New special tile types you would like to see?

OK, so we have the following types of tiles:

- Strike tiles (as long as they're on the board and you own them, your team does more damage)
- Protect tiles (as long as they're on the board and you own them, your team takes less damage)
- Attack tiles (as long as they're on the board and you own them, each attack tile passively deals X damage per turn)
- Countdown tiles (which have X ability once they count down)
- Locked (web cocoon) tiles (tile becomes locked and any countdowns or abilities are frozen until destroyed/matched)

The general strategy seems to be, if you own a special tile, you want to keep it on the board as long as possible. If the enemy has special tiles, you want to get rid of them as fast as possible.

What other types of special tiles would you like to see added? I think these are the most obvious:

- Heal tiles - Obvious, as long as you own them and they're on the board, you are constantly healed X per turn (maybe for a Jean Grey type character?)
- AP generator tiles - As long as you own them and they're on the board, they generate X free AP of one or more colors/random color (I could see a Dazzler/Jubilee type character have this kind of ability...create a new rainbow tile that generates 1 free AP of a random color per turn)
- AP leech tiles - As long as you own them and they're on the board, the enemy loses 1 AP per turn, probably of a random color (maybe for a Rogue type character)


  • Well, you also have environment tiles and critical tiles. I'd like to see either or both of them augmented with a small amount of ISO gain. Maybe just for some tournaments. That's a different kind of special tile though.

    AP boost tiles. Like a critical tile, but multiplies AP gained.

    Block tile. While it is out, AP of that color cannot be used.

    Bomb tile. Matching it explodes the 3x3 block around it.

    Support tile. When matched, all live chrarcter strike at once. So if three red are matched, the opponent takes damage equal to all three character's red damage output.

    Poison tile. When present, both teams take damage on their turn.

    Dark tile. When present, one less AP of each color is collected each turn. It cannot go negative.
  • Reflect tile. Like a protect except the damage is reflected back at the other team.

    Mystery tile. The tile is an unknown color and cannot be used to make a match unless the move is legal in another way.

    Vortex tile. The surounding tiles rotate around it every turn. It can cause further cascades.

    Trap tile. Matching it stuns you for 1 turn.

    Spike tile. Matching it damages you.

    Quick shot tile. Matching it gives you another turn.

    Spread tile. When present, damage is divided equally amongst all live opponents.

    AoE tile. When matched, full damage is done to all live opponents.
  • Bump for another dumb idea. icon_razz.gif

    The other day I was cleaning up around my computer desk and home and stumbled across my old PSP and Puzzle Quest 1.

    I played for a couple rounds and it reminded me that the game had additional special tiles that were not tied to ability colors, specifically purple tiles (bonus XP) and gold tiles (for in-game currency).

    I know this may sound like Milhouse-style "And you should win prizes for watching!!!" wishful thinking, but I think it would be cool, at some point, to see a limited-time event where [dark] purple ISO tiles and gold HP tiles appear on the board and, when matched, grant the player X amount of that currency. Maybe Puzzle & Dragons style, players only get to take home the ISO and HP if they *win*.

    I would figure that [dark] purple ISO tiles would appear in the normal mix and be cleared by matching. HP could either appear as normal tiles, or as a single, special tile that can be cleared only with match-4s, match-5s, or tile-destroying abilities.
  • Power tile - Matching increases damage done by that color for the rest of the match.

    Solid tile - Matching it transforms it into a normal tile. Basically it needs to be matched twice to be destroyed.

    Floaters - They move up one space after every match.

    Dual Power tile - tile acts as either of two colors. Generates 1 AP for each.

    Rainbow tile - Acts like a critical tile. Generates 1 AP for every color.

    Potent tile - Countdown tile that gives additional AP equal to the countdown number when matched.

    Slice tile - Takes out the row or column it is in.
  • This one would need some play testing but the idea is a tile that spreads and adds more of itself exponentially that slooooowly drains your AP...that yields no AP for opponents when popped. Use it for a curse, a virus, penance stare, The Void spreading over the world, The Phoenix consuming all...ANYTHING. Its a really insane 3 star sort of power IMO. If anyone ever acts as a purple battery this character would love them and a Stun expert to force a game of attrition where they lock you out of abilities slowly but surely due to creating a fuel shortage. Weakness would be folks capable of screen clearing in large numbers like Modern Storm, Juggernaut, Magneto , etc. Though this would ruin Storm's battery role...

    Cost 14 purple AP

    Choose a tile to add a virus icon to on the board. If any Tiles are popped that touch it on any side all tiles that enter those spaces will contract the Virus and carry the Virus. If a Virus tile is popped it disappears. (Virus tiles are meant to spread and try to cover as much of the board as possible until you can pop them all. The object is "space control" and to pop areas near a Virus you place to spread it and further contaminate the board. )

    Virus tiles do not yield AP for opponents when popped. (The idea is to shut down the fuel supply of the world.)

    Virus tiles remove 1 ap of every color from opponent for every 6 virus tiles on the board per turn.

    Level 1
    Cost 14 purple
    AP Place 1 virus tile. Steals 1 AP of every color per turn for every 6 Virus tiles on board.
    Level 2
    Cost 13 purple
    AP Place 1 virus tile. Steals 1 AP of every color per turn for every 5 Virus tiles on board.
    Level 3
    Cost 12
    AP Place 1 virus tile. Steals 1 AP of every color per turn for every 4 Virus tiles on board.
    Level 4
    Cost 11
    AP Place 1 virus tile. Steals 1 AP of every color per turn for every 4 Virus tiles on board.
    Level 5
    Cost 10
    AP Place 1 virus tile. Steals 1 AP of every color per turn for every 3 Virus tiles on board.