Storm riders recruiting 9/10 currently.

edited June 2014 in MPQ Alliances
Storm riders are recruiting. We are currently 9/10 so need 1 more person. Working on opening more slots.

We are mostly players with a solid team of 2* characters transitioning into getting 3*'s.

I'm currently averaging around 800-900 points per pvp event. Rest of the alliance is normally 500+.

We are all from the UK and chat in whatsapp but as long as your English is decent it doesn't matter where you are from!

We are looking for daily players with at least two maxed 2*'s working on increasing their roster strength. Preferably players with 3* sentry/daken but that isn't essential. We are working on increasing the alliance size but it's expensive so what would be really good is to get people willing to invest in the alliance and help out so we can increase our number of slots and compete for the alliance rewards. Thus if you are willing to invest in the alliance you will get priority and be made a commander so your slot is safe.


  • Unknown
    update: now 7/8. working on getting more roster slots. If you want to buy a slot you will get commander and your spot will be safe.
  • Unknown
    update: opened the 9th slot
  • Unknown
    update: 10th slot open. Looking for 1 more person.