Bagman Tournament

Inspired by a post in General...

Bagman tournament.

Bagman as a provided/required character. Only other characters allowed are those that have powers that create countdown tiles.

As I said in General, torn between the hilarity and the potential mind numbing, soul crushing boredom. But I think restricting it to CD only characters would mostly remove the latter.


  • So who do we have?

    Punisher, IronMan40, mHawkeye, Hulk, ****Wolvie, mnMags

    Would be interesting!
  • Yeah, a countdown tourney was suggested a while back.

    I agree with the idea of a countdown character because there are many, many, many countdown characters in this game, and with the possible exceptions of Hulk and Punisher, none of them are particularly good. But there are probably a bunch of players who have still sunk a ton of time and effort and ISO into them and it would be good to toss them a bone.

    As far as a Bagman tourney goes, the only proper way to have a Bagman tourney would be a tourney where *all 3 characters on your team* are Bagman. That would be one to separate the Bagboys from the REAL Bagmen icon_e_wink.gif
  • A leveled Hood would be the king here... if only he were allowed to play.
  • I was going to suggest we have a 'least popular' tournament and then I realized that the Dark Avenger tournament pretty much covered that.
  • Toxicadam wrote:
    I was going to suggest we have a 'least popular' tournament and then I realized that the Dark Avenger tournament pretty much covered that.

    <sad trombone>

    It'd be hilarious if the next Dark Avengers re-run was won by HIPDUDEGLASSES, KICKSTHATKICK, and HAIGUYZDOOM, all 3 of which win an Invisible Woman for placing in the top icon_lol.gif
  • Don't forget the B@CON!
  • To put some excitement there should be a random level 275 minion on the other team (on top of what they already have) that doesn't generate AP but cannot be targeted (he dies when rest of team dies) and randomly puts down CD tiles of ridiculous damage.
  • Ronfar
    Ronfar Posts: 150
    Everyone's team is Bag-man, Sniper, Sniper! icon_lol.gif
  • DirigiblePilot
    DirigiblePilot Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
    Zathrus wrote:
    Inspired by a post in General...

    Does this by any chance happen to be my post? The vainer part of me can't help but ask.
    Plus I want to bump this to top cuz it's cool.