GodLike: The Casually Hardcore is *RECRUITING* [19/20]



  • Unknown
    GodLike is recruiting, one spot available. alliance will say 20/20 but one member will be leaving in 24 hours.

    Please read first post of this thread for requirements.
  • Unknown
    Spot has been filled.

    Thanks to all those that applied.
  • Unknown
    GodLike is recruiting.

    slot number currently says 20/20, because I need customer support to remove an inactive commander, and customer support is pretty slow.

    Read 1st post for requirements

    Edit: Spot has been filled, thank you to everyone that applied.
  • Unknown
    Edit: Spot Filled
  • Unknown
    GodLike is recruiting 1 spot, read 1st post for requirements
  • Xidex
    Xidex Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    Hi. I'd like to join in your alliance. I'm pretty active daily player. I have 130 Hulk, 89 BP and a lot of maxed 2*. 65K and 7500.
  • Unknown
    sent you a PM Xidex
  • Unknown
    1 slot left for recruitment still, read 1st post for requirements. Looking for strong PvE players.

    alliance says 20/20, but a member will be leaving soon.
  • Unknown
    Hey guys,

    sorry for the low activity the last days, I've had to come to terms with some stuff. Ultimate outcome: I'm leaving the game. I've had it with the devs. The constant stealth updates, rule changes mid event, server issues, obvious powercreep, **** end times on 75% of the events for EU.... the list just piles too high for me to take it anymore. They're either completely incompetent or indifferent, both options are a no go for my long term enjoyment of this game.
    You were awesome and the only reason I was still playing after season 1, I wish you all the best.

    Chuck please search for a replacement and send me a PM if you find someone. I'll leave as soon as you're ready to replace me.
  • Unknown
    You'll be missed n1ght. Best of Luck. If you ever decide to come back let us know.

    I sent you a PM n1ght.
  • Unknown
    Rarre28 I sent you a PM as well.
  • Unknown

    I am looking for an alliance with Daily players.
    I am usually top 10 pvp with Many first place,
    34 roster slot, 50k iso and 3k gold ( for storm i think )

    Main team is around daken and lazy thor ( both 141 )

    Actually, 60k in pve but Will push 90k+ today
    Season are around 5k but Will got pvp points today and 2k+ in simulator.

    I apply today, let me know if interested
  • Kiamodo
    Kiamodo Posts: 423 Mover and Shaker
    Spot is open! Join for a Nick Fury cover!