Is it just me, or it's Yet Another Stealth Change?

Pylgrim Posts: 2,299 Chairperson of the Boards
edited September 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
From the time of the Balance of Power PVP, I have noticed a drastic decrease in the availability of high-end opponents in PVP. Where previously, the ride from 0 to 500 points presented you with a good number of opponents granting over 40 points each without ever skipping more than your given "free skips", ever since I struggle as much to find an opponent giving me more than 35 points, let alone 40 from the very beginning. In fact, most of the matches it shows me are against people that have less points than I. Before, I only had to pay for skips after hitting the 700 barrier or so, and even then, it wasn't always the case. Now I'm paying 50-100 Iso per match almost from the start just to find someone that gets me 34 or more points. I'm confident that in the three last PVPs I haven't got more than 2 or 3 games each where I got 40 points or more, and most of those times were exactly 40 points. Also, I keep seeing the same opponents over and over and over, something that used to happen only after getting 700 points or more, for obvious reasons.

Moreover, where before I only started getting attacked after getting 400 points or so, now I'm getting attacked quite frequently while still in the 100s. This makes me think that other people are experiencing the same and instead of finding higher-scoring opponents we are hitting each other. Needless to say, this is quite tiring as now I'm almost having to play twice as many battles for diminished results, which also means that by the time when I have spent all my health packs (I don't have Lakentry) I haven't progressed that much.

Have you guys been experiencing something similar as of late?


  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,757 Chairperson of the Boards
    I started late on this last PVP and got a lot of 40+ people to hit. When I got to the 500-600 range I started getting a lot of 20-25 point nodes. I think it has to do with the time you are playing and MMR more so than if there are people in your MMR in the right slot. Also with Loki being the prize some people might have skipped the event or like me entered late.
  • It does feel like I've been spending more and more ISO skipping ever since I made a suggestion thread about it. I usually stop keeping track after I spend more than 1k. viewtopic.php?f=8&t=14547 /shameless bump
  • PVP matchmaking used to work by a series of secret switches regardless of abnormally low MMR. 1*s dried up at 500-600 and maxed 2*s disappeared at 900. The new normal puts 1300+ point opponents at the mercy of everyone who hits 700.
  • I preferred the old way... Especially when I had a 2* roster.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    34 points? Even when I don't bother tanking, I never see that kind of point gains until you break the 900-ish point barrier where you actually start seeing the 1.3k+ people somewhat reliably. Usually happy to see something above 25, to not be quite as tempting as an instant retaliation
  • i think they kind of changed the whole mmr (again for the x times) unknowingly. I also couldn't find high scores like 40++ when i am at a lower score range. Its all 20~ early 30's maxed.
  • Seems to me it really is harder to find high-pointers, but yeah, maybe I'm just on the highway to MMR hell again.