What would you like to see the developers work on next?

A poll to see what people are most interested in seeing in the game. You can vote for up to 2 options in case you can't decide on just one.

New characters: not gold/alternate chars, but actual new characters
Rebalance existing characters: modifying powers and adding 3rd covers
New PvE episodes: more story PvE events
New game modes: endless mode, world raids (community/alliance), etc as suggested in different threads
Improve rating mechanics (scaling, MMR, etc): since most people always complain about them icon_e_smile.gif
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  • At the time of this posting, there is a 100% vote rate for "new game modes" with just 1 vote.

    I would love to see puzzles for crafting boosts, recruitment of agents and operatives as followers, building/expanding your lair. All the things in PQ1, PQ2, and Galactrix that are lacking right now in MPQ.
  • I wanted to ask this at PAX, about more game modes, because I'm honestly a little tired of the same sized board and the same general layout. However, I couldn't even think up another possible gametype that wouldn't boil down into an atrocious PvP format, so I didn't (if I can't come up with a decent solution to an existing problem, I won't even point the problem out - at least if it's something I feel I could fix). I was thinking control nodes or in-bracket-only PvP, but that would just result in a few whales smashing everything. Different board shapes are another possible thing, but that just mixes up the gameplay a little, not really a whole different game mode. But I'll say it here - I'd love new game modes. I just can't come up with any. Rebalancing is happening (they do it in nudges and pushes rather than shoves, at least after Bagnarok). They also mentioned 'new alliance features' at PAX, but I figured those were coming anyway with how hard they're pushing alliances.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Kamahl_FoK wrote:
    I wanted to ask this at PAX, about more game modes, because I'm honestly a little tired of the same sized board and the same general layout. However, I couldn't even think up another possible gametype that wouldn't boil down into an atrocious PvP format, so I didn't (if I can't come up with a decent solution to an existing problem, I won't even point the problem out - at least if it's something I feel I could fix). I was thinking control nodes or in-bracket-only PvP, but that would just result in a few whales smashing everything. Different board shapes are another possible thing, but that just mixes up the gameplay a little, not really a whole different game mode. But I'll say it here - I'd love new game modes. I just can't come up with any. Rebalancing is happening (they do it in nudges and pushes rather than shoves, at least after Bagnarok). They also mentioned 'new alliance features' at PAX, but I figured those were coming anyway with how hard they're pushing alliances.

    I think it would be cool to have some sort of endless progression-based PvE mode. I haven't fleshed out the idea entirely, but I was picturing something like the current heroic modes, where you had a limited roster and had a map to clear, except in this mode, you only clear each of the missions once, and once you complete the map, the nodes reset with a new limited roster and the enemies would be slightly more powerful. Everyone would have the same limited roster and node scaling through each clear of the map, so you could brag about how many clears of the map you did. Big prizes can be awarded every 5 clears or something like that. There are some obvious problems with this scheme like it being really grindy for veterans to get to a point where the enemies actually become challenging for them, but I think this would be relatively easy for the devs to implement and give us some form of persistent PvE content.
  • Oh wait, I found my Q&A sheet I wrote, I did have one suggestion, just a straight-up survival mode where the player team can't heal (or has reduced healing), go nonstop against enemies with the same team composition. AP carries over as more enemies are spawned, meaning there could be a buildup of green AP and suddenly a wild Ares appears! I liked it. Didn't pitch anything though, as only one suggestion feels.. ehn. I like to give at least two. But yeah, more game modes puh-leeze, maybe split your roster into 3 teams of 3 and have to deal with a different series of challenges using each one without healing or swapping them out? Things like that would be cool.
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    1. More single player content. There is Prologue now we need the actual story.

    2. A shake up of S.H.I.E.L.D. training, reset the boards, and bring the progress rewards in line with the new content. Oh and make those progress rewards obtainable.

    3. Adjust the formulas for scaling in PvE and drop community scaling. Just because most may find it easy doesnt mean I do.
  • I think it would be cool to have some sort of endless progression-based PvE mode. I haven't fleshed out the idea entirely, but I was picturing something like the current heroic modes, where you had a limited roster and had a map to clear, except in this mode, you only clear each of the missions once, and once you complete the map, the nodes reset with a new limited roster and the enemies would be slightly more powerful. Everyone would have the same limited roster and node scaling through each clear of the map, so you could brag about how many clears of the map you did. Big prizes can be awarded every 5 clears or something like that. There are some obvious problems with this scheme like it being really grindy for veterans to get to a point where the enemies actually become challenging for them, but I think this would be relatively easy for the devs to implement and give us some form of persistent PvE content.

    I think the easiest way to do something like this is to take extant content - specifically, the prologue, and, once you hit 100% rewards on either individual maps or the whole thing, it resets from scratch - with rewards - at higher levels. And this keeps on going indefinitely. From a developer standpoint, it's much less work than designing a new map from scratch.
  • Not really good options to start with -- guess devs work from the same set, no wonder what we get is painful.

    How about going by the list:

    1: fix bugs. (sunder and the others reported million times over)
    2: implement the UI requests (tile owner, tab change, spam banners over playfield, killable animations, insta-sell ...)
    3. fix the server finally (work on whatever **** forged client request with sense -- so just preventing all forged spend requests and cheated game results
    4. using the recorded games from 3/ implement play history and game replay UI

    After that it may be worth to start thinking on what really new content is needed.

    If "work on scaling & co" includes the scrap them all for good in a blink, that might worth a vote.

    A bonus 5. point: start thinking up direct player-to-player play.
  • Next? I'm still waiting for what they're working on now (the balance patch).
  • I voted for "improve rating mechanics" because I think the core foundation and balance of the game is a murky mess. The fact that just one mechanic alone, Scaling, can vastly alter your playing experience from another player's is a big problem (i.e. you can have the same roster as someone else but they could have lvl 70 enemies and you can have lvl 300 enemies).

    I want to play this game more, but the game mechanics penalizes me for playing whenever I want (messes up stacks), as often as I want to (increases scaling), and even when I'm not playing at all (community scaling). The game constantly dictates how it wants you to play the game, not the other way around. You can tack on additional new characters and more modes, but the enjoyability will always be asterisked by having to have deep knowledge of how to work with the game mechanics to your benefit.
  • Please, for the love of all that is holy, rebalance existing characters. In a game like this there is absolutely no reason for there to be characters that are so utterly worthless.
    I understand the need for a character tier system but there is no good reason for characters like Loki and Daredevil to be so weak when compared to other 3* characters.
    At the very least they should have some sort of rotating buff/nerf schedule to bring certain characters in and out of usefulness.
  • Katai
    Katai Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    Lazy Bullseye
  • It looks like the big loser is new characters. I guess adding new characters doesn't change the status quo too much compared to the other options and some people already complain there are too many characters being introduced. Improving rating mechanics is starting to pull away, but the other 3 are close behind.

    Personally, I went with "new game modes". Whether it's something more casual to just farm ISO or community/alliance based raids (Galactus!), I would like some variety to the gameplay besides match-3 & activate powers. Even something simpler like challenges/restrictions in certain PvE nodes (e.g. cannot use red power, no special tiles, etc) would be nice to mix things up.

    @pasa_: My poll is more about content and big features for MPQ. Game replays, although a neat idea, is a "nice to have" at best in my opinion. Bug fixing is a definite must, I agree. But that should be a given for any software and should be done constantly.
  • Of course we would want bug fixes and proper MMR, but that should be an expectation and inevitable responsibility, not content to reward the community.

    I would like to see new game modes or variations.. Maybe some stuff like these...

    1) Events or nodes that change the number of characters in a match from the standard 3 - solo, duo, quad matches, maybe even have a bench character that can sub in during a match, but you must remove a hero that is still alive from the game.

    2) Alliance vs. a super boss (maybe Thanos or Galactus) where each member can contribute to widdling them down with the possibility of killing him before the end for ultimate reward.

    3) ISO spill or explosion - AP points are automatically generated each turn for the event.

    4) ISO overdose - heroes randomly lose all abilities save for one during the match, but that ability is buffed.

    5) Tag teaming - take a hero and an alliance member's into a match where you alternate turns and have an in game chat bar.

    6) Direct Alliance vs. Alliance match made events that are short, perhaps even shorter than LR's.

    7) Expand the terrain gems to have more tiered abilities instead of just 2. (Hog dog stand/Narrow alley environment for instance could have 3, 4 , or 5 effects for different amounts...even if for only some events for status quo purists)

    8) Pure 1v1 match made real time PVP queued games with a timer on turns.

    These are just a few ideas, but I could go on all day. Some of these might be harder to implement than others, but some would require very minimal effort or programming.

    I would like to see the other stuff in the poll happen as well, but at the end of the day anything but new modes or variations is just a new coat of paint on the same game. (save for new powers, but for that to make a difference they are going to have to consistently be creative with them. Human Torch's green is an example of a unique mechanic on a new power to give credit where it is due, even if its end result is single target damage. I would like to see more varied effects, like Invisible Woman's Yellow.)