Unable to progress through Tutorial due to purchase of Hero

If you purchase a hero (such as storm) with your initial coin allotment, she will get moved into the slot that Iron Man normally occupies, so when you complete the mission that gives Iron Man his first upgrade, the tutorial prevents you from selecting him to upgrade and instead forces you to attempt to upgrade Storm. This prevents you from "clicking on the cover" to upgrade the Iron Man defense power, and will not let you progress through the tutorial. The only remedy is a complete uninstallation/reinstallation.


  • Unknown

    This is a known bug that we are taking care of.
    In the mean time we are running some updates server side daily to fix people stuck in this bug.
    If it's been more than 24 hours and you are still stuck please contact our support department.
    You can do this by clicking on the envelope icon at the top right corner of your map screen.