No new 1* and 2*?

Avalokitesvara Posts: 35
edited May 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
Uhm, maybe I'm the only one thinking this, but I'd like to see more new character with less than 3*.

Since I've started playing this game we have been flooded with new 3* characters, while no new 1* or 2* character popped out. I know you have to make money out of this game and 3* people lets you do that, but, what the hell, we have 20 3* chars, 12 2* chars and 7 1* chars right now!
Even if they're weak or worthless it doesn't matter, I'd like to see new people with less stars be released. At least both PVP and PVE would be less monotonous.


  • Unknown
    I don't expect to be seeing any new 1/2* anymore now that they're given out as pvp prizes now.
  • Unknown
    It's development time that won't get them any money, so I doubt it'll happen unless they release a related 3* at the same time or something.
  • Unknown
    We might see another 2* someday, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Another 1* is extremely unlikely. There's just not really any point. New players don't need the 1* pool further diluted, and more developed players aren't going to collect them other than as novelties. Certainly not going to dump any HP into leveling them.

    It takes exactly as long to make a new 3* as a new 2*. Most people are not going to care about a new 2, and certainly not invest in it.
  • Unknown
    Balance the current ones first.
  • Unknown
    Reasons for 1/2 star characters:
    -More variety for newer players
    -Cheaper if you are a collector and not a player in a game like this.
    -less monotony in teams at lower lvl of play.

    Reasons against:

    -2** are useless to ppl in the 2/3*** and up range really.
    -more 2** won't change ppl seeing obw every single match unless a purposely broken 2** is released (not a fan of releasing broke..things on purpose...though it CLEARLY has happened) so the only way to mess with the monotony of seeing characters too often is more viable (3***) options
    -devs make far less money.
    -while there is better 3*** diversity, its still not good enough.
    -if its a character you like, you will instantly wish you had a higher rarity version of it.
    -becomes a question of slot availability.
    -takes away time they could spend on other issues (which there are a lot of)

    Not.taking.time.into account, sure. More 1 and 2**! More of everything ! Yay! Realistically though it won't and shouldn't happen because the game is so far moved towards 3*** play between pricing, character viability/longevity, mm
    /bracketing issues, etc. And of course, the devs time is better spent elsewhere, since they have a finite amount of time to work a week. You are certainly not the only o.e thinking it, but realistically its in nobody's best interest except collectors and low lvl players who have yet to start collecting 3*** at a reasonable pace.

    Finally, and the nail in the coffin, is that they just released a system that gives you an infinite supply of 1* and 2** rarity characters. There is almost zero chance we ever see a new 1* or 2** again. Why would they give thier work away for free?
  • Unknown
    I'll chime in with the crowd here.

    With 1* and 2** covers being awarded as random match prizes in PvP events, this sends a clear signal that the devs see the 1* and 2** game as trivial and are trying to push new players through it as fast as possible.

    The nearly impossible moneywall for newer players at 3***s is where the money to be made in the game is at now.
  • Unknown
    Lyrian wrote:
    I'll chime in with the crowd here.

    With 1* and 2** covers being awarded as random match prizes in PvP events, this sends a clear signal that the devs see the 1* and 2** game as trivial and are trying to push new players through it as fast as possible.

    The nearly impossible moneywall for newer players at 3***s is where the money to be made in the game is at now.

    Kinda disagree. I think the ppl f-ed by the moneywall atm.are those unlucky enough to be mid tier without acquiring enough resources to overcome the moneywall while.they were "New." Kinda like someone playing a RPG for story and finally reaching a point where they either have to hope they can.beat this one really hard boss, or cry as they slowly try to grind against enemies with low difficulty to xp ratio that are nearly as hard as the boss. Aka, screw this game...I'm done. Newer players are still doing well with thier 1 and low 2** teams. I think one thing you will see more and more though is players with 15-20 cover slots and only 8-10 3***...having.had to forgo some of thier rewards due to not having the space (this is assume pure f2p players).
  • Unknown
    We won't see them until the Devs are swimming in $. See Exhibit A: ocdfzeV.jpg
    So basically, never. (Prove me wrong, Devs)