Avengers Elite Training

300hp entry fee

Assemble your best Avengers only team and fight! Competition is fierce but the rewards are substantial. Pay your entry fee and get elite training.

All entrants guaranteed heroic tokens!!!
Top finishers awarded 10k hp!!!!

Rewards. Hp. ISO. Heroic tokens

1. 10,000. 2,000. 3
2-3. 5,000. 2,000. 3
4-10. 2,500. 2,000. 3
11-30. 1,000. 2,000. 3
31-100. 500. 2,000. 3
101-200. 100. 2,000. 3
201-400. 50. 2,000. 3
401-1000. 2,000. 3
1001-2000. 2,000. 2
2001-3000. 1,000. 2
3001-4000. 1,000. 1
4901-50000. 500. 1

Event Time: 2Day 12 Hours. Ends at midnight EST Wednesday night.

Shields available at following prices :
3 hours - 50hp
8 hours - 100hp
1 day - 200hp

Here are the allowed characters:

Thor (Marvel Now!)
Wolverine (Astonishing X-Men)
The Hulk (Indestructible)
Iron Man (Model 40)
Iron Man (Model 35)
Black Widow (Modern)
Black Widow (Grey Suit)
Spider-Man (Classic)
Captain America (Modern)
Hawkeye (Modern)
Hawkeye (Classic)

It doesn't allow these alts:
Wolverine (3* and 4*)
Spider-Man (Bag-Man)
Black Widow (Original)

(Thanks for the list Bughunt!!!)

All done on iPhone so excuse messiness. Will clean it up later on my pc.


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  • This better not be the new type of PVP that they were mentioning.
  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    10,000 HP rewards!? Holy ****.
  • Rewards look great, unfortunately it's another case of the rich getting richer...
  • New tourney with entry fee - 300 HP.
    No progression rewards.
    No brackets.
    1st - 10.000HP, 2000 iso and 3 heroic tokens
    2-3 - 5.000HP, 2000 iso and 3 heroic tokens
    4-10 - 2.500HP, 2000 iso and 3 heroic tokens
    11-30 - 1000HP 2000 iso and 3 heroics
    31-100 - 500HP+
    101-200 - 100HP+
    201-400 - 50 HP+
    401-1000 - 2000 iso and 3 heroics
    1001-2000 - 2000 iso and 2 heroics
    Well, if you're not planning to get inside best 100, I don't see any point in trying, so I'll skip. Seems like tourney for high-end players only (well, Elite, duh).
  • WilliamK99 wrote:
    Rewards look great, unfortunately it's another case of the rich getting richer...

    Not if the MMR and scoring are as messed up in this tournament as they are in regular matches. Let the fools part with their HP.
  • Pretty cool. Non-bracketted. I personally won't try though. Good luck to those that do.
  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    Ghast wrote:

    Not if the MMR and scoring are as messed up in this tournament as they are in regular matches. Let the fools part with their HP.

    Unless I'm missing something...no matter how messed up scoring is, the same amount of rewards are going to be given out...
  • Unknown
    edited January 2014
    Not touching this one with a ten-foot pole with how **** the matchmaking/shielding system is right now.

    I mean, I could feasibly finish in the top 30, but probably would have to lay out 700 HP in shield/entry fee to get there. (I'm assuming the shielding is allowed)
  • So is it just a normal pvp tournament then? And top 100 is what it will take to "break even". The top 10 rewards seem ludicrous.
  • With no brackets, I might suggest a slight name change: "Thereck or JacobPC screws a long-time veteran out of 10,000 HP Elite Training" sound about right?

    Other than that, it sounds pretty interesting, and will achieve the dev goal of getting us HP-hoarders to part with some of our treasure. Bragging rights for this will be fun (once the soon to come cheating gets ironed out)!
  • With no brackets, I might suggest a slight name change: "Thereck or JacobPC screws a long-time veteran out of 10,000 HP Elite Training" sound about right?

    Other than that, it sounds pretty interesting, and will achieve the dev goal of getting us HP-hoarders to part with some of our treasure. Bragging rights for this will be fun (once the soon to come cheating gets ironed out)!
    The best part of this tourney for me is the spectatorship. The drama will be tons of fun for those on the outside.

    Betting on TheLadder.
  • Seems like a pretty fun tournament. Not for me that's for sure but I'll enjoy watching how it plays out.
  • Unknown
    edited January 2014
    I see anything in the top 100 using less than 200hp on shields a definite win.

    ISO from playing. At least break even on hp.
    2000 ISO reward + 3 heroics.

    I'll put my 300hp in the hat.

    Questionable players though, I agree, should be watched very closely.

    I also believe that we will see ICEIX or another Demiurge rep commenting soon.
  • The best part of this tourney for me is the spectatorship. The drama will be tons of fun for those on the outside.

    Betting on TheLadder.

    I am betting on jacobpc
  • With Patch in need of a patch, several OP Avengers on the list for the nerf bat (I'm looking at you, Thor, Wolvie, and Classic Spidey), matchmaking not doing well right now, and the pve events demanding wins against people consistently questionably high, I'm not sure this tournament sends out the message that the devs' priorities are where they should be.
  • So, who wants to bet on jacobpc? Or maybe we will see one of forumites on first place? Or mighty thereck will once again roflstomp with his cheating juggernaut opposition into apocalipse? Too bad I don't want to spend 300 HP only to look at this great shakespearian drama.
  • I see anything in the top 100 using less than 200hp on shields a definite win.

    ISO from playing. At least break even on hp.
    2000 ISO reward + 3 heroics.

    I'll put my 300hp in the hat.

    Questionable players though, I agree, should be watched very closely.

    I also believe that we will see ICEIX or another Demiurge rep commenting soon.
    Afaik you can't shield. I expect a lot of truce alliances and backstabs, and a lot of attacks on jacobpc on spite alone.
  • Yeah, I won't participate in this. I see no real upside with certain players that are able to get ungodly amount of points in mere minutes.
  • Bringing in a pay to play tournament before dealing with the hacking / trainers available to PC players doesn't sit right with me.

    Why should I enter, knowing that there's nothing to stop people cheating their way to the top prizes?
  • Deer717 wrote:
    With Patch in need of a patch, several OP Avengers on the list for the nerf bat (I'm looking at you, Thor, Wolvie, and Classic Spidey), matchmaking not doing well right now, and the pve events demanding wins against people consistently questionably high, I'm not sure this tournament sends out the message that the devs' priorities are where they should be.

    I disagree with the comment on the devs. An elite training is definitely a top 5 request.
    Also a high ranking request is an ISO / hp only rewards tourney.
    The payoff is fair for the entry.

    To me this is what is called the devs listening to exactly what we said and giving it to us. Anyone who has complaints about that has issues.


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