A Sad State of Affairs for the Forums

edited April 2014 in Off Topic
I remember when I first found these forums. I loved how informative threads were and how helpful the community was. Sadly, this is not the case anymore.

All we've really seen for the last week, and especially over the last few days, has been topic after topic, countless post after countless post pissing and moaning. I'm sorry but vast majority of you are acting like spoiled children. Spoiled, self entitled, children throwing tantrums because their toys got taken away for making a mess.

Instead of belittling the developers and saying that any and all changes are "****", how about taking the time to see how those changes actually affect the game. I for one am glad of all the recent changes. I can't think of anything from R47 that I find was a bad idea, other than omiting a lot of the changes from the patch release notes. Everything they have done has made the game more enjoyable for me.

No longer do I need to fear that pesky level 85 Wolverine flooding the game board with strike tiles to the point that enemy matches hit me for 300+ health... PER MATCH. No longer do I need to fear Thor exploding my 5k characters in one round of abilities. No longer do I need to shield at every turn to protect my points now that my opponents have only one chance to down all my heroes.

The game has changed. Change does not equal bad. Change should not be feared. In fact there are two ways of approaching change: You can adapt to the change and evolve. This makes you stronger in the end. Or you can dig in your heels and refuse to adapt. At this point, say "hi" to the dinosaurs for me.

In closing, I hope things return to normal around here. I'm really tired of the asinine "whine and cheese pity party".


  • I agree. I'm always surprised at the backlash from players after changes are made. You would think that after such a long time of seeing games (constantly and consistently) change, people would accept that as part of the process.

    All of the huge overreacting and treating the devs as some sort of monsters is completely uncalled for. This is a match-3 puzzle game, settle down people.

    But this is the internet after all, the negativity is channeled and spread much faster and farther than positive comments. I'm not going to pretend I know the thoughts of the playerbase but I'd imagine there's just as many people (if not more) fine with the changes than those who are moaning and groaning, but they just don't feel the need to say so on the forums.
  • No one's gonna read this because no one visits OT.
  • Dninot
    Dninot Posts: 214
    You visit the OT, so jokes on you!

    I was one of the first defenders of the devs, and I still feel theres a little too much pissing and moaning going on, but im starting to get their point. The forum either needs a heavier mod presence to keep everything in line (get all the complaint threads merged, for example, so the constructive threads can still shine) or they need a better PR presence. I still love the direction the game is going in, but I won't act like things are going perfectly right now.
  • Basically that's it. Bad moderation + bad communication + bad design decisions = the forum we have today.

    It kind of bums me out to read through all the old threads and see the great people/posters that used to participate.

    I'm still enjoying the game, because I view it as a marathon and not a sprint.
  • There's identifying and understanding the problem, and then there's just flat out bashing. While it may have started with legitimate points in the former, it's snowballed into the latter, and once negativity gets rolling it gets exaggerated to the point of just being annoying.

    Clearly "just don't read the forums" is an option, but I've been a regular reader for a while so it's a habit.
  • NighteyesGrisu
    NighteyesGrisu Posts: 563 Critical Contributor
    Toxicadam wrote:
    Basically that's it. Bad moderation + bad communication + bad design decisions = the forum we have today.

    It kind of bums me out to read through all the old threads and see the great people/posters that used to participate.

    I'm still enjoying the game, because I view it as a marathon and not a sprint.

    that's part of it but certainly not the only reason. There's tons of people registering only to moan and whine whithout even checking if what they're whining about hasn't already 20 active threads. Then there's the guys who open multiple threads for the exact same issue. Quite sad, really.
  • Seasick Pirate
    Seasick Pirate Posts: 280 Mover and Shaker
    I've been reading these forums for about a week and a half and just joined today to recruit alliance members. I've been playing the game for a little more than six months now and it's taken me this long to find the forums. If it's mentioned somewhere within the iOS app I've managed to miss it.

    Anyway, I just wanted to add a bit to this discussion seeing how I'm a new guy. Aside from the "pissing and moaning" topics (which I don't even read because I can't do anything about it anyway), what is really a turnoff to me is the terminology and oddball nicknames given to details of the game. I get that this is what happens within any community - pets names and abbreviations - but it takes me five times longer to understand what anyone is talking about at times. I did see a whole topic dedicated to sorting out these things, but it's such a pain having to translate half of a discussion on how to avoid +200-leved enemies during events. I had an easier time understanding the Nadsat in A Clockwork Orange than some of the things I find on here.

    I'm not saying it shouldn't be happening because I do understand why it does. I'm sure if someone from my same line of work came into my office, they probably wouldn't catch all phrases or nicknames we toss around though they're trained in the same field. I just find it annoying and more of a hinder than help. But this is just my opinion.
  • @SeasickPirate

    every forum which is dedicated to something has it's own abbreviations and nicknames some of the most popular stuff. and on every forum You need to spend some time to learn all of it.

    As for the OP - so basically You're fed up with all the moaning, so You decided to moan some more? great job!

    There always be people who dislike something. But there is plenty of other, very helpful stuff on the forums - and it's not that hard to reach for it.
  • This thread is ancient.
  • This thread is ancient.
    Holy Cow, it is! I haven't noticed icon_e_smile.gif
  • Emeryt wrote:
    This thread is ancient.
    Holy Cow, it is! I haven't noticed icon_e_smile.gif

    What should we do with it? icon_twisted.gif
  • Bacon Pants
    Bacon Pants Posts: 1,012
    Emeryt wrote:
    This thread is ancient.
    Holy Cow, it is! I haven't noticed icon_e_smile.gif

    What should we do with it? icon_twisted.gif

    Make it required reading like Who Moved My Cheese was for me in college. Change is inevitable, whether good or bad, it's always coming .
  • i just discovered this secret corner(Off Topic) where no one visits. makes me feel special
  • laoahpeh wrote:
    i just discovered this secret corner(Off Topic) where no one visits. makes me feel special

    Welcome to the best kept secret of the d3 forums! Now let's make it awesome!
  • Bacon Pants
    Bacon Pants Posts: 1,012
    laoahpeh wrote:
    i just discovered this secret corner(Off Topic) where no one visits. makes me feel special

    Welcome to the best kept secret of the d3 forums! Now let's make it awesome!

    I just wish someone would share in some hockey talk with me. icon_e_sad.gif
  • laoahpeh wrote:
    i just discovered this secret corner(Off Topic) where no one visits. makes me feel special

    Welcome to the best kept secret of the d3 forums! Now let's make it awesome!

    I just wish someone would share in some hockey talk with me. icon_e_sad.gif

    Wait who's your team? My team is out after having been in the playoffs the past several years. I think they had been in since 2007 I want to say. Can you guess who my team is?
  • Bacon Pants
    Bacon Pants Posts: 1,012
    laoahpeh wrote:
    i just discovered this secret corner(Off Topic) where no one visits. makes me feel special

    Welcome to the best kept secret of the d3 forums! Now let's make it awesome!

    I just wish someone would share in some hockey talk with me. icon_e_sad.gif

    Wait who's your team? My team is out after having been in the playoffs the past several years. I think they had been in since 2007 I want to say. Can you guess who my team is?

    I am guessing that you are a Caps fan. I am a Penguins fan, and the last few years of playoff have been mildly frustrating. I created a Stanley Cup Playoffs thread, it has some views but no comments. Not having the Capitals in the playoffs just makes it feel like something is missing.
  • Yeah it was wierd cause I was starting to take it for granted that they'd make the playoffs. And then they were out. Go figure. Yeah the penguins haven't been great recently but they have the chance to do well each year so it just depends
  • Hockey don't get much love from where I am from. Football (US read: soccer) and basketball are the main sports here.

    Can I just ask, is fighting explicitly allowed in (Ice) Hockey? I don't see the referee trying to stop anyone. My guess is that it's a sideshow to increase viewership.
  • Bacon Pants
    Bacon Pants Posts: 1,012
    laoahpeh wrote:
    Hockey don't get much love from where I am from. Football (US read: soccer) and basketball are the main sports here.

    Can I just ask, is fighting explicitly allowed in (Ice) Hockey? I don't see the referee trying to stop anyone. My guess is that it's a sideshow to increase viewership.

    I love soccer as well, I've played since I was 4 and still do...just not as well.

    As for fighting in hockey, it is allowed. It's not as prevalent as it was in the past, but is still fairly common. Every season there is an incident in a fight which reignites the debate if fighting should stay in the game or not. That debate never gets anywhere.

    Can you imagine Wayne Rooney and Martin Skrtel squaring off in the middle of the pitch?