Team Supreme Chat
Man this whole time I though no one was posting my forum was post in oldest to newest but read something about tanking?!?!? Whats that?0
This thread has some useful information on tanking.
Also, see my previous post in this thread.vudu3 wrote:I echo that Lightning Rounds are the best place to tank. It's good because depending on your schedule you can do this for several events in a single day and tank quite a bit. It's quite fortuitous that there have never been any alliance prizes for Lightning Rounds which means you can tank without hurting your alliance teammates.
The trick is to get in there as soon as possible to you can fight a seed team. The seed teams are the ones that have the basic featured character and then two 1* teammates, generally at level 1, 2 or 3. You can tell it's a seed team because they have 0 points. Beat the seed team using the basic featured character--if you have your own version make sure to select the basic one that the game gives you for the event--and your lowest level characters. I currently use a level 6 Ares and a level 6 modern Hawkeye but it shouldn't really matter as long as the levels are low enough that you seem like an easy target for people to attack. After you win using your tank team stop playing the event. Sit back and just let others attack you so you lose points and your MMR goes down.
I've heard from others on this board that a really good tank character is Bag Man because (A) people love to beat him up because he poses no threat and (B) he's become the universal symbol for "I'm tanking" which means they can attack you without fear of retaliation. However, I'm not wasting a spot on Bag Man and I get by just fine without him so it's certainly not a requirement.0 -
Alright that makes sense cool thanks for the help!0
I noticed that we have 7 members who are not commanders in our alliance. Who ponied up HP for their slots?
For the record, here are the 7 non-commanders and their rank (points) within the alliance for the Unstable Iso-8 event. These were the totals with 15 minutes left in the event so may not have been final but were probably pretty close.
Ashu - 8 (53,455)
Joesir10 - 9 (53,343)
Kyip - 4 (54,071)
Lost Dingo - 6 (53,677)
Tejj - 11 (53,177)
Vampie01 - 13 (53,070)
marvel pants - 12 (53,149)
No dead weight here as far as I'm concerned. Everyone in the alliance is pretty close. lsF bot_985 ranked at #1 with 54,530 points. Our fearless leader FOAD is ranked at dead last within the alliance at 40,647 points.Everyone but 3 members had at least 50K points.
0 -
I noted the scores for the GSBW PVP event right before it closed. Here are the scores for all non-commanders.
Ashu - 620
Joesir10 - 160
Kyip - 721
Lost Dingo - 614
Tejj - 458
Vampie01 - 698
marvel pants - 726
Only Joesir10 was really lagging behind the rest of the group.0 -
I can't remember who, but someone in the alliance asked how I consistently rank in the top 10 in PVP events without having a single 3* level 141 character on my team. Here's my general strategy--I don't know if this will work for others or if it's even good advice but I found it works for me.
I find that getting a good bracket is key. I've managed to come in first in my bracket with as little as 800 points whereas others have complained about having over 1,000 points and not making the top 10. Getting a good bracket is a lot of luck but there are things you can do to influence it. Your first match won determines your bracket. If you start playing early in the event you're likely to get placed in a bracket with a bunch of eager beavers. If you wait until the last day you're likely going to get thrown in a bracket with people who have a bunch of 141 characters. In either case, you're going to find it hard to crack the top 10 without a lot of effort and shielding. In general, I think joining on the second day is best--if you're lucky you'll get placed in a bracket with a bunch of people who don't play the meta game quite as much as we do. They may play the game every couple of days and enjoy it but aren't the types to use shields or read up on team compositions and character builds. However, if you're vying for the top 10 then all it takes is 10 other like-minded people in your bracket who are slightly better than you to throw this plan to Hell.
But it's not just the day the's key--the time of day may be even more important. I like to start playing PVP at 8:00 AM Eastern. A couple hours earlier would be even better but that's not conducive with my schedule. This is important because it means there will be more international players in your bracket. The majority of North American players are asleep--or at least not playing MPQ--at 8:00 AM Eastern/5:00 AM Pacific. Many international players have a tough time playing at the close of events because they end in the middle of the night. (For example, a midnight Eastern end is 5:00 AM in London.) This is key because it means these players will likely be forced to stop playing several hours before the close of the event. High-level players will still shield but regardless they won't be awake to break the shield during the final minutes of the event to play a few more rounds if necessary.
Which brings me to my next point--it is extremely helpful if you're able to play the event during the last 30 minutes. If you're shielded and in the top 10 they stay shielded unless you're vying for #1--don't break the shield under any circumstance. The only exception to this is if you're one win away from hitting the next progression reward and you really want it--probably the only time this would be worthwhile is for the 1,000 ISO or the 3* or 4* cover. If you do break your shield you want to wait until as long as possible to do it. The longer you're exposed the greater the chance that someone will attack you and you'll lose points and drop out of the top 10.
Regarding shields--I assume you're using them. If not, you need to be. The final day--and especially the final hours--of an event are when they're the most competitive. I can go the first two days without a single attack on my team and then get hit 10 times in an hour on the last day. Earn as many points as you think you need to get in the top 10--or as many as you can get depending on your team--and then shield. Quite while you're ahead. However, you don't want to shield for more than 24 hours in total because it's a waste of HP. Select your shield based on when you can play and how much HP you have in the bank. I generally go for 3 hours or 8 hours but have been known to get the 24 hour shield if I get ahead early in the PVP. Because I don't have a 141 team I know I'm an easy target and when I get 800+ points it means beating me will net the other player 20 to 40 points so they're more likely to hit me than a similar team worth less. The good news is getting in the top 10 in PVP will get you 100 HP and our alliance will get you another 50 or 100 HP so that by itself will pay for the 8 hour shield. Assuming you don't need to buy a lot of cover slots still you can afford to shield every PVP and never have to pay real money.
The last piece of advice I have is to bump as much ISO into the featured character as you can. This assumes you have the featured character. Why? Because a buffed level 75 character means you'll get attacked less than with the default level 23 character. However, this one is going to largely depend on how much ISO you have available and how much you want the cover rewards. If the featured character is Daredevil and the prize is Loki covers it's probably not worth it to waste a bunch of ISO. I also know that this goes directly against Polarity's 1* to 3* guide but again, I've found it works for me at least at the low-to-mid levels--spending 25K ISO to bring the featured character from level 15 to level 60 is worthwhile (at least to me); spending 25K ISO to bring him from level 85 to level 100 may not be worthwhile unless it's a character you plan to use on a regular basis.
Hope this helps.0 -
Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience vudu!
-Lost0 -
Finally got around to reading this after seeing you mention this post on the in-game chat. That is helpful. Thanks.0
Here are the rankings of most events over the past month. I'm missing a few where the results disappeared immediately after the close of the event. Scroll all the way to the bottom of this post to view Season 1 results.
Members with stars next to their point totals are non-commanders.
Event Top Gun (Falcon PVP)
End Date 4/30/2014
Total Points 15,015
Alliance Rank 62
1 Kyip 1,942 *
2 Dracodad 1,388
3 FOAD 1,105
4 vudu3 1,036
5 lsF bot_985 1,008
6 nyark 953
7 Vampie01 939 *
8 Sakk3 920
9 cpt. chaos 773
10 cg_ 744
11 IcemanX12 725
12 Lost Dingo 719 *
13 marvel pants 712 *
14 Joesir10 672 *
15 Ashu 523 *
16 Raphaell 327
17 Tejj 323 *
18 Trolazo 206
19 mrmcmurkin -
20 Druige -
Event God of Lies (Loki PVP)
End Date 5/4/2014
Total Points 12,813
Alliance Rank 65
1 gnikaido 1,019 *
2 Dracodad 937
3 lsF bot_985 887
4 Sakk3 875
5 Kyip 859 *
6 FOAD 832
7 vudu3 812
8 marvel pants 803 *
9 Vampie01 790 *
10 nyark 784
11 mrmcmurkin 683
12 IcemanX12 667
13 Joesir10 579 *
14 Tejj 579 *
15 Ashu 539 *
16 Lost Dingo 512 *
17 cpt. chaos 328
18 Raphaell 252
19 cg_ 76
20 Trolazo -
Event Simulator
End Date 5/6/2014
Total Points 1,115,206
Alliance Rank 65
1 gnikaido 81,370 *
2 vudu3 78,910
3 Kyip 74,038 *
4 Dracodad 73,547
5 nyark 73,297
6 Vampie01 72,013 *
7 Lost Dingo 70,575 *
8 Sakk3 69,739
9 marvel pants 62,668 *
10 IcemanX12 60,179
11 Joesir10 59,903 *
12 Raphaell 59,490
13 FOAD 56,641
14 cg_ 53,562
15 Ashu 50,079 *
16 mrmcmurkin 45,038
17 Tejj 30,531 *
18 cpt. chaos 27,200
19 Trolazo 16,336
20 lsF bot_985 -
Event Doctor's Orders (Doom PVP)
End Date 5/7/2014
Total Points 14,023
Alliance Rank 56
1 Dracodad 1,038
2 gnikaido 1,028 *
3 FOAD 974
4 Kyip 958 *
5 marvel pants 949 *
6 Vampie01 943 *
7 lsF bot_985 918
8 nyark 855
9 Sakk3 851
10 vudu3 849
11 Joesir10 811 *
12 IcemanX12 799
13 Ashu 723 *
14 Lost Dingo 602 *
15 cpt. chaos 398
16 Tejj 376 *
17 Raphaell 330
18 mrmcmurkin 318
19 cg_ 303
20 Trolazo -
Event Top Gun (Falcon PVP)
End Date 5/9/2014
Total Points 14,855
Alliance Rank 73
1 Dracodad 1,102
2 gnikaido 1,091 *
3 marvel pants 1,055 *
4 lsF bot_985 1,051
5 vudu3 1,051
6 Kyip 1,029 *
7 Sakk3 1,003
8 Vampie01 957 *
9 nyark 856
10 cpt. chaos 821
11 Tejj 803 *
12 Ashu 691 *
13 Lost Dingo 666 *
14 IcemanX12 659
15 mrmcmurkin 519
16 FOAD 491
17 cg_ 457
18 Raphaell 301
19 Joesir10 203 *
20 Trolazo 49
Event Krakadoom! (Rags PVP)
End Date 5/11/2014
Total Points 12,952
Alliance Rank 90
1 Dracodad 1,029
2 gnikaido 1,015 *
3 lsF bot_985 944
4 vudu3 923
5 Sakk3 922
6 Vampie01 909 *
7 Kyip 882 *
8 IcemanX12 819
9 FOAD 742
10 marvel pants 719 *
11 Lost Dingo 710 *
12 nyark 688
13 mrmcmurkin 581
14 Ashu 482 *
15 Joesir10 448 *
16 Raphaell 339
17 Tejj 337 *
18 cpt. chaos 323
19 cg_ 140
20 Trolazo -
Event God of Lies (Loki PVP)
End Date 5/14/2014
Total Points 13,666
Alliance Rank 62
1 gnikaido 1,160 *
2 lsF bot_985 1,030
3 Vampie01 995 *
4 FOAD 963
5 vudu3 949
6 Dracodad 944
7 Sakk3 933
8 Kyip 865 *
9 marvel pants 863 *
10 IcemanX12 811
11 nyark 710
12 Lost Dingo 623 *
13 cg_ 602
14 mrmcmurkin 591
15 Joesir10 425 *
16 Ashu 408 *
17 cpt. chaos 372
18 Raphaell 255
19 Trolazo 123
20 Tejj 44 *
Event Oscorp: Heroic
End Date 5/14/2014
Total Points 645,972
Alliance Rank 42
1 gnikaido 36,494 *
2 lsF bot_985 36,441
3 Sakk3 36,192
4 Kyip 36,029 *
5 Dracodad 35,950
6 Vampie01 35,904 *
7 vudu3 35,724
8 cg_ 35,710
9 Lost Dingo 35,505 *
10 nyark 34,714
11 Ashu 34,552 *
12 IcemanX12 33,934
13 Joesir10 33,657 *
14 FOAD 33,005
15 marvel pants 32,905 *
16 Raphaell 28,684
17 Trolazo 28,171
18 mrmcmurkin 26,490
19 Tejj 25,169 *
20 cpt. chaos 10,742
Event Krakadoom! (Rags PVP)
End Date 5/21/2014
Total Points 14,141
Alliance Rank 68
1 gnikaido 1,232 *
2 Dracodad 1,012
3 Vampie01 989 *
4 lsF bot_985 937
5 marvel pants 878 *
6 vudu3 864
7 Kyip 851 *
8 Sakk3 824
9 IcemanX12 794
10 FOAD 785
11 Tejj 730 *
12 Joesir10 727 *
13 cg_ 716
14 nyark 675
15 Ashu 620 *
16 Lost Dingo 580 *
17 Raphaell 446
18 mrmcmurkin 312
19 Trolazo 100
20 cpt. chaos 69
Event Season 1
End Date 5/21/2014
Total Points 205,703
Alliance Rank 45
1 gnikaido 16,278 *
2 Dracodad 14,933
3 Kyip 14,370 *
4 lsF bot_985 13,768
5 vudu3 13,583
6 Vampie01 13,328 *
7 Sakk3 12,266
8 FOAD 12,101
9 marvel pants 11,416 *
10 nyark 10,912
11 IcemanX12 10,294
12 Lost Dingo 10,181 *
13 Joesir10 9,290 *
14 Tejj 8,022 *
15 cg_ 7,204
16 mrmcmurkin 7,152
17 Ashu 6,991 *
18 cpt. chaos 5,513
19 Raphaell 5,106
20 Trolazo 2,9950 -
Season 2 scores:
Event Heavy Metal (IM 40 PVP)
End Date 5/25/2014
Total Points 13,830
Alliance Rank 56
1 gnikaido 1,016 *
2 Lost Dingo 1,000 *
3 marvel pants 970 *
4 Dracodad 964
5 Sakk3 945
6 Vampie01 944 *
7 Ragamuffin 928 *
8 vudu3 916
9 Kyip 915 *
10 nyark 869
11 Ashu 847 *
12 IcemanX12 754
13 FOAD 729
14 UnknownXuid 565 *
15 Tejj 394 *
16 Raphaell 390
17 cg_ 318
18 mrmcmurkin 249
19 cpt. chaos 117
20 Trolazo -
Event Fatal Attraction (Daken PVP)
End Date 5/28/2014
Total Points 12,181
Alliance Rank 62
1 Dracodad 1,120
2 Sakk3 1,014
3 vudu3 935
4 Kyip 874 *
5 Ragamuffin 869 *
6 nyark 803
7 Lost Dingo 796 *
8 Vampie01 770 *
9 gnikaido 751 *
10 marvel pants 673 *
11 IcemanX12 627
12 UnknownXuid 517 *
13 Tejj 496 *
14 cg_ 491
15 FOAD 434
16 Ashu 419 *
17 mrmcmurkin 328
18 Raphaell 211
19 cpt. chaos 53
20 Trolazo -
Event Prodigal Sun (Sentry PVE)
End Date 5/28/2014
Total Points 766,298 (Not final--approx. 1 hour remaining)
Alliance Rank 107 (Final rank was 99)
1 Kyip 57,377 *
2 vudu3 57,185
3 Ragamuffin 55,851 *
4 Dracodad 55,432
5 Vampie01 53,489 *
6 gnikaido 48,818 *
7 nyark 48,814
8 IcemanX12 47,022
9 Sakk3 43,260
10 marvel pants 40,251 *
11 UnknownXuid 40,111 *
12 Lost Dingo 38,529 *
13 Raphaell 31,518
14 Ashu 30,614 *
15 Tejj 30,100 *
16 cg_ 26,798
17 FOAD 21,692
18 mrmcmurkin 20,624
19 Trolazo 11,931 *
20 cpt. chaos 6,8820 -
Hey i dunno if i still show in the alliance but my account has been wiped out.
I already sent a mail to support.
So if you are missing me thats what happened.
I hope they can resolve this asap.0 -
If a spot opens up I'm ready to come back if that's cool.0
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