Thanks for the Ultron event

Was it perfect? No, of course not. I was one of the ones locked out at the beginning and I didn't get the same amount of tokens, iso, and HP I could have. But I had a great time. The rewards were generous, and the feeling of banding together with my alliance to drain that massive health pool was exciting. I'd be ok with tweaking the progression, but honestly, I'm ok if they don't.

Not all of us got the 3 QS covers, but we're used to a pve structure where you have to grind endlessly to get maybe 1-3 needed 3* covers. So the fact that we could get 4-6 by playing hard? It's a no-brainer. Add in the 25HP rewards and event tokens? This was the most enjoyable and rewarding weekend of gaming I've had with MPQ since the anniversary week. And our alliance doesn't have any entitlement attitude, so nobody is complaining about not getting that third QS cover. It's ok to tip your hat to the people who played more and helped carry the alliance to the SW nodes. And know that you can race to the progression score next time. AND IT'S OK NOT TO GET EVERYTHING. They're rewards, not participation trophies.

Thanks for a new, fun, innovative mode. I sincerely hope we can look forward to more like it in the future.


  • shobi6669
    shobi6669 Posts: 71 Match Maker
    Agreed. Have seen a lot of complaints about this event, and not to minimize the complaints made, but just to show that there are some who really loved the event. I really enjoyed it, and it presented a new board-controlling type of challenge/puzzle. Really well done, with decent prizes to be had. But best of all something new and tied into the upcoming movie. I am actually looking forward to the second running of this, when normally running something back to back could overstay its welcome. Not for me this time, looking fwd to fighting Ultron yet again.