?
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  • Yes I would, but I also think that a full price game doesn't need to be PvE only. It can have the PvP elements as well (if you are online).

    It's such a shame that this game is F2P and not something I can buy upfront. Hell, there even is a middle ground here, they could sell the game for a price with PvE, and unlock PvP with IAP.
  • Yes I would, but I also think that a full price game doesn't need to be PvE only. It can have the PvP elements as well (if you are online).

    Well one of the biggest reasons I would like PvE only is so my game play experience wont get nerfed based of what happens in the PvP world. Unfortunately, when you have pvp and pve in one game this always happens and I hate it.
  • Yes, yes, a thousand times, yes. That is what I thought this was going to be all along. The minute I saw F2P on this my heart sank. I would gladly pay for a story based progression mode with little to no PvP. I wouldn't even mind if they did it the same as PQ2 where you use one hero that gains powers and especially with loot you'd gain that would buff powers/stats. I can hope can't I?
  • Would have much preferred it to be a standalone version, like PQ and PQ2. My brother told me he refuses to play the game because it is a F2P/P2W model, but would buy it in a heartbeat if it was available as a one-time purchase. Unfortunately, I could not ignore the lure of Marvel aswell as PQ.
  • Would I buy a stand-alone version? In a blink. Will I invest more to this current f2p version? No. You've already got 150 bucks from me so churn on them. What more can I say? I fell numerous times to the pay2win trap in my excitement. Lesson learned the hard way. No more.
  • There's no way in hell I'd give these guys any money until they prove that they can fix as well as they can break.

    Also, I already have three other standalone PQ games.
  • Yes I played the **** out of original game on three different platforms and I sorely wish this game was more like the original PQ. I like it fine as it stands but it's such a huge missed opportunity to not capitalize on what made the original PQ great with this Marvel license. Just think how good it could be to get an established comic writer to pen out an original story and use the current roster of heroes in the game to play a more traditional story mode.
  • I would just love another PQ. The first was the best. If they had this as stand-alone, it would be awesome. You could get and level up all the characters, have characters with awesome powers instead of nerfed characters, get a better story because that would be the focus, and be able to play all the PvE levels without the possibility of missing one. Most of the reason I play this is because I loved the original PQ. You don't feel like you get powerful in this game. You feel like you're getting close to being on par with everyone else. It's less of a quest and more of an activity that you do. I miss the quest.
  • Not from this pack of devs who showed utter not caring for customer satisfaction.

    If someone else released such a standalone game, sure it would be a a very likely purchase.
  • I have much fun theorycrafing about how to obtain the best results with the least effort required, against other humans that try the same, because beating AI in a competition is boring. So really no. There are plenty great single playet games out there. This game is alive and (used to be) very engaging. I hope it gets better soon really
  • This is the only puzzlequest game with a pvp. All other puzzlequest games were pve and they didn't shaft you for playing the game. I'm not sure what changed with d3publisher but maybe the main guy is gone or the dev team is all new and they have no idea what to do.
  • No...the expanding rosters are the thing that keeps me coming back, and you don't have that without the steady income from the F2P model. As a stand alone PvE game I'd be pretty tired of Iron Man, M Storm and M Black Widow by now.
  • Why no "maybe?"
    PVP is what I do most in this game. I like the competitiveness of it. But if that element was gone, I would still fully enjoy the game. There would need to be more PVE content available than there currently is. More missions like the prologue, maybe more nodes in them to make them last longer, a more expansive storyline. As well as events like the one going on now (without the scoring debacle). Those events are fully enjoyable. It almost feels like an all-PVE game anyway, because the way PVP is structured you're not really playing against actual players. It is fun knowing that behind the AI lurks a real player though. But the forum community would still be here to yammer with.

    I wouldn't pay more than 10-12 dollars though, and my cheapskate **** would hesitate over even that price. Hell, I haven't even bought the Final Fantasy games that are 15 bucks, even though I'd love to play them. I'd pay 5 bucks in a heartbeat...
  • I signed up just because of this!

    I believe new Chapters "offline" are really necessary. I'm getting tired and stressed of these "run for the gold" that are both the PVEs and PVPs at this moment.

    I really like the game, but I'm affraid that their income during PVPs and PVEs are pushing them away of the story mode.
  • quadiak
    quadiak Posts: 177 Tile Toppler
    The best and most enjoyable part of this game for me was the prologue. I after the first update revealed the destiny of this game to be pay to win, my first review asked for this very thing.

    The graphics and comic style story board are awesome, but the lack of originality which became oh so evident after the first pve event have led to boardem, especially since the latest round of nerfs and money grubbing antics.

    What I really don't understand is why they refuse to let us go back and complete the prologue, it now never gives the available rewards? And what is with the ridiculously monotonous "New Reward" screen?
  • Yeah when I first heard of this game I also thought it would be like PQ a stand alone game. Still hoping maybe it will happen. icon_e_smile.gif
  • I can't remember which thread it was in, but IceIX mentioned at one point that only a very small percentage of players had actually bothered to complete the prologue missions (and he clarified that as completing each one once, not chasing all the rewards). As much as I'd LOVE more stand alone solo stuff that doesn't put me competing against others, from a developer standpoint the demand doesn't stretch far enough to justify it, it seems...
  • I would consider it if the game got a MAJOR upgrade. As is I don't think I would. If the story was nice, they implemented variety into the matches (ex: boss matches with different rules that asked for the use of specific character skills), the characters were well balanced, graphics were upgraded and animations were longer and more intricate (on/off option for those) etc etc I would. As is...the expanding roster, as mentioned, is the main reason to stay. Without the competition fighting the same board again and again would get boring way faster than it does already when overplayed.
  • The first puzzle quest was epic. Sure, the characters were as imbalanced as they get, but the game was quite fun. Galactrix was a major disappointment, and then PQ2 forgot all kinds of features that made the first one great, without really bringing in anything good. I'd argue that Marvel is better than any of the Puzzle Quest sequels.

    But I guess that asking D3 for a stand alone game is like asking Wizards of the Coast for modernized version of their old Shandalar card game: Too much fun for each hour spent.
  • F2p is the way of the future. That said, I do believe this game would be pretty great with a base cost of $14.99 and cosmetic changes, skins, themes, etc available for IAP.


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