Fun Police - Council Chat [Top 100] [Full]

edited June 2014 in MPQ Alliances
Welcome to Fun Police chat ladies and gentlemen!

I've started this thread to address some issues that writing in the limited Alliance chat would take to long.

Season 1 was excellent and we held onto top 100 and got our Nick Fury so congrats for that, however, for those of you not awake or who were working you'll never know how close it was... it went down to the wire and i was about to unshield to get that extra 10 points, nevertheless we got there by ... 165 points... now, when we had 2 players over 15k and many with very high scores that meant we had some guys who for whatever reason, burnt out, time, work, sleep, lives underperformed. It would have been savagely cruel if those people on 15k missed out because someone only got 3k.
Now, I have a solution... for those who don't know Marvel Dueler is my son, and he was a founder of Fun Police alone with myself and X-Man... as he is a commander i asked him to drop from the Alliance, you may think that's brutal, but, he's 10, he plays other games as well and i was doing alot of his games for him which was tiring... this is how he got 9800..saying that he got about 6k himself... still more than many people below him.

So... here is my solution. For those of you in the UK you'll understand the term Relegation from the Premier League, in the US the minor leagues and In OZ reserve grade.
We are going to make a 2nd Fun Police and those in the reserve grade will still work as hard as the main Alliance... and if they score more than anyone in the bottom 4 they will be swapped with the bottom 4 in the main Alliance.
This way we effectively have an Alliance of 25 .. also it means if you need a break, rest are burnt out we just move you into the reserve team where competing is up to you. This way the main team and those working hard won't be affected by a bad score.
I think this is very very fair.. and i think it must include Commanders including myself...that way we can all take a break when needed and still win.

... please let me know what you think, ive written this very quickly and have alot more to say on it... ... in the meantime Marvel Dueler has started Season 2 and is hungry for work hard icon_e_wink.gif and have fun.


  • X-man2000
    X-man2000 Posts: 49
    Hey all. Nice idea buddy, you've got my vote but I think it may be hard for some to swallow. I like that it will keep the people in the bottom few positions more competitive. Lets see how this plays out. If we can get some more big hitters we can all cruise on 75% instead of some of us pushing up to 100% of what we can possibly do.
  • Unknown
    I know I'm brand new but I want to say I think this is a good idea. I would welcome the idea that I could go on vacation or something and not drag down the alliance, while still earning my way back afterward. For anyone concerned about this consider what the alternatives are - not competing or simply kicking anyone who isn't scoring high enough. Both kinda blah.
  • Unknown
    Ta guys, i think there is a bit of wiggle room in the plan.. maybe bottom 2 slots and reviewed fortnightly rather than seasonlal... i'm open to ideas and suggestions to refine it to a point where we're all happy.
    Let's face it if your an active player then you'll never be in the bottom 2 and this benefits you greatly... if on the other hand you're close to the bottom it will provide incentive to get higher knowing someone could take your spot...

    ..if we're going to do it then we should all be in agreement and try to get it done and find some extra players before the end of Prodigal Son to guarantee the Alliance Cover
  • Unknown
    Hey guys (this is FullB)

    I like this idea, I think it allows for a natural flexibility in the case of vacations/burning out/etc. I personally was relieved seeing this knowing that I have a vacation or two in the next coming months and it will hopefully make it so that I'm not dragging the alliance down. I think maybe a bi-weekly review is more favorable than a seasonal.

  • Xeonic-Ice
    Xeonic-Ice Posts: 176
    Hey all, I like the idea and think it can work in our current situation.

    My only concern is that this will only work if we continue to have less active players. Hypothetically, if everyone starts getting at least 1100 points in every pvp, what do we do? Do we still drop the bottom people if the reserve guys are still doing better? If people work hard to get points and are pushed to the reserve team, chances are they wouldn't stay in that reserve team for long because everyone wants those covers. If 14k in the season somehow became our lowest score, I don't think I'd have the bandwidth to maintain something like that and I would likely get pushed to the reserve team.
  • Unknown
    hey all

    yea this could work. we might as well give it a try if its not working out for the best we can stop it and go back to the way it was.
  • Unknown
    Sounds good! I've gotta say this is actually a pretty good idea!

    We can change back and forth people between the A team and reserve depending on scores and performance! : D
  • Unknown
    Agree with the suggestion Nerd. I try but as yet don't have any characters above 85 - will get there in time icon_e_biggrin.gif What is the name of the second alliance?
  • Unknown
    Agree with the suggestion Nerd. I try but as yet don't have any characters above 85 - will get there in time icon_e_biggrin.gif What is the name of the second alliance?
    On the name in open to suggestions. Started to make it with marvel duller but we misspelt fun police but hit accept instead if back so we wasted 2500 iso.
    I think something based on Fun Police.. we were gonna put in Fun Police 2.0...
    Fun Police reserves
    Fun Police bench
    Etc... suggestions?
  • Unknown
    edited May 2014
    Fun Police 2.0 has been created.


    Fun Police Relegation Rules

    The bottom 2 in any major PvE event or The PvP Season (This does not include 3 day PvP events or lightning rounds) in the main Alliance will be up for relegation but only if there are 2 people in the secondary Alliance who have more points. If only 1 person in the secondary Alliance has more points than the bottom person in the main then only 1 person is up for relegation. Obviously if no one in the secondary Alliance has more points than the bottom 2 in the main then no one is up for relegation.

    1) There are no arguments about this, I don't want bad feelings, this is to protect the hard workers from those who may have had trouble finding time. It is in no way personal. There is also no shame attached to someone relegated.

    2) Commanders are not immune to relegation. When they climb back into the main Alliance they will get their title back.

    3) The relegation stats will be determined within 24 hours of the close of the event so that we have a clear idea of exactly how the Alliance is standing and how much work we need to do to maintain our position.

    4) The secondary Alliance is also a place of rest and recupuration. If you're going on holiday, doing exams or are just burnt out and need a break you can ask to be moved to the secondary Alliance till you're ready to play again. If you take a break like this however re-entry into the main Alliance is not automatic, you'll have to gain points and relegate someone when the time comes up.

    I hope this meets with everyone's approval. I think it's the best way to maintain our top 100 prizes.
  • Unknown
    Now that the above has been outlined the first relegation is unfortunately not far away... here is how Fun Police stands with 36 hours to go.

    Fun Police #105


    I can inform you that the top person in Fun Police 2.0 is Marvel Dueler and he has 24,578 ... this means someone will be relegated. There are 48 hours to go till relegation stats close.... please, if you don't want to be relegated then don't be last.
  • Saxonomy
    Saxonomy Posts: 3
    Hey all, my 1st post.

    I obviously agree w the rules. Slacking on my pimping in T.I.T but I'll increase my effort.

    Think my chat or android keyboard isn't working. Are you guys seeing my posts in the mpq chat?