All-New X-Men

Okay, Demiurge, you need to get on this:

First, you introduce Professor X as an NPC, like Norman Osborn.

Then, you introduce Magik, Emma Frost, and Namor as characters.

Then, we play the Avengers vs. X-Men storyline, where Cyclops, Emma Frost, Colossus, Magik, and Namor are buffed to 395. Professor X dies here.

Then you make another Enemy of the State style event where the Phoenix Five are hunted. MNMags and the P5 all have their powers seriously nerfed and weirded out for this event.

Then you introduce the original five teenage X-Men as one-star characters.


  • My only suggestion would be that they would have to introduce the Phoenix Buster armor somehow to split the phoenix force. But I definitely love your suggestion on this. The events and story would probably have to be over the course of at least 6 months to give Demiurge time to work the story, release characters, etc.